welcome to the middle of the Mojave
Desert more specifically the Mojave Air
and Space Port this is where ten years
ago skills to pathes won the Ansari
XPrize with its spaceship won and if all
goes according to plan this week this is
where Astrobotic the team from
pittsburgh retaking its next step toward
winning the Google Lunar XPrize this is
a very important historic place for
XPrize in 2008 I believe it was Masten
Space Systems where we are today was the
winner of the Northrop Grumman lunar
lander challenge which was in fact the
same the very same vehicle you see
behind me which is going to be used by
biased robotic for this test we've been
preparing for this test for the last
four years about this is the culmination
of a lot of hard work I did the visual
navigation but we use a camera on board
the lander and it takes pictures and I
take the images and match them to a map
each pixel in that map or each square in
the map corresponds to some value in the
real world so latitude longitude I can
use the image data match up to the map
and then figure out where we are in 3d
space using that data so we can figure
out where the lander is just using a
single camera image and a map
now our standing on the place where the
test itself should end hopefully
successfully the land is going to take
off about 300 meters in that direction
go straight up and then glide in at
about a 25 degree angle as it comes in
the Landers gonna be using laser
scanners to point straight down and
figure out where the best place for it
to touchdown is there are three concrete
paths behind me the lander itself will
determine which of those is the best for
you to use you'll see the sandbags
scattered around those are basically
simulating boulders on the lunar surface
obviously doesn't want to touch down to
any of those it's gonna avoid those pick
the right concrete pad and touch down
gently it could be quite difficult they
really haven't done it before
commercially they've done some prior
tests to this so they have some pretty
good confidence but in general
commercial companies don't normally do
it's the R&D realm we're landing near
the lockets mortis pit on the moon
it's much rougher terrain than where
Apollo landed or any of the older Mars
landings we want to guarantee that we're
gonna be safe when we touchdown
this test is just one component of
Astrobotic overall lander development
and mission development the other sorts
of things which the team is going to
have to do before it can launch and land
on the moon is complete the development
of the other subsystems of its lander
that is propulsion subsystems the
structural subsystem communications and
things like that so the judging panel is
looking at those kinds of things as well
and eventually as your body
despite a series of setbacks the google
lunar xprize judges were able to
evaluate the team Astrobotic landing
system with masted here in the desert
and ultimately we're still waiting to
hear exactly whether or not that's
enough to win them the milestone prize
it was a big step forward their
alternate plans planning past robotics
is actually going to fly other teams to
the surface of the Moon so there's no
other team that is actually going to do
that for the other teams so that's
interesting approach so they're taking
other payloads with them as well as
their own me personally I'd really like
to see my software be useful for
pinpoint landing that's really exciting
I'm Tim Stevens covering google lunar
xprize foreseen
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