Siri what's that song oh I know this
it's despedido featuring daddy yankee by
Luis FONSI Siri will soon be singing a
different tune
Apple confirmed it bought Shazam the
popular name that tune app that helps
you identify songs shows and movies
Apple music and Shazam are a natural fit
sharing a passion for music discovery
and delivering great music experiences
to our users we have exciting plans in
store Apple said in a statement it
represents just another move from the
Cupertino company to beef up its music
services Apple bought Beats in 2014 for
three billion dollars and though it's no
beats Shazam has consistently been at
the top of the Apple App Store and
Google Play stores and surpassed the 1
billion downloads in September of 2016
Apple and Shazam had been working
together even before the purchase Siri
uses two Sam software to identify music
even if you don't have the app
downloaded on your phone and Shazam lets
you play that tune and add it to your
playlist on Apple music Apple did not
say how much it paid for Shazam but
rumors point at about four hundred
million dollars that's half of what it
was valued at in 2015 and a lot less
than what it paid for four beats
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