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Are you willing to die for Elon Musk's Mars mission? (The 3:59, Ep. 114)

good morning on Wednesday September 28th thank you for tuning into episode 114 of the 359 podcast with Roger Cheng and Ben Fox Rubin good morning morning morning everyone we're back the beat teams back yeah this court Alfred I haven't been back in a while this is so exciting uh yes / hell yeah we've got we've got we've got a number of exciting topics to talk about first off Elon Musk unveiling his vision for traveling to Mars are you booking a dick ticket the whole thing's of snooze okay huh don't believe anything that next up we talked about we don't quite dance with blackberries grave but we do talk about its kind of pseudo death well at least the phone business at least phone business yes and then lastly we'll talk about Facebook taking on slack in the workplace again yet another place where we have to use Facebook workbook sure workbook oh that's catchy not now not I think they're calling it facebook at work which is less catchy yeah but more accurate probably yeah kinda all right as always any questions leave them in the comment section or producer Brian will pick the best one so we'll we'll try to answer tried yes fri well let's do it give it the old cnet try there we go that's not saying much okay alright thanks for sticking with us we'll be back to answer your questions and comments and 32 welcome to the 359 we talked about the top tech news of the day I like crap you want to throw it I'm Roger Cheng I'm Ben Fox ribbon so that mission to Mars is right around the corner the insanely brilliant Elon Musk laid out his vision for traveling and caramelized kalo sorry can we start over just get going alright let me just start I'll start this sentence over we could even cut it later on even know we're live still I know are we live that mission to Mars we lost we lost everybody alright don't worry I'll start at the top of the store thanks for the nightmare edit thanks sorry about that that mission to Mars is right around the corner the insanely brilliant Elon Musk laid out vision for traveling and kana lot Collin Collin izing why can't I say that we're one more time Roger that mission of ours is right around the corner the insanely brilliant Elon Musk lay down sufficient for traveling to Mars he sees this happening in six years which is far more aggressive than his previous estimate and he said that you know the cost be significantly lower than the estimated ten billion per person that wrong so all right Ben yes I'm so skeptical of this six years mission to Mars as fine as it pretty good a dozen why hasn't NASA done it already actually NASA was pretty generous in our comment about this they were like this is great we love the fact that people are talking about a mission to Mars we need the best and the brightest involved from private and public industry so you know more power to Elon Musk however he there are so many question marks involved in this that yes like how is he going to pay for this I mean he's using in a little bit he's a he's gonna be employing methane gas a much cheaper version of fuel that's currently using rockets it's what it's testing with some of the SpaceX rockets now the ones are I think blowing up yeah ultimately though he envisions a fully self sustaining civilization on Mars of 1 million people within forty two hundred years of the first Mars rendezvous I don't know I'm not really aggressive I don't mean to sound like overly Scotty 106 years from now or 46 years from now that's getting area look he makes some fancy looking cars that does not mean that he can actually pull this off their way too many question marks about this right he's very good showman he presents like some really big pie in the sky ideas however I don't see this as being conceivable I'd love to eat my words on this yet years from now it just doesn't seem very possible and like just because it's Elon Musk we're supposed to eat this all up thank you alright sorry we'll see if this happens we've got six years to find out Oh next up blackberry is officially bailing out bailing on building its own phones the company confirmed today that I will exit the hardware business internally will actually partner with other companies to produce design and sell these phones are basically just going to take a royalty fee off of any phones like it was a blackberry branded phone hi sorry Brendan phones yeah going to saw this a little bit with the last film the d tech 50 was a phone that was essentially built and designed by alcatel they stole an alcatel design and just be repurposed it for itself this is more of an extension there just to get rid of all the personnel involved with mobile hardware so what is blackberry gonna be now blackberry is just merely software enterprise services all the kind of the boring stuff that we don't like to talk about but it's become I guess a more important part of the company is that do they have a future doing something like that John Chad definitely has a track record of that I mean he he's been the head of the number of software companies enterprise software company so he knows how to run those types of businesses he was always less comfortable with the hardware part hmm nice knowing you blackberry you are now going to be part of ZDNet or coverage area anyway facebook at work is something that's expected to be coming out in october i believe according to a rumor and that's basically going to be something like slack or Yammer for you know for your workplace and we'll we'll see what ends up happening it basically means that Facebook could be coming to even more places yay another place where I have to log into Facebook just so excited absolutely alright for more about these stories check us out on cnet I'm Roger Cheng I'm Ben Fox Rubin thanks for listening and thanks for sticking with us i'm gonna start filtering through the comments we got lots of good discussion and i think a lot of people are on your side pen oh really right okay cuz i got kind of angry there because he's done full Trump on us dude yes or no charges on wall they're wrong I don't know it's just it's it just bothers me the like just because he's a billionaire all of a sudden we're supposed to like take this whole stock yeah yeah yeah yeah and apparently the crowd was eating it up oh yeah like they were like yes absolutely this guy he's a charismatic guy yeah but like that doesn't mean that this is accurate like you know he went like a recode conference and said like we could all be in like a computer simulation and everybody went bonkers over it as if that hadn't actually been presented as an idea years ago that was not Elon Musk's idea right but until I must saying it let's find you on I'll take your interview anyway if you ever actually want to talk to so whatever uh but would you be interested go to Mars I mean would you be one of the first to go no of course not if too many kids I gotta leave my children right what about you I would not go I would not go see nothing against the mission I would not seems like a pretty terrible place really this like I couldn't get a burger there let you seen the Martian that's right it would be like the bar shit I'd have to be like more vaguely oh crap i mean that's Damon was less than thrilled with the outcome of that so bill nye was in the audience in the garden a guardian interviewed him and he said that this this sounds really great you know the audience is really enthusiastic however we need to make absolutely sure that there are there's no life on Mars or any signs of previous life on Mars because obviously that would change how we view the world the solar system our universe whatever and so you can't just cowboy your way into there after six years this enormous amount of technology that you need to develop and also just general research on the ground well I thought we just just nuke Mars terraforming right yeah yes sir just nuke the thing it doesn't matter if like they have ants there I I am curious i would like to hear from someone who would want any part of that initial mission because it just seems like I'll fine you are the droves of people oh yeah yes I just you you basically just oh oh no oh yeah the dun dun dun doin all right now I do want to go I know popped up uh let's head back into the chat first of all hi to all of our international listeners we have yeah India Romania UK very cool to have everyone on board of us today Michael in the chair Michael Brown says I think colonization will start in 42 a hundred years I'm that's a basically what must to say is it yeah yeah okay but he said like a million people colonized by then oh yeah right yes yes which is sure which is a few this is such a bit yeah it's a hot let's try like a hundred but that's still a pretty aggressive time like 40 years for colonization the other the other issue is is like is the world expected to blow up in that time frame I'm you know maybe it will I believe that point idea on jump in January niki lauda made that point like it doesn't have to be a doomsday scenario that drives this pushed bars hmm even though that's basically what every sci-fi novel it's all about right yeah yeah look I appreciate that he has somewhat altruistic sort of altruistic views of this that he wants us to be a interplanetary species so we don't end up becoming extinct here obviously it's like big picture stuff so it's cool to get to talk about yeah I just think that like the way he's presenting it is really over promising so people should never say it under delivering that's that's sort of the mantra of most tech executives right yeah but like six years is a close enough time frame that people are still going to remember this at least I think they're gonna call that on its ears where's the rocket Eli there's the rocket yeah we want to go you know I don't know I I for one I do agree that this is really sounds way too but it's like crazy ambitious I would like to see that just cuz yeah like I'd like to see us being interplanetary species that's sure how much of this would it take Blake says give me a small fortune for my family and then he'd go and that's a very noble statement uh wait how much money how much money would across immersion notice send you so Corran they have to pay you oh I would probably thought the cost of it but actually like compensation for travelling Koretz a question anybody that's willing to go should probably want to go for like virtually nothing because it's like more especially at first to the first run of people on the expedition yeah kind of hard I likely die well they're good at yeah plus they need to have special skill sets and everything so it's not like we're just paying anyone to go on their show up you want to know like so what you've got a train you've got to have certain skills you know like it's yes i think is less about a job more like it's a calling for yeah i guess the answer the question directly i would say i am unwilling to whore myself out for a Mars mission so no is no doubt bigger if they paid me a billion dollars maybe no really we have volunteers I could take never you know that I have I don't ears in the chat right now nice of course there are we can find the signup sheet guys will send it to you yeah yeah definitely take care of my family and there's this like an instant statue that's something that a lot of people would be into let's say you never make it back or maybe you die or maybe you actually do your own statue though right like there's no you there above others there are multiple people you're gonna be like one of five or six statues still pretty sweet guaranteed statue territory how else am I gonna be on a statue you know nice try didn't invent anything I got this podcast that's basically it a hundred years from now but 359 statue our kids will look upon that okay so first of all someone in the chat hating on Bill Nye you're a monster huh Oh second of all let's move on to morning blackberry by the way I've ever build my story I just I ran into got a samsung event it's pretty awesome cuz I took a selfie with something's like it's not samsung phone record suck samsung of that dude anyways go on uh so we got both ends of the spectrum there's a large number of people saying blackberry should have quit a long time ago Oh totally yeah go to a blackberry yes I be I've rid the whole blackberries doom story maybe three or four times and they really should have thrown in a towel a while ago I mean it's sort of last the last straw it's it there were a lot of rumors even going into today that they were going to exit the business completely this is sort of a a safe face move like ass buddies you know not necessarily ejecting the business but like finding a new putting it out to literally putting it out to pasture right right like someone else to come in and like that big farm in upstate that is a blackberry named have some sort of value in certain cuts so it does there are certain countries like Indonesia which the first partner who has stepped up to say they're going to build phones it's company let's see if I can pronounce me we're going to butcher the name it is an Indonesian company called something Putin be Beamer a booty okay I was good test anyways Indonesia is a huge market for for blackberries and so they're going to be building the sort of first run of these these license phones so there's the man in that market the thing of it is is their demand in the US and the demanded more more mature markets and well anyone actually step up to to build these kind of high-end phones hmm I don't know they teased that they were talking to a number partners but i will say i don't know what the demand is for these days they still have a good name in the security worlds so it looks like they're already trying to like build on that and we'll see how successful they are with it and just to clear blackberry isn't dead it will be focusing on enterprise software they'll be building apps and supporting Android or Android powered blackberries so you know they're not completely gone but it's it's definitely at the end of a significant chapter for the company mmm definitely more international listeners we have a Martian in the chat no so he already beat you on there that's new he's already what Kyle what cell phone reception is he getting that he could actually maybe this will be a historic show nah we bet on RTE call again what haha set penalty how one more time through on this this facebook at work thing I'm already tired of how many ways you guys can track me down mmm you would never leave me alone sorry about that yes maybe it makes sense for that me an instant messenger and slack and email and text and right but for facebook they want to try to sink their hooks into you however many ways that they can coerce themselves useful to you has anyone actually will be charging for it is not that's even better this is it like your facebook where it's free i mean it is they're charged per seat just like slack does just like Yammer um no a fan of slack unless I don't that amazing services anyways no mediator I just get kind of annoyed by them because I'll get the same message from the same person across three platform yeps within seconds it's like pick one stick with it right now we just got one more in the mix what I'm the annoying one because if I don't get it I don't get a response on taste black I'll go to Google Plus or Goku blah so go check gchat not you chat that email like I'll just keep going until I find a response mm-hmm I'm pretty annoying like on cement report well done has there been any trial of this yet of the figure it's been it's something yes being if I out for a while okay yeah but it's still not like broadly actually is it actually announced it two years ago so yeah I'm surprising that it's just launching now yeah and we still don't know if that's one hundred percent true but maybe it is going to come out next month and if it does I mean slack is already doing a lot of advertising and that's getting a lot of attention so you know obviously never discount facebook but they are going to have quite a bit of competition in that market I would like I mean I think with slack part of the issue is that they're like no thread comment so there's no like newsfeed i would kind of like a newsfeed like a facebook style news feed I don't like slack either yeah we used to use convo if you know what that is I know that convo pod Yammer convo is also had a news feed mm-hmm but yeah they're none of them really that effective care Kieran in the chat is concerned about them letting a galaxy note 7 on the musk shit oh yeah you can't have a sec ya can't have let's avoid that or let's get the one with the new battery not even that I won't even trust it actually potentially they could use galaxy note 720 acapella check that was you there you just pack it like all them the tube for the 2.5 million galaxy note sevens ever recall yeah go to put on the rocket have them up yeah yeah you can make it past Mars even you know we could just go at least we have a use for these now as an alternative few holes Oh Samsa it always goes back to Samson well done commenter well done and on that no it's probably time to call today alright yeah that's a solid solid I no way that was a good way in the show all right select anything you saw her here check us out on cnet our podcast also available on itunes tune in stitcher SoundCloud feedly see y'all tomorrow i should be back you back yeah i'll be back all right ra CUA back yeah see y'all tomorrow bye everybody
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