Apple's iPhone 5SE will look just like the iPhone 5S (Apple Byte Extra Crunchy Podcast, Ep. 27)
Apple's iPhone 5SE will look just like the iPhone 5S (Apple Byte Extra Crunchy Podcast, Ep. 27)
live from the scene at studios in san
francisco california is the apple byte
extra crunchy with your host Bryan Todd
what's up everybody welcome good
afternoon good evening good morning
depending on when you're listening to
this amazing podcast it's the apple byte
extra crunchy we are hitting up episode
27 27 we're going strong we're still in
business man havent man we're still in
business my mom is listening your mom's
listening we are good we just want to
say thank you everyone who is listening
continues to watch this show grow we've
got people right our network is deep
periscope ICU periscoping youtubers I
see you live streamers I see you I'm
looking at the correct cameras when i
call them out tune in soundcloud youtube
live stream itunes feet all that we are
here it's it's our we're up again this
show is all about you guys we're just
here to present the information to talk
about it we love hearing your calls we
got some calls this week as usual call
us at one eight hundred 61 62 63 eight i
expect to hear voice mails about
whatever you want you can have questions
topics we know apple's event is coming
up in march if you want to ask us
questions about that if you want to talk
more FBI Apple we can also talk about
that as well so let's just jump right
into it we're going to continue this
whole FBI vs apple saga there is more
news to report just to kind of catch up
on the cliff notes right the FBI
requested Apple to create a backdoor
into iOS creating kind of what everyone
is referring to as the FB i-- OS you
like that beat jump you like that that's
glover is you could like logo it out and
everything it's like kind of cool right
so Apple said no the tech world
supported apple and said no and here's
here's the latest happenings are just
kind of some very interesting things
first of all the latest report from the
New York Times says Apple engineers have
now begun developing new security
measures for a new basically version of
the iOS that's basically going to make
it pretty much impossible for not only
Apple but also government officials to
hack into iPhone so they're making
a more secure more highly encrypted a
version that they won't even be able to
get into yeah in response to all this
happen and it's almost like a they're
almost racing to get this done too
before Congress or any you know
Judiciary Committee steps in and makes
any new laws for them to not be able to
do this so it's crazy this is according
to people close to the company and
security experts as well here's the
thing if Apple does succeed in upgrading
it security we know right now the FBI is
requesting a court order so let's say
this goes through okay it means that the
next version or the next evolution of
iOS will not be FBI OS it'll be a more
secure version and then what this would
likely prompt is another cycle of court
fights and yet again more probably it's
it's a race it's becomes a race yeah
actually one of the Argo enhancer cycle
yeah one of them actually referred to it
as an arms race yeah a line of soda
speaks through it's very interesting
what's going on but um erase de los
Brazos yeah see my spanish-speaking
community I'm multi-cultural but I
didn't did I say race I don't even think
I said raised properly I just said de
los Brazos yeah of the arms yeah it
works um the only way out of this and
this is what Tim Cook has actually
suggested is for Congress to get
involved to make a decision on this
situation between the FBI and apple
recently we know that uh Tim Cook is
supposed to be an apple they're supposed
to give a response to the court order on
februari the 26th which would be
tomorrow but it's expected that Tim Cook
is going to say we want Congress to
decide this yeah which is which is a
tough sell because Congress doesn't do
anything they just kind of sit and
collect our tax money so committed that
he would suggest Congress yeah he's like
why don't you get them involved they
don't do anything they're probably not
even working so you know now here here's
another thing that everyone is wondering
what makes this so much harder to you
know why can't they just get the data
from the phone so for
ample and we have a call about this
federal wiretapping laws require
traditional phone carriers so right
you're a tease your verizon's to make
their data accessible to law enforcement
agencies that is by law but tech
companies like Apple and Google and so
on are not covered by this so they have
continued to fight and resist
legislation that would play similar
requirements on them hence that's why
they have a voice in this battle that's
why Apple can speak up against what the
FBI and the Justice Department is
requesting from them right now that
that's what's going on yeah it's big
unpressed unprecedented to that a giant
humongous company from the from America
would say no straight up no right not
going to do this I don't think that's
ever happened in in history and they're
arguing they're using the argument with
the writs Act of 1789 the all writs Act
of 1789 which basically says they're
basically saying that it's out of the
FBI's jurisdiction right that's why
they're calling on Congress to pass a
law to get this taken care of so it's
very interesting so let's just kind of
take a pause and we're gonna jump into
we have a really cool phone call from
one of our own Apple biters shamar
Shamel he actually works for a carrier
so he kind of has a little more insight
on this whole situation between Apple
and FBI so we'll take a listen and then
we'll jump back in the show it was going
on BTW what's going on beaches and this
is a chamar from atlanta hey i just
wanted to chime in on this on the FBI vs
apple story they do not need to hack
that iphone whoever the carrier is can
easily give them the numbers dial the
text messages all of that that's what
the FBI does that all the time as
someone who works for carrier trust me
if the government wants to get that
information they can get it from the
carrier there's no reason to break into
that iphone whatsoever this is just
another ploy to try to get into iPhones
and to try to be able to access more
data so no I bought in your program I
was like no way this is the
is garbage there's there's no need for
this so that is one of the time in on
that thanks guys love the show grand
sight you know from someone who is
directly involved with how they deal
with this stuff yeah and an apple also
put this argument forward that the
company the phone that is in question is
a company phone so the company could
have installed some software on there
that would allow them to hack it if you
know the maybe the employee was
terminated or something then they get
the phone back then they can hack it and
get get their phone back working and
everything so apples been saying you
guys missed your opportunity to do this
yeah so that that's also another one of
their arguments you know it's it's very
it's crazy here's another thing because
we talked about a lot about this last
week and there's been a little a lot of
little nuggets that have come during
this time I don't know if we I don't
think we talked about this on last
week's show at least apple byte extra
crunchy but one of the other things that
stuck out about this case is that it was
reported and confirmed by BuzzFeed that
when government officials actually
acquired this phone right they asked
Apple to build a backdoor in it but one
of the things that the government
officials did is once they had this
phone they actually you know they
probably tried to get into it with some
sort of password guessing but they
decided to on their own reset the actual
iCloud password for this phone now what
this potentially does is that Apple said
look you guys actually reset the phone's
password which pretty much kind of like
resets its connection in case they were
true they could have tried or attempted
to make a backup an iCloud an automated
iCloud backup of your phone whenever
you're connected to Wi-Fi if that
setting is on auto backup is prompted
and potentially this is not guaranteed
but they potentially could have pulled
some more information that they needed
from this auto iCloud backup but it
didn't trigger because guess why they
changed the password on the phone just
like a and it's this has been confirmed
right so that so that's that's bugaboot
number one or actually I'm a number
number whatever mr hundred number one
hundred number a bunch right then the
other thing is this whole story was
around around the idea of like the FBI
just one
to get access to this one phone right
Apple help us with this one phone well a
wall street journal reports that the
department is also currently it's been
brought to light they've been seeking to
force Apple to extract their data from
about 12 other phones yeah and the other
phones the other phones are criminal
cases that are not terrorist related so
you know it's like they're setting a
precedent just to get in everyone's
phone this is already showing us what is
going to happen right it hasn't even
happened yeah I know it's like it's
setting the precedent already like
apples just gonna argue like this is
everyone's gonna you know they're all
going to not trust us because we're
gonna allow the government to get into
everyone's phone and that's that's their
main argument here so and I get it there
is an 18 minute window of time that FBI
officials are trying to use to see what
is happening I I completely see both
sides of the argument I see the person
who's here listening and saying i'd
rather have national security I don't
care about this let them into the phone
just do it right but this is more than
just Apple this is more than national
security versus our privacy to me it
also alludes to the fact that look if
something happens where Apple has to
create a backdoor it sets a precedent
for other companies have to create
basically a softer form of encryption on
our devices right yeah weaker encryption
that doesn't make just us vulnerable to
the FBI but what about other countries
that are looking for backdoors into our
products and to get information from us
as Americans into the government this
sets a larger precedent than just
privacy versus security you can have
Russia you can have China demanding
Apple open phones for them you know it's
it's weaker encryption is bad yeah it
endangers everyone it's like a Pandora's
box you know it's it's just it's a very
dangerous things the other thing that
I'm thinking about is okay people have
access to email like the FBI has been
able to access emails and phone numbers
okay that can track most of what you're
doing right yeah if they were using
third-party apps which is actually
pretty smart haha that people do yeah
I'm like oh well yeah that would be that
would be
that would be a lot you know more
difficult to to get that information for
sure but from what I've seen in this
case they've the people who did this
have been caught the people who were
accessories to it haven't caught or or
killed themselves right yeah so we know
what happened someone wrote to me and
said wouldn't you if one of those people
that were killed in the hospital where
was a family member you know would that
would that change how you feel about
this but honestly taking a step back
does it change quite honestly me as a
human does it change the outcome that
one of my loved ones died the people
that did this are also dead and they
caught the person who is part of the
crime I mean I'm more worried about I'm
letting I'm wording on just like letting
that loss heal itself and these people
you know have they been brought to
justice they're dead what can you do
right yeah I can't control that yeah
it's that I can't control what happened
in today this is a larger statement on
life and I'm going on a tangent I really
feel like because of how things are we
can't control what happens in you and I
might be in the wrong place at the wrong
time and I can't do anything about that
so I'm not gonna freak out about it yeah
it's just there's so many tragedies that
are happening around us it's just life
now so it wouldn't change my mind yes I
would still want Apple to keep these
phones secure yeah it's a long way to go
around it but I kind of wanted to follow
the connect the dots to let you know
what we're thinking what I'm thinking if
I had to put myself in this situation
you're not alone Brian's we have some
polls later in the show but a lot of
people agree with some some people agree
some people don't right so for all of
you watching you know I'm really curious
to hear what you say I'm gonna try to at
least look at these comments and see if
we can just chime in with what some of
you are saying but we do while we do
that we're going to look at a poll from
the Pew Research Center and this was
sent out across you know across the
board across the u.s. right there a
large company that does research like
this to get the pulse of what is America
thinking right yeah what what what do
they think about this so here are the
results about half of app of about half
of the respondents according this pew
say Apple should unlock a terror
suspects phone so 51% d50 51-percent
said Apple should definitely unlock this
phone now again I don't know how the
questions were exactly presented but
okay thirty-eight percent said Apple
should not unlock the phone eleven
percent were twiddling their thumbs and
said don't know I don't know this is not
a hard survey I know but I mean it is a
tough question i mean it is not when if
when the story first broke i was going
back and forth yeah they should unlock
it wait no they shouldn't you once you
learn more information you know your
mind sort of changes so yeah so the
general public is kind of split on this
issue yeah and then they even broke this
they even broke these poles down like
Republican versus Democrat it's like a
50-50 in that too and people who own
iPhones as opposed to people who don't
iPhones don't own iPhones and it was
50-54 there too I mean it's pretty much
split right down the country on what we
should do about this I was reading on
our feet a periscope someone said Apple
should just give them the passcode to
the phone but we want to kind of
re-educate everyone in Apple never
actually knows the passcode it is
specific to the physical phone and it is
coded to the hardware basically whatever
number that I punch in only the phone
knows that Apple never sees that Apple
never knows that so that's why Apple
can't just give them a passcode Apple if
they break into this phone they break
into every phone exactly so that's the
problem so if apple store these pass
codes they would you know who knows if
they would how hard they would fight to
give them over but the fact that any
company owns the passcode that's a no-no
that's just bad yeah that's that does
not secure our privacy yeah and they got
in big trouble about this like couple
years ago when there were keystrokes
being stored in the phones you know and
they got they got rid of that right away
once people figured that out so we don't
I'm sorry some of you might disagree but
we did we don't want the government to
have the key to every one of our houses
which they / kind of almost already
they're doing stuff behind the scenes
out we don't even know where see like
reports from last we talked about they
were actually they were releasing
tweaked versions of Apple software
they could follow keystrokes on the
phones like they were doing stuff like
that already so I mean they I am NOT
against being secure and safe don't get
me wrong but there is a matter of
personal privacy that has to be part of
this whole equation so I keep making
this really dark analogy in my head that
I don't I don't know like I don't know
if let me know if it works but I keep
thinking like the iphone is almost like
an appendage to your body sort of you
know what I mean like it contains very
very important information so like if
you have your if you get your thumb cut
off you lose the fingerprint you lose
that you lose that piece of evidence
right yeah it's gone there's nothing you
to ever do about it and I've been
thinking about the same the iphone in
the same way if it's locked it's gone
there's nothing you can do about it and
that's that's just the way life is yes I
know it is weird for some people I'm
sure someone has implanted an iphone on
their body somewhere I mean oh yeah
that's right there's no there's every
I'm ready we've been trying to find that
guys are we've been trying to find that
guy he's out there she he or she find
honestly so this is a great conversation
I this is the biggest story of 2016
without a doubt oh yeah right at the
beginning of the year it's fascinating
it's going to continue and move in
different directions so I'm just happy
that we can actually talk about kind of
something smarter yea rather just lie
sighs Oh which which leads us directly
to our next story perfect you want
bezels we got bezels so a report we're
gonna transition out of this and again
feel free to call us before we do this
feel free to call us at one eight
hundred 61 62 63 eight leave us your
name where you're from and your thoughts
on this or any other questions you have
i mean this is a great time to be able
to have a great dialogue with all of you
and again i don't think there's a wrong
answer i think there's so many sides to
this story that's what makes it
fascinating to me okay let's talk about
bezels right weird i'ma no high-level
conversation let's bring it back down a
little let's bring man according to 9to5
mac they have acquired iPhone 5se
drawings and renderings that indicate
the iPhone 5se surprise surprise
we nearly identical to the iPhone 5s I
mean come on who who thought any
different the main difference is that
we've been able to find from these
renders these are from a case maker the
actual thickness of the phone will
reportedly be exactly the same as well
as the dimensions so your iphone 5s case
could fit this iPhone 5se the main
difference is is that the power button
which is typically at least with the
iphone 5s located on that top corner
which I love you loved you only gonna
love it no more they're putting it back
on the side oh man they're putting it
back on the side i miss my iphone 5 man
this iphone 6s I hate it oh no I think
that's a lie no I mean it works its
functional it's just too big that's not
my only but I sense just to yeah exactly
but yeah it's too big and I don't like
the button on the side cuz when i try to
turn it off i accidentally hit the
volume buttons and then nothing happened
i will tell you two things you um just
just brace for Stevie you'll get used to
the size all right also though I'm gonna
tell you these larger screen iPhones I
know if you there there's actually some
condition I was talking to some um my
lady about this like you guys have that
pinky pain stress ah that's what I'm so
no I'm straight up I'm serious because
it's so large look at you actually have
this thing we're like our pinkies are
starting like um yeah like been
differently because of because of we're
holding our phones like like this like
yeah like I'm serious like look at look
at okay my hand like non-flex why is my
pinky and so much why like non-flat
what's going on here shouldn't be like
should I be able to go like this and be
like totally flat but it's not it's like
crooked y'all human humans gonna evolve
to have screwed up pinky this is gonna
be a bummer I thought the evolution the
iphone was gonna help us create I SEPs
right like developed this muscle right
here on the soft partier like I like cuz
always liked a pin right did you ever
get sore thumbs when you first oh my god
yeah I was building I SEPs I don't feel
that pain anymore so I'm pretty might
those are but now the pinky thing dude
is it feels weird like right if I wiggle
it right now I can already feel like
they're stress it feels weird is
different right don't tell anyone right
now you're you're dead right man I have
the same pinky stress right now this is
real talk everybody real talk anyways a
will say though I'm curious what happens
to the iPhone 5se they're putting in a 9
processor in it that's the rumor so it's
pretty much up to speed with the current
success I know yeah we'll see an iphone
7 which would be a little faster but I
do agree that people have you know
people are riding on here that there is
kind of still a market for someone who
loves the 4-inch phone oh yeah my god
like seriously back I would seriously
seriously it's not bad you might may go
back to blame my hand you might go back
now that whole pink you think it's like
I'm feeling right now like I hate that I
hate that so much okay um in other phone
talk just to kind of wet your appetite
of what people are talking about the
galaxy s7 just recently announced
showcase at Mobile World Congress
according to display mate don't don't
worry iphone fans you might cry it is
the best the OLED display is the best
display on the phone to date samsung's
oled display specifically on the s7
really now here's the other thing I
don't know if any of you saw the Mobile
World Congress keynote but Mark
Zuckerberg came out and was talking
about VR and gear VR and he outright
said because of OLED displays and the
refresh rate and the way they're able to
showcase visuals it is the it is the
screen of choice for VR it's the new
standard right Apple's using LCD screens
different types of LCD screen still but
you know you want your VR yeah I have a
gear VR hook I have a gear VR set up and
you know unless I I've used google
cardboard and iphone i guess we need to
compare the same exact source and really
see like how much different does it
really feel does it make a difference
but you know oh let advantages are there
we got out of there like a VR shootout
like what has the best resolution all
we're gonna have to come up with new
testing test ways to test these things
get too here's also how I see it okay
all of a sudden Apple there's reports
that apple will be bringing OLED screens
in 2018 ah that's where they are they're
waiting for the technology to mature
yeah right right to be right
to be ready for the market so here look
the some of the differences that stand
out is that display mate notes that lcds
remain more power efficient especially
when display mostly white content right
so text on a white background but OLEDs
are more power efficient with more
typical mixed image content right color
imagery like beautiful stuff that we
like to see also do they get this Oh LED
get hot um how do I don't know if it
gets hotter I do know that it's it's an
actual thinner display as well right
right look at Samsung was able to keep
their galaxy s7 just the same thickness
but waterproof it as well without taking
anything it's like come on now that's
pretty cool come on that's cool so I'm
just saying oh let OLED 2018 OLED 2018
baby all right just some quick stuff
going on in the OS stuff we talked about
a few episodes ago how there was that
January one 1970 bug where have you set
the date and you were real jerky and you
put that date on someone's phone II
would pretty much like brick the phone
well the latest iOS 9.3 beta that has
been released has cured has resolved
that issue nice so you know don't be
doing that to someone's phone that's
just not cool oh don't don't do that
okay that's that's what's happening
there another iOS 9.3 beta kind of thing
that came up Apple has responded a lot
of people were using their iPad pros
right there pencil and you can navigate
the iPad pro with it iOS 9.3 beta came
out and removed that ability for the
pencil to navigate your ipad pro
basically your pencil can no longer be a
stylish now that's got to be knowing so
you're like getting used to something
like you got this new toy or you're
using it all the time all of a sudden
like oh wait it doesn't work anymore Oh
Apple took that away yeah and everyone's
like what's going on today like they're
freaking out their pencil can no longer
be used as a stylist don't call it a
stylus right don't call the stylus so
Apple responded to the Virgin told them
that they're working on improvements it
will return the navigation capable
of the pencil to be used like a stylist
will come back it's not a site it's not
a stylist so in the next beta right but
they said it will roll out once 9.3
actually comes out it'll it'll support
okay now navigation clicking on apps I
mean how could you in a weird way though
you almost could see Apple deliberately
say no this is a pencil you're only
gonna be able to use it and drawn out I
hate you all yeah that's true I can
totally see that right anyways that's
also happening and then finally this
from 9to5 mac Cirie for the mac is
planned to be one of the kind of key
temple features in OA I sorry at OS 10
10.2 this according to 9to5 mac they've
been working on it since 2012 the much
like spotlight appears in that top
right-hand menu bar you could click on
it and then talk to your surgery I
you'll be able to talk to Syria there
will also be a keystroke that allows the
Serie problem to come up we haven't seen
this in anything like windows with
Cortana I've never seen this before yeah
but I love Cortana Cortana is actually
really nice yeah so it's going to be
it's one of the new kind of nuggets of
news that came out so far that's great
so I say let's hit our calls let's hit
the couch going on all right all right
so last week we had this contest to say
switz switch I can't even say the
perfumery Swiss you can't work smart
watch shit wait was all worth it Swiss
watch shipment Swiss watch save it okay
you know swish Swiss watch shipments
five times faster some people call them
and attempted one guy failed even though
he thought he won let's listen to tear
it out Charles yo Brian Wood up Charles
Washington from Detroit Michigan baby
and I got the Swiss watch challenge five
times fast swiss watch swiss watch swiss
watch swiss watch swiss watch boom yo
shout out to the detroit pistons yo and
steph curry sucks i'm out oh ok first of
all Charles watch it blew the whole of
Charles Charles first up you suck ok
Charles my man he in my you know he's
cool he tweeted means
and I just killed it like right I'm
really yo he said I just killed it so
proud so he was so on it Charles my man
it was Swiss watch shipments not Swiss
watch swiss watching suicide like fast
also he said steph curry suck I'm sorry
did you watch the miami game Steph Curry
hit two 3-pointers when they were behind
in the last minute and the Warriors the
doves one ok Steph girl 51 in five we
clearly suck he was hanging out with
Obama the other day he played at Augusta
National played a golf rounded clear
Elise hey just cuz you digest Jessica we
the best just cuz the Detroit Pistons
beat the Warriors on an off night that
you be happy that was your that was your
NBA Finals Charles I'm sorry though I'm
not trying to rip on you but Charles you
didn't do the contest right you just
didn't do it call back and try again all
right next up okay here's the next one
let me turn off the mic so everyone can
hear okay we want the Paris covers to
hear switch watch hips it swish watch
him and twist watch him and Swiss watch
him it's just what's he got three of
them he got some reason he did dude he
didn't tell us his name it he just don't
write any just went for it he did it he
was just do is I hated you that was two
attempts actually two different attempts
that I just played okay he won whoever
that is thank you call us back and tell
us you oh wait he won I think he did he
did three is five but he's the only guy
who was able to if there's no winner
there's no winner okay no winner no
winner hey there are no tongue laying
down the law man what I I gotta I gotta
be a man of my word I my integrity is at
stake here respect that it's like okay
alright here's our last call from a big
fan here hey Brian hey Steven
extraordinaire it's here from Adelaide
Australia Judah apple releasing the ipad
3 earlier this year what do you think
they'll be releasing in october november
time all right love to show keep on
Apple biting we will keep on Apple by
Jordan this is come on what do you think
ipad pro two
ipad pro 2 and I'll do it too ipad feel
my face man that Jam was pretty good i
was good that song comes on i think
about that's it that's that's what I'm
good my friends are like to do you
screwed it up for me I know I keep on
thinking of your stupid video now yeah
it's cuz you did such an awesome job
putting that together man thanks um it
was fun we always love to collab I
actually got another one for you but
just like it wrote like a 30 second
thing not like a not a two minute okay
okay we'll talk we'll talk so uh Jordan
yeah iPad pro too many maybe around the
same time but ipad air three expected in
march along with the iPhone 5se along
with some apple watch bands and maybe
maybe another something else that might
surprises i don't know what we'll find
out though March fifteenth is the
rumored date for apples next
announcement it has not been yet
confirmed so we'll wait and see what
happens cool all right I think that I
think that's a rapper thing that is a
wrap okay coming at all so anyways again
if you guys want to be a part of the
show just call us it's the old like use
a phone like the old days 1 800 61 62 63
8 i'm brian Tong he's Steven beach on
Stevens say goodbye to the people later
guys very much for watching
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