the crew of the International Space
Station known as expedition 44 made
history this week when they munched on
salad greens that were grown and
harvested aboard the orbiting ISS crew
members have been growing vegetables
since May of 2014 aboard the ISS in a
small greenhouse known as veggie as part
of the station's veg 01 experiment this
harvest was from a batch of seeds that
were planted on july eight and were
grown for 33 days and were eaten on
august 10th by the crew who also became
the first space food critics with these
food farming experiments nasa ames to
find out whether or not fresh vegetables
have an impact on the physical or
psychological health of astronauts the
experiment is also part of a bigger
picture for NASA who plans on sending
astronauts to Mars in the next 15 years
who will have to be completely
self-sufficient will not be able to rely
on resupply missions to the red planet
all this positive space news comes the
same week that we learned that our
universe is in fact slowly dying a long
and tragic death an international team
of researchers carefully studied the
energy output of two hundred thousand
galaxies and concluded that those
galaxies are currently producing only
half the amount of energy they were
producing two billion years ago this
means that the universe will slowly fade
out the study was part of the galaxy and
mass assembly survey utilizing seven
major telescopes including NASA's
orbiting telescopes and others across
the planet Earth so it is confirmed
universe is finite read more about both
of these crave stories at krave dot cnet
com Michelle star and Amanda Kooser
where the crave writers I'm Stephen
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