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Apple strikes again at FBI. What's next in the iPhone-hack battle? (CNET Update)

the battle between Apple and the FBI is just getting started I'm Bridget Carey this is your scene that update a historic legal fight between Apple and law enforcement is heating up it all started over one eye phone but the impact of this case goes way beyond one phone it could shape the future of all computer security determining if corporations can be ordered to do hacking and computer forensics at the government's request apple filed a formal legal response to the court order that it needed to help the FBI unlock an iPhone that belonged to one of the San Bernardino shooters the 65 page filing opposed the order with Apple arguing that the court is violating its constitutional rights under the first and Fifth Amendment's apple says what the government is asking it to do is too dangerous unprecedented and is a boundless interpretation of the law Apple's lawyers argue that this would not be a one-time situation this isn't about giving the government a secret master passcode that it had all along you see Apple was asked to have its own engineers write a new type of software to put on the phone to break in and Apple argues that writing computer code is as protected as free speech since this code would be destroying the secure product that Apple originally created Silicon Valley is coming together to support apple on this Microsoft's chief legal officer has said Microsoft wholeheartedly backs Apple in the fight and it's going to file an amicus brief to the court in support facebook twitter and google also said they would do the same at an annual investor being held on apple's campus friday CEO Tim Cook told shareholders in attendance that he's not afraid of a fight with the feds and the five hundred or so shareholders in the room were giving standing ovations to Tim Cook showing support to Apple so what is next the government can respond to apples objections by March 10th and Apple could have the last word with another statement by March fifteenth but everyone is coming to court on march twenty seconds so that's the data watch a federal magistrate judge will hear both sides and make a ruling that's it for this tech news update and you can stay up-to-date on all the developments as cnet com from our studios in New York I'm Bridget Carey
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