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Apple tightens up, restricts fart apps on Apple Watch

some apps just don't cut it for the Apple watch I'm Bridget Carey and this is your seen that update Apple pay will soon work with all major US credit cards discover announced it will work with Apple's tap to pay service on the new iPhone 6 models and the Apple watch in a statement discover said its credit and debit cards will work with Apple pay in the fall and that also includes in-app online purchases made on the iPhone 5s and the latest iPads it's only been a few days since the Apple watch officially launched but not all those that pre-ordered have received their SmartWatch in the mail yet research firm slice intelligence suggests that only twenty-two percent of Americans that pre-ordered receive their watch and the group says that leaves 1.3 million Americans still waiting many without an estimated delivery date these are not exact numbers but the firm is basing this estimation on a survey of two million online shoppers in the US and when consumers do get an Apple watch there's one type of app you will not be able to use on your wrist Apple is not approving any fart apps for the watch the makers of the sound effect app fart watch report that their program was rejected with Apple telling the developers quote we do not accept fart apps on the Apple watch many fans of flatulence are expressing disappointment online some say Apple really blew it on this one and who says someone like Beyonce doesn't want her $10,000 luxury item being used as a digital whoopee cushion this is just a limitation on her artistic freedom but her husband jay-z may have a bigger issue with Apple on his mind the rap artist and entrepreneur has been defending his new title music streaming service from critics ever since it launched less than a month ago jay-z launched title in partnership with many big-name musicians but there was something tone-deaf about several mega millionaires all taken to a stage telling their fans to pay more for their streaming music even though title has only been out for a few weeks jay-z took to Twitter to defend the paid service saying that title has over seven hundred and seventy thousand subscribers and that title needs time to ro jay-z also tweeted that title pays more without Mittleman giving 75% of royalties to the artists title costs subscribers ten dollars a month and if you want a higher CD quality sound that's going to be twenty dollars a month there's no free ad-supported option the artist known for dealing with 99 problems maybe adding apple to his list in a few months it's been reported that Apple is working on its own page streaming service to challenge title if artists give exclusive streaming rights to title or to Apple that could determine which service wins out that your tech news update you can have Rhoda for more from our studios in New York I'm Bridget Carey
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