I'm Dan Ackerman and we are here taking
a look at the assist Tai Chi 21 this is
one of the more inventive Windows 8
laptops that we've seen you may have
seen it at CES or previously now we've
actually got the final version here and
of course from the front this looks like
a standard ultra portable laptop it's
got an 11 inch display the catch is
unlike a lot of other hybrids where the
screen flips over or folds or somehow
detaches this system simply has an
entirely separate display on the back of
the screen now the one on the back of
the screen over here is a touch screen
you can move your finger on it like that
and that's pretty essential for Windows
8 one of the real weak spots of this
system is that the inside screen is
actually not a touchscreen you've got to
use this big trackpad here or a separate
Mouse of the keyboard in order to
control it that becomes a little bit
confusing because we should all be used
to reaching up and touching our Windows
8 screens by now it's pretty much every
new Windows 8 system out there at least
they have it on the back but they don't
have it on the front as far as I'm
concerned that is a big downside to this
system that being said later versions of
this hopefully later in this year will
have touch screens on both sides at
least because Intel is gonna require
touch screens for future systems that
want to use that ultrabook name which
this system does this version is in a
core i7 version which means it's
actually pretty powerful and ran any of
the tests and apps that we wanted to run
very smoothly very quickly and both
screens are 1920 by 1080 screens which
is very high resolution so big plus
there the connections are mostly ones
that you'll need adapters for whether
it's a dongle for an Ethernet jack or
for the HDMI port of the VGA port so you
might be walking around with a pocketful
of adapter cables and things like that
but you can also fold the lid down and
just keep the back screen on and then it
becomes basically a Windows 8 tablet
although a slightly thick one another
fun trick is you can actually put a
separate screen on the interior screen
and the exterior screen treating the
outside one like it's an external
monitor the assist Tai Chi is really
more of a clever proof-of-concept than
anything super practical maybe if you
want to you know show a PowerPoint
or video to somebody while you're
looking at it without turning your
machine around that's a good reason to
use it or maybe play a video for the
kids while you're doing some work that's
maybe another reason I can't think of
too many people who run into that
situation all that often at least soft
enough to make this your main machine
but I'm definitely looking forward to a
future dual touchscreen version of this
I'm Dan Ackerman and that is the assist
Tai Chi 21
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