Are you addicted to your phone? (The 3:59, Ep. 317)
Are you addicted to your phone? (The 3:59, Ep. 317)
good morning on Wednesday November 15th
it's episode 317 of the 359 podcast I'm
BVG and a special shout-out to Erin
coming in all the way from Mars today
whoa Jesus right there sorry I'm super
excited to be here the dumbass is behind
the mic include Roger Chang and stop
doing that hello you're yelling and it's
also that's how you say hello and
Martian so it was just being appropriate
that's just courteous sorry guys I'm
sorry I'm not as multicultural so what
the hell are we actually talking about
on the show like to go then were we
talking about by talking at a phone
addiction okay so we're talking about
phone addiction today there's the
Deloitte study out that we wrote about
that talks about the fact that phone
addiction may actually be cooling or
subsiding a little bit there are at
least like a couple interesting data
points to mention about that I'll break
it down for you and also Justice League
which is coming out this weekend so this
is the DC universes biggest effort so
far to actually try to rival Marvel and
we'll see if they are actually
successful and Roger you're actually
gonna be going I will be watching it
tonight but I'm very very cautious
cautiously hard for it so definitely
sending your questions and comments
certainly interested to hear what you
guys all have to say about phone
addiction and also expectations for the
Justice League BVG we'll get to as many
as you can at the end of the show
without further ado let's get to the
podcast and here we go for the serving
of the recording in three two
welcome to the 359 I'm Ben Fox ribbon
I'm Jen how often do you check your
phone every day according to a study
from Deloitte it can be up to 86 times
it seems like a little figure for me but
go on okay but Deloitte says that there
are some small data points showing that
our addiction to phones may be cooling
Roger are you buying that argument yeah
I would buy the idea that some people
are trying to curb their usage whether
it's you know parents wanting to spend
more time with their kids or with the
real world well they're just people need
feeling the need for digital detox I do
blue that people intend to you know curb
their usage on the phone but if they
actually do yeah well it wasn't the
actually succeed is not a matter right
so one of the handful of things a
handful of efforts that were mentioned
in this Deloitte report where efforts to
curb phone use include shutting down
some notifications that make sense
turning off the phone at night like just
completely turning it off right which
doesn't work for me because I use my
phone as my alarm clock or or keeping
the device out of sight completely so
it's kind of like an out of sight out of
mind thing
my immediate thought when I was reading
about this though was how there's this
disconnect that a lot of people have and
I think you were mentioning it too is
that you want to curb your screen time
in your phone use and you get annoyed
when you see people that like seem to be
like stuffing their face into their
phone yeah but at the same time then you
turn around and do the exact same thing
yeah look we we were about this few
years ago for the very first issue of
student magazine we talked about the
digital addiction and one of the big
causes is FOMO was concept that's been
around for a little more than a decade
fear of missing out the idea that
there's something else better or
something that you need to be tapped
into two seasons tweeting something
exactly how to check this thing or maybe
it's an important email from work right
like you feel you're constantly feeling
the need like a - you know something and
I what's going on like it seems like a
really easy thing to break that that
mentality but it's pretty tough
especially when you have kind of two
yourself to be in that state right that
you're always like for me at least like
I'm always cut on call whatever what are
you guys says be a question or if I'm
getting a you know some sort of common
suggestion from our bosses like I feel
like I need to be on my phone checking
it constantly responding I think a lot
of people have that issue it's hard to
break how often do you walk down the
sidewalk while staring at your phone
this is something again yeah I find very
annoying in other people and then I
catch myself doing it I don't do it as
much as others I'm actually pretty good
like my my regular walk dork I walk from
Penn Station to the office that's about
like of 10:50 better walk I usually
don't use my phone at all I have my
music on another world for a little bit
but as in you don't look at your screen
but I don't exactly I don't look at my
screen which sometimes what I'm like I
feel like I do catch myself occasionally
but it's pretty rare mm-hmm what about
you you I do catch myself occasionally
even though I get like super annoyed at
somebody if they're like about to hit
into me and you know they're like deep
into their phone I mean I would like
they're having this is war I've looked
I've been looking at my screen wall
cross-industry yeah terrible I know
we're all we're all awful people I guess
I guess that's a good point
anyway also we wanted to mention some
super super important tech news justice
league hits theaters this weekend this
is DC's biggest effort yet to create a
popular superhero universe to rival
Marvel but it's movie so far have been
hit or miss don't yeah I mean what do
you think water was pretty awesome it
was good it wasn't that good thoughts
pretty good it was good I liked it okay
they still wear the Girt they're
actually relative to the other movies
but Man of Steel was really - too dark
Batman vs Superman was pretty incoherent
a lot of people hopefully would agree
with that just you watch it it seems a
collection of seeds that don't really
yeah that's that's also the problem
apparently with Justice League is that
they had one director Zack Snyder and
they switched to what was it justice
because we who is the Avengers director
you know thank you
I'm in the last minute I think most a
lot of it was done I think Joss Whedon
had some reshoots and probably had a
hand in editing it but you know they
keep saying at least they keep
maintaining that it is a exact signer
film which has me a little worried cuz
you know it's true I mean hopefully the
guys from 300 don't show up like being
super I would that would be interesting
and wouldn't make any sense for that
movie true anyway if you want to read
more about these stories check us out on
CNET I'm Ben Fox Ruben Jenn thanks for
listening all right so it's time to go
ahead and delve back into the comments
and questions that you all come up with
for us I would like to make a confession
my name is BVG and I'm a DC kid all
right Ben I was always a huge I was
raised on Batman and Green Lantern my to
fit I mean I wasn't a comic book fan per
se as a kid but I was really obsessed
with Superman kids kind of are very
heavily influenced my childhood pretty
heavily so I have lots of fond memories
of Superman
it's not it's not like they don't have
strong intellectual properties oh yeah
these are like huge iconic characters
are some of the most recognizable
characters in fiction and the problem is
is that they've had a couple whips with
some major major movies hey that's why
Justice League is really you know
there's a lot of expectations for those
we're like a few years removed from yes
some of the best with you yeah go for
that too that's a good point I mean
correct me if I'm wrong here but I think
Heath Ledger was given like a major like
did he win an Oscar for his Joker he's
yes yeah which is amazing to think about
it was well deserved it was well
deserved but remember that this was a
superhero movie which are usually
popcorn flex right which which don't
usually get the critical
claim of like an Oscar or a major award
so right I'm just agreeing with you with
the Christopher Nolan movies that they
were good enough to you know really
merit that kind of critical acclaim so I
mean it's proof that these characters
can be handled well well in the chat
right now people are referencing Batman
the Animated Series which was defining
representations of Batman for
generations that besides that all the
Conroy's voice for me is like when I
read the comics I hear Kevin Conroy and
Mark Hamill yeah totally without a doubt
if that's that's been a while that that
cartoon is from the 90s right they're
still jointly so doing right now yeah
they're still heavily into the animated
movies which by the way the next one for
anybody not aware they released a
trailer last week it's a oh shoot what
is it called it's like a steampunk
Batman Oh Gotham by Gaslight
it's called Gotham by Gaslight I saw a
thing that was like yeah so they're
leaning heavily into the whole
Elseworlds thing where it's like a screw
continuity let's just make a good story
so it's like if Batman existed in a
Gotham and I think the 1800s
we're facing off against Jack the Ripper
oh very cool right yeah they've had
success with the Batman character we
just mentioned two very big ones yeah I
feel like Superman has also been you
know hot and cold obviously Superman
from you know
yeah superhero film yeah but like what
were the ones that you really liked from
from the newer series I may have caught
one or two and they got a blood into
each other I wasn't really yeah I was
watching across Marvel and DC you for
him just to the DC current run the DC
Superman ones the one with the Bryan
Singer's director and that was that was
a full reboot yeah which why did they
keep letting Zack Snyder make movies he
makes some good movies
okay 300 I really did like 300 actually
Watchmen was a fantastic translation not
so much a good interpretation page the
page I did like watch me and I thought
it was very dark and like read the book
idea book I did read the book and the
book is also dark darker ah I think he
did a good job with the material from
what Brian said like it was sort of a
literal translation the book which
doesn't really work for movies
erotically hopefully no spoilers on this
one but they got rid of the best part of
the book the edge was the weird squid
thing like the brain spoiler I know it
spoiler alert her yeah she thought the
ending to the movie made it did think
about it it makes more sense in the
contemporary generational standpoint
yeah that book was written during the
Cold War yeah that was a huge part where
we needed a common enemy kind of thing
that was the point of Watchmen to
reinterpret it now in a contemporary
setting most current readers who are
already the grandfathered in fans that
doesn't land is hard we're not in that
we weren't in that situation it was to
say what tomorrow brings right
well actually like that was heavy into
the Cold War and that's probably again
relevant today so maybe people are
watching Watchmen again well they said
they are going to be doing a reboot
series I think on HBO or so really is it
Watchmen yeah there's a premium like
miniseries anthology series something
coming up there in the tears of that the
games drawings and stuff well they just
announced the Lord of the Rings yeah
yeah but one of the Rings is okay
because it's like on to untold tales
oh yeah they're not gonna redo the main
trilogy they're gonna tell you stuff
that Tolkien wrote that never got to
screen look I'm fine with that
they're obviously making stuff that I
that are very much within my wheelhouse
and that I would love to watch I just
really hope they don't screw it up the
same thing with the Lord of the Rings
stuff as with Justice League and I think
you were mentioning before the podcast
about the reviews for Justice League
yeah I mean the early reviews have been
fairly negative of trying not to read
to get my hopes down too much well maybe
that's good maybe my expectations will
be even lower but I just have my fingers
crossed that it's gonna be more akin to
that Justice League animated series from
10-15 years ago oh yeah that was a
fantastic series that was a direct
continuation of Batman the animators yes
it's all the Bruce Timbers yep I love
that stuff I just go back to the story I
returned home road they saw the five
things that he wants to see I mean to be
fun yeah they're not there are movies
murder is not known for these movies I
would take my kids to young but even
when he's like five or six I don't think
I'd be comfortable taking a yeah if I
can't bring a toddler or a youngster to
see a Superman movie something's wrong I
mean though the last one bad guy that's
a Zack Snyder he takes himself
it was branding people branding
criminals with his bad side because if
Superman was doing that I'd be like you
don't understand Superman now there's
there's nothing wrong with taking some
more adult concepts and bringing that
into into the fold I mean they were able
to go pretty dark and Batman the
Animated Series I'm gonna reference
heart of ice there wasn't any
award-winning episode mister freeze and
brought it back from the brink made a
silly character from the 60s show yeah
into something heavy and relatable
without just going blatantly violent yes
you know that's the difference and I
think it was very tragic as deep but it
wasn't yeah absolutely
yeah and then they extended it into the
Sub Zero movie released in theaters when
it's just like oh this is gonna be an
extended episode no it's so good let's
put it in the movies and if you got to
put something in the movies it's got to
be more accessible that's all there is
to it nice do we have questions yeah so
yeah let's go ahead and talk about some
of the addiction things we brought up
first off Matthew batcher hello I'm the
Dutch and I'm a phone a holic all right
of course it is we all are this is the
longest I've been without my phone this
is 15 minutes we've been sitting here
goes onto expanses define addicted it's
part of my life like you don't get
addicted to wearing clothes and there's
an interesting point but but you you
never stopped wearing clothes yeah
phones haven't been this prevalent I
mean this colonies yeah can you go can
you go a full day without look at your
phone like would that would that bother
you like I would have to very
consciously do it that's a great
question it's not even a hypothetical
yeah I couldn't I mean I considered I
did a cruise a few weeks ago I mean
there were a couple days where I had no
reception and I left my phone or the
cabin it bothered me for a little while
but I got over it super quickly
yep that's kinda nice it's become as
essential though as your wallet or your
keys more so I think right more time and
eventually I think I had equal visceral
response when I realized something's not
in my pocket between those two legs why
not if if I'm out and I forget my keys
that's like that's a lot less panic than
what I feel like I feel I thought really
yeah I freaked out when I don't have my
keys but you have a wife who also has
keys yeah that helps I have a girlfriend
who also has keys but she works weird
hours so I'm just like oh looks like I'm
not going home tonight yeah that's cool
let's go to the bar yeah yeah it's it's
those three things yeah you'd like
cash asks does using the camera count so
what about unit askers on the phone I
mean that it's the ultimate multitasker
yeah some people don't use every aspect
of the phone all day I mean I don't
remember the last time I made a call I
think the problem with that issue is
that the phone is so prevalent with so
many different things that maybe you
take it out to take a picture and then
before you know it
take it out we yeah trivia whatever so
like it's just very easy to like fall
into some sort which is what you were
actually doing yeah I think you see if
people were as addicted to telephones no
no teenagers were so we just now I look
back is it the way that we do your
friends yeah it was cool is it more that
we're addicted to communication
rather than the I don't that might be
the courtliness yeah it's like this it
goes back to the phone definitely goes
back to that need for a connection let's
go ahead and take another question now
this one is deep cuts right here stellar
tech could we discuss the neuroscience
or at least a neuro chemistry behind
phone addiction dopamine seems to be the
major neurotransmitter in relation with
effects of attachment and withdrawal
that's a little outside of my not
qualified it's an interesting it's an
interesting comment and it goes to I
think Sean Parker was talking about that
related to Facebook earlier this week
where he was saying we intentionally
created Facebook to release small hits
of dopamine and to like essentially get
you addicted to it Facebook as an app
similar to like other social apps like
Twitter or maybe even your email yeah
the whole idea is to get small dopamine
hits and therefore that's why they like
little pings that somebody like thumbs
up one of your you know something like
that so it's little things along the way
right and everything there's been
discussion about that you may have even
wrote about this for your magazine piece
about the idea that like a phone in some
ways exists almost like a like a slot
machine and so it's know yet to
constantly keep bringing you back in
yeah it's randomized like you can wait
till afternoon and somebody really loves
your Facebook post and that makes you
happy or like you wake up in the morning
and you see the news headlines then
we're gonna go to war with Korea and
then sad right which is which is why I
think a lot of these folks I mentioned
in the Deloitte study turn off
notifications because notifications is
one of these things that could
potentially pull you back into the photo
totally so if you turn it off turn off
notifications the less it's able to draw
you in the less likely that you are to
get just kind of like you know throwing
down the old days when you had a home
phone rang your instinct was to pick it
up cuz you were curious to know who it
was like few people were just doing like
let the phone ring
yeah you know what I'm just gonna I'm
just gonna disconnect just ignore the
phone ringing like that's the same
principle the dang right you get a
little ding you like except right
instead of just a folk the hospital call
its phone call email text message and
there are and there sounds and lights
and dings and whatever and like in
vibrate so I mean I looked at this from
a later story like mobile gaming
perspective like they've kind of game
doubt how to make their their games the
experience is so addictive right whether
it was like you've got to check back in
a few hours get special prizes or or
just check out these free little we
haven't been around for a while come on
back what's going on your blackjack
dealer MP Cody says we're not addicted
to communication we're addicted to
worrying about what everyone else is
doing the problem is that you say they
spend more time lurking than anything
else but like that's the thing is that
you mentioned addicted to communication
but you don't actually use your phone to
make phone calls right like did I hear
you correctly that means that you're not
like yeah I mean that's more of a
generalized statement I was kind of
cracking a joke I do use my phone
occasionally but definitely all
collectively use it way more for
internet e things than we do telephoning
but I would argue lurking and like
seeing what's going in the world that is
a form of communication right you or get
you absorbing something that that you
can't do without that phone so they're
less creepy were than lurking or we're
gonna call you a lurker what you don't
forget to smash that like button
something so old dude all right I can't
help it but fine all right so we're just
about out of time and just because I'm
me I want to talk about superheroes
again real quick do this what
what are our ultimate personal hopes for
4dc going forward tentatively that this
one flops to and by flops it's a royal
term because they still make money
they're there
I feel like they're already doing this
full reboot based off of the wonderful
universe right everything else just
isn't that what they're planning on they
are planning on doing more Wonder Woman
movie too but it's in limbo because of
the war between gal gadot and Brett
Ratner right now over the harassment
allegations his production company
largely funded the first one and she
wants him out and Warner Brothers to
fund really because he's kind of a
yikes Wow surprise you hear that yeah as
far as like the terrible allegations
that have been in the news headlines
lately like oh that one makes sense yeah
well they can't do it without her I mean
like that oh yeah yeah but she said like
I won't come back if he's still here
she's she's a big enough star at this
point I mean like Wonder Woman made so
much money that you know it might it
might work out I hope it works out I
think those movies would be good so yeah
they're not gonna really set IP like
that's they'll figure this out though
they'll dump them he's as good as gone
she's way bigger than him ever will be
yeah I personally kind of hope that
because for one thing I don't think that
the casting is the problem with these I
actually really like a lot of their
casting decisions gal has blown everyone
away I think Henry Cavill as Superman
continually gets pushed down I don't
think he has the opportunity to be as
great as he could be because he's proven
that he's can be a very fun actor in
other films and I I'm probably gonna get
chastised for this but I'd love that
Ben Affleck Batman he's a fanboy first
and foremost and that makes me happy
he-man fan first and even though he also
participated in that terrible daredevil
movie that wasn't his fault either
right person that was a while ago yeah
we can we can forget about that I guess
whoever the be Aquaman guy to is they're
all good I just want to see them
say screw the continuity and do what the
animated movies have done and just pick
really great standalone stories to tell
you don't need origins anymore everybody
knows where Superman came from and now
everybody knows where Wonder Woman came
we've known Batman a thousand times over
just give us good standalone stories
yeah I agree
over there listening yeah right good
because they'll listen to me that's what
Deadpool's not as much these in
economics the character of Deadpool you
can argue it is but it's sort of its own
it works well because ice may actively
crushed their uncut right over the years
that's true they could get away with
anything at that point their best movies
are the ones that don't really well it's
hard to do that universe building type
thing and anybody who tries it's an
admirable effort some of them great
Marvel did it took them years and many
movies to build up the credit the
universe like how long like 10 years now
long time brothers said we're just gonna
put this universe out there for you and
I think you kind of have to have good
movies first yeah no we're out of time
yeah okay oh I do this you look damn
the 3:59 is available on iTunes tune in
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play music of course everybody thank you for
watching see you tomorrow
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