Apple's iOS 10 hits public beta -- should you test it? (CNET's Open_Tab)
Apple's iOS 10 hits public beta -- should you test it? (CNET's Open_Tab)
it's time to parlay this conversation
into what we're kind of experiencing in
the iOS 10 beta the public beta is out
if you have an Apple device you can get
it on your tablet on your phone whatever
the hell else they make what have you
played around with it at all briefly um
Jacob put actually on his iPhone I
refuse to put it on mine why is that
because we talked about this today on
foreground betas or BS well it's a
number of things I'd done the beta on my
6 plus last year and the the the
releases for it aren't there's there's
no rhyme or reason for the releases and
then wait what is that the the update
for the bay there's no rhyme or reason
because there's certain things that may
not work or may work like deauxma
players that's a developer thing but and
um and then when the full one comes out
there sometimes a problem just pushing
that through sometimes you just wind up
having to write to download and forces
like you know what I'll just wait last
thing I do is try to make a phone call
and have that be the one feature not
work yeah I'm pretty sure that's a safe
bet that that'll always right it's funny
even even like my my my mom who's very
disconnected from like the you know
keeping track of iOS updates she's
always like yeah I'll wait till the
point one comes out just because I know
I gotta let that dust settle a little
bit and she's not wrong really it really
has they have to shake the cobwebs out
of that thing before you can get a
reliable there's so much pressure to
keep putting something out to stay
innovative is to keep ahead that a lot
of times we become the beta testers even
even totally like don't don't don't be
mistaken they are collecting data on on
how the beta goes and you know taking
that under consideration so you are you
familiar with any of the new features or
is there anything about ten are sort of
psyched about um the text features
probably fun back and forth with you
know my son so forth the lift when you
lift it up in the notification seems
pretty cool to swing the notification
sounds like they're spending a lot more
time on the lock screen to read that the
lock screen isn't cool notifications um
what I would love and hopefully they'll
do it is maybe under the settings with
3d touch yeah if they'd enable it where
you can customize it because you don't
think I really want to go to another
really quickly from the settings would
be to turn my hot spot on and off I
think that would be really cool i mean
i'm not sure if they did anything with
that um what else did they do with that
thing well well tie your you're an
Android guy right like myself you've
seen an iphone have you touched one I
had I think the last iOS I had a virus
55 okay I had a big smile oh he's
touching you I had these the 4s or the
four right so and then I went to Android
what so you've been there for a while me
personally I am indifferent like I am an
Android guy because I happen to like
that OS better right um I don't I think
if something came along attractive
enough from an iphone I would switch
I've just never been presented with an
opportunity to be like oh this is the
time to switch over is there something
that would would convince you to
consider making the switch I don't know
if the design was good enough yeah I
think that that particularly the iphone
is sort of being in a kind of holding
pattern design wise right I think the
fall was probably the nicest and there
was a throwback was it the 6s had the
glass back again no the day before
before I said that was the last of the
glass okay Lex I like that designer for
that phone yeah i think you know you get
a lot more variety obviously with
android you've got hundreds of different
models you can choose from that's a
mixed blessing right that's all right
that you deal with fragmentation and
issues like that right and the fact that
each manufacturer has to modify the OS
to fit your phone why get it by six
months or that's why you buy nexus and
that's the Nexus have had some really
nice phone definitely ah Mike in the
control room tells me there is a
question from the chat room yeah guys so
a Nicholas says if there's one thing he
doesn't like about iOS 10 it's clicking
the home button to unlock the phone so
because there was a big change with the
notification screen and the unlock
screen right and on YouTube we had
someone who asks i'm not sure if we know
its definitively yet though did Apple
fix the battery problems with iOS 10 on
the iphone 6s I don't know about that
with the battery stuff it might be too
early to tell yeah I mean when you're in
bed you can never rely on battery yeah i
mean i would assume it burns your
battery quicker
yeah um I think one thing that's also
overlooked when it comes to the whole
iOS Android thing is money invested um I
have the first iphone and didn't get
another iphone again until the 4s but I
did get an ipod touch in between that
and i purchased a number of songs
speaking of which everybody was talking
about purchases and at that time Apple
had you locked because they were you
know the music was encrypted yeah so you
know between music purchased movie
purchases apps purchase sometimes you're
kind of just locked there because you
spent more money on your library than
you actually did on the device and I do
and I have like from the first
generation ipod touch have been
purchasing stuff through it so I mean
I'm well invested in that maybe if there
was an incentive program where let's say
you wanted to buy an android device and
developer said hey you want Angry Birds
for such-and-such if you're switching
from iOS will give you a discount or
something like that they may they may
inspire a jump between but that's
probably another reason why a lot of
people's probably stay with where they
are they just defend it till then
because no one wants to you on the
sinking ship so to speak all right you
have your marching orders mr. Cook
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