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Apple will share your locations with 911 responders (The 3:59, Ep. 415)

welcome to the 359 I'm Roger Chang I'm Ben Fox ribbon making a 9-1-1 call on your iPhone Apple will automatically share your location with emergency responders and this is a case where you don't actually mind that Apple is sharing your information it's also throwing a bone to authorities after the company last week said that would close a loophole that had allowed law enforcement to hack into your iPhone so it's Apple you know take it away giving now I think that's your opinion that you won't mind having the location shared especially with everything that's been going on this year with Cambridge analytic and Facebook I feel like people would even look at something like this skeptically where even if you're in an emergency how would this be used against me how could this be hacked what's Apple doing with this information and I think Apple tends to have a better reputation yeah it comes to security and privacy and even that kind of shows what 2018 has turned into as far as like being really attentive to privacy from a consumer perspective to be fair Apple has been doing this since 2015 in some format what they're doing with this iOS 12 update is really bringing across the board and adding a new technology that allows for the iPhone to securely share your location data so you know it in Apple's can in Apple's defense it seems like they're working to well share your information do it in a way that's secure yeah and as far as like sharing your private information in your location this to me seems like a much more useful thing like I'm in an emergency and emergency responders need to know where I am that's much more relevant in my mind to I don't know what Foursquare you would do or that's warm or whatever those things are where it's just sharing your location right for the hello good all right next up JPEG turns 25 this year oh my god happy birthday way to go Jake for your present you will likely get pushed off as a successor comes in to take your place there are a number of different formats Aseema Shanklin profile JPEG Excel this is a format that promises it to be what 50 to 60 percent more efficient basically on file size by 60% 80% which means that it will prove your cloud storage you'll have more data space on your phone I didn't think I cared about JPEGs until I read Stevens story so you should check it out well look I think everyone who runs in a situation where their phone runs out of space because they've got all these photos jammed into them is gonna want to relate to this this basically doubles the capacity of your phone for the same quality of photos right now it's not all just pure benefit unfortunately there's gonna be a lot of confusion I think Apple Google Microsoft Mozilla a bunch of other companies are working on rival standards beyond JPEG Excel there's there's one there's a offshoot of the high format that Apple has already put into their iPhones there's another one by Mozilla there's just there are tons of different ones that really can cause some confusion if if folks don't actually support all these different format yeah and and it's a good point that JPEGs do need an overhaul they're 25 years old I mean what sort of other than the headphone jack what sort of technology ends up living that long but at the same time I think consumers really hate standards Wars oh yeah all right last week's merger of 18 T Time Warner have net neutrality proponents freaking out obviously came a few days after the net neutrality rules came off the books so a lot of folks are a lot or concerned about what a company with his combined power can do let's talk about zero rating yeah tell me tell me a little bit about that and with the time we have there already is a practice of offering you a service without it eating into your data plan and so that sounds great on surface but if you're a company like 18t you've got a service called DIRECTV now and you push that as a data free product it doesn't hurt your data plan at all you're more likely to use that then say Netflix or YouTube which does eat into your data count so the concern there is that because ATT and unfair competition or unfair advantage we're some of those other services and in particular smaller no-name services that are just getting started right so again this is the idea everything has to be treated equally and in this case 18 T isn't and so it's interesting to note the FCC under the Obama administration actually looked at this practice and really raised some flags about it but once the the new FCC administration under Trump came in with I is chairman they basically did away with that investigation thank you for that info all right for these stories check us out at CNM Roger Cheng I'm Ben Fox ribbon thanks for listening I really try to cram in a lot there you know a lot about zero rating I think we were like 30 seconds over get to my I didn't even get to my complaint about the fact that I don't actually think that on the surface yeah that's a consumer benefit absolutely totally appreciate the idea that smaller services might be it might be a little bit more competitive or a little more difficult for them to break in yep that was gonna be difficult to begin with because they have to go up yes you've got a another hurdle that that's thrown it it's because of the fact that it's 18 T's and Verizon's of the world have so much power they own 10 plus the pipes connecting you yeah but like what's what's next where you're gonna tell Amazon to stop offering different Prime perks like that that's that's a good enough service stop doing it you being too good to your customers that's unfortunate well if I think yes if it doesn't no way that they take the vent of your power to put other companies trying to offer similar services at a disadvantage mm-hmm because of the infrastructure you know I think the conversation would change if it owned the post office right oh well wait until later this year Jeff Bezos has a lot of money this true well he is promising to to give it all away maybe the idea of charity is to buy the post office you know what not the crazy thing bales free everybody that uh that that could maybe have it no absolutely not anyway we should get to questions yeah I would also love to hear from the chat as far as this Apple 911 service does this is this something that you would use are you excited about it does it give you pause I'd love to hear people's opinions about it because did my privacy issue but I don't think it's something you could switch off I think this is like no choice you're like automatically interesting so it's not like I don't think there's a I'm not an optin thing yeah yeah yeah I want to know if that was something to Apple opted to do and offer as a feature if you will or was that something that the government kind of got involved in and would like where did the source from hmm that's a great question we don't know I don't no idea I know they started offering it three years ago I just don't know if it was done at the behest of loss of law enforcement or if it was done as a feature that Apple is promoting I know there's certainly gonna be people who are just in general opposed to the idea of location sharing at large I think this is one of the instances where there is a positive outlook to it we do have to be careful of course because having an information available everything can be abused and we are terrible species I just said it before I'll say it again I want that put on the t-shirt and I don't know I think that there's a lot of potential here but there is some confusion in the chat about exactly what this means I'm Matthew dad sure ask wasn't sharing location and issue with 911 for a while now yeah I think that was what an issue is in there was some debate over it whether the sharing location location sharing yes right I you know what I I be honest I don't know enough about I mean I know even what inai one one is I didn't know that there was a debate over location sharing I thought that was one of the primary features that needed to be put into e-911 is the ability to share location because cell towers aren't always accurate and it's not as reliable as say calling from a landline in which they can pinpoint your location exactly but that was the point of e 9-1-1 is to make 9-1-1 calls on your cell phone as location-based as interesting we have some really well-thought-out comments here from Ned 669 I'm not sure if I've seen you before in the chat sir do you guys recognize them no I've never heard of Ned so if you're a newbie welcome it's great to have you welcome fantastic comments here he says I think this is a good thing for safety it makes me wonder how they'll know something is wrong without already listening I think that YouTube should branch into a security service people could live stream to secure servers that could also be connected to first responders and trained moderate and trained moderates watching these moderators could be AI the video can be extremely helpful with doctors and problem-solving if they saw what was happening as it unfolded kind of thing like a gunshot wound to the who knows where that's that's me riffing here with training AI may be able to spot problems most illnesses have some form of external indicators weather change in habits or visual indicators like color for example this is incredibly well thought out and I yeah we all just lost our job to Ned Wow well I don't know that anybody thinks of YouTube in that way and I also I do like that I think it'll izing AI to to recognize that I automatically recognize certain scenarios or certain medical issues yeah I don't know if they probably do with with the Amazon echo look they brought up the idea that if you're gonna have a camera that has certain AI functionality and this one was to tell you whether your outfit looked good or not you know versus one of the other and people started to freak out about that and they said eventually this is going to be able to tell if you're gonna have if you have skin cancer or tell if you are depressed or certain visual cues on your face there were all these different types of concepts that were being thrown out there that weren't embedded into the technology that we're not actually being used so it goes back to the privacy issue yeah we'd say yeah there's definitely gonna be this constant push and pull between what it can do and what we're actually comfortable with right and whether it does it automatically like every single time you point a camera at somebody or they notice that uh-oh like Ben didn't eat his breakfast this morning yeah I don't know if you do want to get this just been disappointed in you yeah that is that is too bad but anyway Ned I'm gonna gives you a granola bar I'll be right back Thank You Ned thank you very much for the comment yeah very interesting yeah definitely well-thought-out really impressed thank you I think this is about the the 911 one feature but I'm not entirely certain since 911 one specifically implies the american-based emergency service although other nations have their own different version of it's right dense don't asks how many countries will this feature be available and what will the process time be this is just the US and it's when iOS 12 gets released which is later this year yeah usually in the fall yeah it aligned with the new iPhone so yeah definitely in the in the US we don't know what happened I mean there are as you mentioned as correctly mentioned there are multiple thank you it's very important there are multiple different kinds of emergency services 9-1-1 so right now I think it's just yeah I think so don't ever leave service Roger look if it if it saves like one life hey then Apple Apple should I don't know bring it to more countries and there's no reason why they wouldn't what would the u.s. just be like the testing grounds for this as of as of yet I don't know honest I don't know it's just I know it's been integrated into the system here in the US and I don't know what apples I imagine they do similar things in other countries but it's just I'm not sure yeah the announcement today was more US specific but and definitely appreciate the question we'll try to look into what other global things there are like what how it impacts globally and we'll have much sharper answers now that Brian through some food at us as always I love it when we actually have like kind of good news something that's actually forward-thinking instead of just another stupid app so for sure my perspective from oh wait hold on a second actually I wanted to talk a little bit about this compression format because there are so friggin many out there that are trying to come down the pipeline this just reminds me of a CH D DVD versus blu-ray yeah the same kind of showdown here oh yeah III can imagine we have got a bunch of companies large companies all with the vested interest in making sure like that next standard is their standard and so definitely why like why do they care whether it's going to be JPEG Excel or a F avi F or whatever there are a number of reasons the techno the underlying technology may work better with what their systems handle you know they may have vested interest because they've got patents related to it there's one there's at least one that's got licensing revenue attached to it and so there's there's definitely monetary motive there so they're just a number these factors it's yeah I think it's gonna get pretty messy fortunately in the meantime we do have JPEG to kind of give us this universal standard but it could be a little weird we're always seeing some weirdness now with that htif standard have a pollution on their iPhones and so they're they're not 100% edible with other devices right they had like they have to get formatted into into like avi or in peg or unpack I believe for it to work elsewhere so it's just gonna be bumpy for a while yeah yeah it's a transition but I feel like the the end result is totally worth it like having more space or having a more of space-efficient format is really the ultimate goal for a lot of these formats I take so many more photos now that I have a smartphone and it's not like I just got a smartphone that's been going on for years and you just end up with like thousands and thousands of photos yeah so there needs to be some sort of solution where it does get properly compressed I mean like having an Android makes it easier it all gets pushed over to Google Photos right with unlimited storage but when I did have an iPhone there was always that push and pull of trying to I use Google photos to have an iPhone and it pushes the Google photos standard storage area for photos because I can think of when searches on it it's a lot more convenient to use them Apple photos yeah Roger speak up the mics losing you sorry stop whispering it Ben you're on her show yeah voices starting to give out I'm trying to push it for the last few minutes here all right we are almost out of time sir enjoy ask isn't PNG already trying too hard to replace jpg how's that working out for him oops sorry PNG PNG ng has been around for a couple years and it does crop up in my life every now and then I can't say that I know now who's behind PNG but I can't I also don't believe that it's as new as some of these other standards that are yeah totally totally these standards are coming out or like not even in they're not playlet you can't use them yet so PNG has been around for a while I don't think even our systems I keep having to reformat ng so sorry no PNG missed you missed the boat man I mean PNG preserves alpha channel so I use it a lot here when we're doing graphic work I don't even know what that means what does that mean that a good transparency oh okay okay so well transparency is one of the things that some of these new formats are dealing with as well so there uses blockchain that's what you're telling me as well is that the new Bitcoin it is yes that's as PNG is Bitcoin base yeah which is why it's so good APEC is asking the question that's on everybody's mind what will happen when there is want more than one compression protocol and the phones don't support it are we gonna get into the same proprietary BS that we see with a lot of other different electronic formats and different platforms these days yeah I mean that I really possible that is the big concern is I think that you know Google well the Android could push one format Apple will push another one sending emails to each other with or sending photo attached to each other might might make for a mess part of me thinks that they'll they'll figure out like workarounds like though though they'll convert the formats or whatever so they're they're available or they're accessible to everyone but it is gonna be like I said it's gonna be messy and it's gonna be kind of I don't clunky for a while until they figure out like everyone agrees to one universal standard right and more than likely if you're an Apple person and you're solely in the Apple universe and you don't have any Google or Android friends then you might not notice because Andrew friends that's just kind of sad like you should make more friends I guess I don't know sure and is that why you never call cuz I'm an angry text messages to you so true you know but are they angry in the professional context or a personal context both yeah yeah Raj is really good with uh with with layering his anger we are really getting into some deep deep cuts here that's right David shirts what about gif when are they going to update that and yes I said gif you know what I wish anklet was here I don't know it's around for a while gifs will be around for a while anyway Jeff will be here for a while I just don't know cuz Shanklin is our real expert here and if he was on we would totally ask him in fact the next time he's visiting New York we'll have a want to show to specifically talk about Jeb like different like photo standards and also ask him whatever questions you want on input/output and really anything he knows everything actually he does know everything but I've always been really impressed with his knowledge on input/output like he will tell you the entire history of you know like like the Lightning jack or USB type-c and like where it came from so that's true we would we would love to have him on the show and thank you very much for the questions unfortunately yeah like he's neither qualified to use very much the expert when it comes to that all right yeah gif area I send a get send you a Jeff of Mario how do you feel about that I I'm not the one who mispronounced is Mario right that's him alright yeah if there are any question like so on the net neutrality side Roger is the expert on that so we can we can get real sorry any net neutrality or 18 T Time Warner questions or Comcast Disney both bidding on Fox sorry is that sorry at her that's better because I figured out how to make make radio or many TV whatever the hell this is I miss the headphones I don't really know how I sound now yeah yeah yeah that was the problem all right do we have more questions or yeah oh my god oh that I think that's pretty much it alright we're gonna wrap it up for the day I don't I don't I don't want to talk about AT&T anymore I'm tired of him all right that's there sir will you talk about net neutrality a lot last week really the last few months and so we can take a break it's gonna come up again unfortunately will sorry Brian yeah Brian well there's still more Nunda Charlie needs to come you know good news if you're not Natale supporter or bad news if you're against net neutrality so but there is definitely more to come later this week we'll definitely talk about on the podcast cool all right you want me to do it do it go for it man 3:59 is available on iTunes tune in stitch our feedburner google play music the Amazon echo thanks everybody for sending your questions yes thank you again tomorrow and over here your app why don't this over here later folks you
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