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Apple says hello with new MacBooks, while the Internet says goodbye to Prince (Extra Crunchy Ep 34)

the top of the cnet studios in san francisco california is the apple byte extra crunchy podcast with your host Bryan Tom oh yeah you just amped up everyone that's listen to this on the audio podcast their ears was like whoa yeah yeah let's listen to the show let's get in here what's up everybody welcome to the apple byte extra crunchy extra money it's episode 34 we're doing this here on this Thursday and right off the top we first want to acknowledge and just one of the great musicians of all time and I when I use the word musician I think that's an understatement but a prince oh yeah he's rest in peace I mean he's he's even more than an artist right here next level passed away and like it was just I felt sad I'm still feeling sad about her sad I've got emotional about it for a minute you know he's like part of our childhood Oh without a doubt and for me I was able to see him in concert I think three or four years ago then I have always told everyone the best concert i've ever been to the improvisation ons akala t his the flow it was it was amazing and so we wanted to take a moment to acknowledge a prince just at the at the top of the show because we should and if you don't for all the you youngins that have no idea who Prince is or was and will be he's he's a legend he's led to rarified air so shout-out to our boy Prince out there real quick though can i play my favorite prints on i want to oh yeah I should have told you what I'm Andhra Julia was here let's get mine what's here oh yeah 1989 bat dance haha this is during the parade uh when they play this music during the street parade right no this is from the Batman soundtrack that's what I'm saying right yeah right oh I don't know if it's during the parade when the Joker's like just throwing cash all around it could be it could be I forget I haven't seen the movie in so long but I watched this video like three times today I was like whoa it sounds so good here there you go good i'm just gonna fast forward a little bit yeah you gotta get ya yeah this is this is this is the street pray that goes on it has like the toxic fumes and the in the floats and everything oh that's right that's right and he's like you know um so cool I dig it you get all the stuff all the music itself so anyways we just want to salute him and you know just also as a side note just from a standpoint of we're here for a tech show people like hey are you guys gonna talk about tech yeah we're going to talk about tech but just from the whole standpoint of digital distribution iTunes using music freely for parody incorporated into just this mish mash up remix world that the Internet has become Prince wasn't all about that oh man actually I searched far and wide to find those two video clips they're gonna be taken down like in the Davao I bet I bet cuz it was really hard to find him and uh you know a lot of his music is on itunes but I think that's because of his you know negotiations with the record deals I mean it's not necessarily him putting him on there on the iTunes but the record companies put him there obviously and I don't think he was fan of that no and and also even just there was the dancing baby video that everyone talked about that was taken down because which which song which song was you do remember was that foot to use a print song used a prince song that was from like Ally McBeal yeah yes like that then it was put it on the internet and other people were playing with it and they took it down yeah he was not a fan of the internet and even like just a couple months ago November actually last year he's he said no one's ever made any money on the internet show me a musician he's made some money on the internet he's like and then he said something like apples doing well though you know usually he recognizes that's why we're here about the apple pie and then one last note i do remember i think it might have been as as recent as three or four years ago but he actually released a physical copy of his album and it was either put in a magazine or or like a publication of a newspaper but he made his CD available that way like he was still like no so let's go he is old school yeah so uh recipes Prince recipes Purple Rain just a just legendary so that's the news that happened just today and you'll be hearing a lot more about it just through just the new cycle but we're here all about the apple byte extra crunchy we're going to transition over to the macbook Apple dropped it on us an all new macbook this week this is the revamp or the update of the macbook 12-inch the ultra-thin with a USBC port on it apple just put it on us just like hey here's it here it is it features skylake processors which we have anticipated performance gains anywhere from around fifteen to eighteen percent performance gains from a speed standpoint what was really cool is with the solid state drive in there they say that right disk write speeds have bumped up around eighty to ninety percent that's good so it's gonna be a lot faster machine in that way it has a 41.4 watt hour battery translate that to real life use you're getting about 10 hour battery life which is one hour longer than the previous version some drawbacks though show that it still has a 480p FaceTime camera so it's nachi afford a DP FaceTime camera it's like that how is that that's like a four years ago okay that's like four or five years ago and it doesn't have any other ports which we don't expect some people complain it doesn't have Thunderbolt 3 or anything like that but I'm not really concerned about that because that laptop was always made to just have one port and a whole lot of dongles so can we lobby to get those here in the office because we transfer a lot of video files and if we can get some sped up video file transfer speeds going they'll be awesome just just wait because WWDC is a is coming soon and I know if the fact that they just released or not leaked but release this macbook out now and they didn't wait till WWDC tells me that it's going to really be all about the macbook pros and we're going to see some sort of renewed renewed design because otherwise they just they could have just thrown that in there but there's gonna be a lot of focus on those pros I got I got I've got to imagine that's what we're going to see so check them out they start at 12 99 but in a killer deal if you want a refurbished entry level 12 inch macbook from the previous generation you can get that for 9 29 but those go pretty fast once a new product comes out so I'm just throwing it out there because if i'll use web surf bra email tweet do some YouTube video you honestly don't really need the latest and greatest you just know this and you want this super slim form factor this might work out quite nicely for you watching these the commercial here just um it's kind of like the video from the 12-inch yet it's like they're showing off the display and everything like that it is not the thinnest laptop on the market that's that title still goes the recently announced to HP spectre ah so but is the one of the only rose gold laptops on the market okay I I got issues with this whole rose gold phenomena because like everyone is making it like it's a big deal that rose gold is a thing now samsung samsung recently said oh hey you can get our phones and rose gold apples like we're roseville and they look pink let's be real they do it just looks pink yeah it's metal it's metallic pink but they make it like it's this crazy feature like come on I have yet to see a rose gold laptop out of the market if once I do I'm gonna guarantee that i probably won't see one in the next two months if I see one before then and that's not if you guys send me pictures on Twitter something that doesn't count I'm talking about one in the wild other than an apple store it has to be in someone's hands working out like a cafe or something just an update we talked about WWDC the official dates will be june the 13th through the 17th that came from Siri pretty much people started asking Siri when his WWDC it was announced on Cirie before Apple officially confirmed it WWDC will be coming there will be the same kind of ticket lottery process for you guys to go through its 1599 that's not fifteen dollars and ninety-nine cents that is 1599 dollars for your WWDC tickets but that lottery will be happening as well so you can expect to go through that process the other thing that I do expect us to see here is a we kind of talked about it but Mako's Mako's marcos will also appear at WWDC cool can we try that real quick with Siri yeah just ask just can you hold your phone up to your mic Siri win is WWDC happening you gonna turn your volume on your face she's thinking for a long time here the internet is horrible in this room like looks like KITT from Knight Rider right now no there you go DC will be held jun 13 3 jun 17th in san francisco i can't wait she can't wait she can't she can't wait neither can I neither can a lot of people because they're hoping apple does something like really cool like they need something really bad this article coming out from Fast Company kind of reinforces some of the things that we've known but gives us a few more details about Apple secretly pursuing a real hard push into original television programming content where is this kind of the bread crumbs we've heard about them approaching people like Bill Simmons even the top gear crew which reportedly we don't know if this actually did happen or not has never really been confirmed those requests were denied Apple is said to be seeking deals with triple a list talent to create a full roster shows they're really trying to put it themselves on par with Netflix and Amazon Apple's aim is to run several major shows at once kind of like this whole huge rollout launch my main thing is that Apple could have done this years ago again they're behind in this whole content race look a lot of amazing shows are now have kind of settled themselves specifically on the netflix which Stephen still doesn't use don't have it oh yeah Usher seriously all the good stuff on netflix definitely like destination television it is it is it is and it's on demand destination right how can you beat that uh netflix invested over six billion dollars just on content alone this year 6 billion 6 billion that is streaming content as well as original programming Apple is going to have a lot to catch up in that respect as well so we'll see how this all shakes out they said at Sundance Film Festival last year towards the end of last year very recently basically Apple had an iTunes lounge at hosted private invitation only events with filmmakers producers in talent their teams have also been traveling to LA a lot because they're really trying to secure and get these original programming ideas yeah right now all we know programming wise is that they're to do a dr dre kind of bio series yes that's supposed to be her AC and reportedly had like some crazy orgy in it and then there was like some documentary about apps like an app show yes without like app developer thing yeah just watch Silicon Valley that's all you gotta watch yeah watch Silicon Valley that's where it's at you don't you don't need any of that so we'll see how that all shakes out but that's what Apple is doing in your latest iPhone rumor of the week ming-chi kuo is now stating that the rumored AMOLED screen based iphone that is expected to come around sometime in 2017 will also turn back the clock and bring us an all-glass body ah like the ultimate shatter body yes let's just break on let's just break every iPhone we see light if you guys have seen the Samsung Galaxy s7 went to an all glass body and I think at least two people I know dropped in the first week in a Saturday oh my gosh and that was an iphone what4s thing that was yeah i was born 4s thing very glass uh they still held up but i don't know that i don't know if this is the right direction to go per se maybe they can come up with some all new form factor that'll convince us that it's really worth it but we will have to wait and another iphone update Apple has ceded the second iOS 9.3 point2 beta to developers why is this important well it looks like they have restored the night shift ability in low-power mode yeah in this version of the bay today because on the show yeah the sources a show they hear what what we'd really want so they fixed it we are the people we represent your voices here we don't represent Apple we represent your voices so allegedly that is in the developer build we hope to see that in the final bill this is 9.3 iOS 9.3 point2 beta developer some app exact was like in bed going off this is annoying like the same thing I'm doing like going the battery life turning on low power mode then go back then turn he's probably doing the same thing for like couple months or like I'm just pulling my hair out absolutely up I dropped it on you we know we need a stinger for that whatever simply throw that in it's just so bad that we're gonna come up with something yeah something that you and I both have Han I think of rice roni when you say that absolutely what's the cross every single tree that is true uh here's some other kind of sigh side news Apple CEO Tim Cook has been once again named one of the 100 most influential people by time magazine wow it's its annual list Tim Cook has recognized as a Titan alongside many others he looks so mean right there he's a Titan what are you gonna he's like snarling and he's like why are you taking my picture it's really the whole the heaven I have an iPad right here you can take it with his ipad look you can't smile if a pictures black and white that's kind of a rule if there's the vignette kind of shadowing along the side and it's a black and white picture the rule is you cannot smile you have to look tough can do we see any devices in this picture that we've never seen before paper I haven't seen in a long time wow there's paper yeah that that's that's a pretty rare one okay um and then just jumping back if you're an ipad pro fan like myself jony ive has designed a one-of-a-kind one-of-a-kind one of one yellow ipad pro for charity i actually like this whole color scheme this is kind of fun it's playful it's yellow anodized metal so it has it's really a bright yellow metal on the backside it comes with any what is it a french blue leather smart cover I like this and this is the whole color they should do right here what are they doing making this one of one and then the pen has a Italian calf leather I'm assuming it's softer that wraps around the actual apple pencil oh yeah it looks I like the texture of that so someone someone on periscope just said eel they just there's true up in their mouth they threw up hey you want to get some voicemails let's go ahead see what we've done let's go ways as well people's got to say again i forgot to just remind us all on the top of the show the number that you guys can all call is a 1-800 61 62 63 8 we love it your comments your voice your bad apples name where you're from get to it and you'll be in our show like the rest of these people are all right this is jack from Wisconsin hey Brian hey Steven this is jack from Wisconsin absolutely love the show I was just wondering if you guys are thinking seeing that WWDC is coming up do you think that Apple is going to be releasing a new macbook with Retina display and do you think we're going to be seeing major design change in macbook pro line thanks to keep up the show I absolutely love it have a good one you did you hear he absolutely loves the show absolutely loves it he dropped that one on us like cattle while we looted too early in the show MacBook Pros have definitely got to see a major redesign at WWDC 100% expecting that we see the 12-inch released early which all points that that's going to be the rock star of the show we will see obviously the OS is tivos iOS and Makos people in the in the YouTube chat room were like what's macos I guess they didn't get muscle sweet but it's mac OS apple is expected to change the name of mac OS 10 to Makos to align with iOS and tivos and watch oz I'm gonna create a character that just uh does that all day yeah I could be like tell if they could all be different characters like Teletubbies okay let's go next call all right this is a good one here here we go oh oh my name is it I want to bait and i'm calling from great i love your show and I have a question in the guard to apple iphone absolutely success um I was wondering are there any apps for people with disabilities specifically anyone with cerebral palsy like myself and does the apple health app that's included in the phone work with people that are doing physical therapy not just exercise and if it does how would I tip that up especially since I have an Apple watch alright so I I did do some research about this and look I searched cerebral palsy and other medical apps on in the App Store and I didn't find much I really felt like two or three but mostly most of them were just for you know just just diagnosed a tracing yeah diagnosing it there was a couple exercise apps you know but I don't think it's really what he's looking for for like tracking his uh his you know his exercise and stuff like that but um I was thinking also maybe the ipad has some more more robust apps and it really wasn't much it might you know the thing about it is really what most companies have done with Apple they have their accessibility features which i'm sure you've dug into more than enough but anything specific to even the health app being able to track some of your movements it's not going to probably be the most accurate if it's really looking for a specific type of stride or gate so we will keep our eyes open but we wanted to address it just because a we love that you're a fan of the show and you're calling all the way from Kuwait yes um and we'll keep our eyes on this and if lit this is the best way a lot of times we have listeners from around the world if you guys have any input or ways that you can let us know about maybe an app that you use or family member uses this is a great way to kind of build that community of like hey maybe try this this may not do everything for you but this might help so we throw it out to the apple byte yeah and then we might makes us do some research to realism it does too so thanks for the call all right here is uh Bernard hello Brian Steven this is benari coming from the south suburbs of Chicago Illinois um I have a very quick yet strange question for you guys um is ribbon bobbing for a very long time I've asked this question from different people and no one has been able to answer it so I'm go ahead and give you guys a shot maybe you could help me out um let's see here why is it that Apple does not allow you to make ringtones with your songs that you have when you're following for example if i buy a song from itunes you know they have apps you can download and you can actually turn the song into a ringtone but you can't use it or you cannot um manipulate it into whatever you want to do with you didn't see you actually connected to a computer all right let's stop it there yeah you can stop him right there yes so you can do this in itunes yeah you can't do it with your phone I cannot know and a lot of this has to do also with performance rights so there was there was a ruling a long time ago where if your phone rings and there's a song playing and there's like five people around and they all hear the song it's almost considered a performance royalty so they kind of put the kibosh on that stop that from happening but you can go into itunes and make some tweaks and make a ringtone yeah we have i created a veal honestly this years ago years ago and if you can even look it up of or you can look on your own how to make ringtones and iTunes and the gentleman does address the fact that yeah I could plug it in there and it is kind of you'd almost think it is kind of odd but what Stephen speaking to about ringtones right Apple sells the song but Apple does also sometimes cell ringtones of songs and they sell them separately yes because of those performance rights yes so when you connect your phone if you've purchased any song there's a way to basically set the starting time and the ending time of the segment of the song you want you make a copy of it you then create an AAC version of that it's all available in iTunes to do this and then once you have that AAC version i think the actual file is like dot m4v you can then take that file and drag it into like your ringtones folder and it'll be available yeah so there's more details i'm not going to walk it step by step because this is an audio podcast figure it out but that is really essentially what you do and you can do that with all the stuff you've purchased I've done it plenty of times so it is still possible but you're right just not on your phone there is no real solution for that cool hopefully there will be in the next phone but problem everyone get your prints ringtone set up right now yeah everyone's doing that today okay got one more call hey this is brian from new orleans and what i would like you all to help me with we're having this discussion at around the water cooler at work and you know are we in the dark ages for innovation right now we were talking about kind of some of the big things that are happening right now there's VR there's messaging apps and then it seems like everything else is just high-resolution screens and bendable screens and it really just seems to be engineers tweaking designed you know we used to be where Apple would be the big innovator with the iPad or the iphone and just kind of blow our minds with something we didn't even think of but now you can almost predict what Apple is going to do a year out so you know in y'all opinion will they ever come back and get their mojo back or with another company step up this is a great question first of all Brian from another Brian always got appreciate the name Brian you're right on the money is the question is innovation I don't want to say it's in the dark days but how about this is innovation for apple in its in the dark days that's what I was gonna say i'll say innovation across across the world is i don't all time high all time hiring why honestly with apple just seems stagnant yeah you like you said we can see some of these things a year ahead of time look this is this is how I've always kind of seen a product comes out someone tries it people don't realize what it is sometimes the company itself doesn't realize what it is but it takes off look at the Amazon echo to me that is a perfect example of a product that no one just because they just decided to make it it wasn't Apple who use their Syria wasn't Google you use their voice which has they both you know Google's is one of the best Cortana even right Microsoft's Cortana oh yeah but Amazon made the echo and that's an innovative product not everyone thinks it's for them but I'm going to tell you if you use it you'll be like I see where this is going this could potentially this is something that I'm willing to invest in and will be something I might use in the future in the next few years it might not be ready for you yet but it's the stepping stone of voice automation voice interactivity and just getting comfortable with that idea and that behavior virtual reality smart cars autonomous driving is a big thing time is driving cars drones there's a lot of the thing is there's a lot of innovation happening outside of apples wheelhouse yes that's why it feels like Apple isn't innovating and so I do have a little story to sort of here's a story from Steven Beecham well it's actually from the road but uh this was posted today and I saw and I'm like the Apple car I mean my prediction is keeps coming hold on coming you're right my or my 2016 prediction just keeps this building and building I could see a building so anyway Apple allegedly hires former Tesla vice president Aston Martin engineer Chris poor it okay so this is a big this is a big thing I mean this is like Apple car ran all over right of course it does um so I mean go read this story in the roadshow calm but um yeah they just made a big higher and he worked for Tesla he knows some things about smart cars yep and they'll still be behind Tesla and 2020 it's like I just thought that was cool so of course what's the best way to try to catch up hire a guy from your competitor dude yeah and though the competitors way ahead of you I apple doesn't even have a frame of a car right now okay let's be real yeah and the Tesla 3 they have said it's expected even people that put their name on the fielder their models might come around like two thousand and like 19 oh yeah 20 totally it's a ways out so even if apple announces something it's not like they're gonna have multi you know millions tens of millions of units like they do an iphone this is a car yeah it's not that easy I don't even know how even me saying it's not that easy is probably a gross understatement of how hard it is well justjust my time spent at the detroit auto show this year like i've heard people a lot of people talking about just designing a car takes five to seven years just to like just in the ground up yeah so you know and then prototyping and then testing and making sure it's safe for the road all that stuff so I'm gonna tell you right now Apple don't make it look like a Prius with sex here oh don't you like I've seen some concepts out there even years ago like five years ago people are like what could it be like don't don't do that if you do that seriously so we went from the guys question about innovation to like the Apple car but it's not gonna be an innovative you know what I mean we don't know we don't know but it's not innovative it's already been done and done well like it Tesla's car has been done well enough where you can't tell me something's gonna leapfrog it by 5 10 years yeah Tesla looks cool too so you now it went once a product gets that like big jump ahead of everyone else then everyone else kind of plays catch-up than everyone else starts catching up to each other and then it becomes like very subtle improvements and no innovation yeah but innovation is not dead in other areas it's just apples consumer product space that's where it said if Apple had come out with the echo quite honestly that could be everyone would it would be it would it would have been an innovative product what I'm fortunately enough Siri isn't that great compared to other voice recognition as well it's got a lot better don't get me wrong but it's not as good as the others so there you go all right ladies and gentlemen boys and girls I think we're gonna call it a day today I think so we're gonna wrap this up again this is the apple byte extra crunchy every week we do this darn show together thank so much for watching thanks so much for calling thanks so much for being a part of our show we will see you all next week puse you
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