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Apple to invest $1B in content, Essential phone to ship within a week (CNET News)

this is CNET and here the stories that matter right now according to The Wall Street Journal Apple is reportedly spending 1 billion dollars on original entertainment content over the next year the move is definitely a page from Netflix playbook which plans to spend 7 billion dollars on content in 2018 The Journal estimates that Apple's 1 billion dollar investment should be enough to fund roughly 10 shows after essential had missed the company's target shipping date for its first entry in the smartphone market now comes word that pre-orders for the black version of the phone will begin shipping within seven days will soon be able to see how the $700 device performs and what's already a crowded Android space and finally Google's home smart speaker can now place calls through the device using the built-in assistant the new features rolling out in the US and Canada and the outgoing recipient must be in your Google contacts list for now the person receiving the call will not see caller ID info but Google says it should be able to fix that by the end of the year you could stay up to date with the latest by downloading the CNET tech today app in the Apple or Google Play Store
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