Asus Zenbook 3 Deluxe is a stylishly small laptop with a big screen
Asus Zenbook 3 Deluxe is a stylishly small laptop with a big screen
alright get this the Asus Zenbook 3
deluxe is a 13 inch laptop with a 14
inch screen weird right it's the usual
size of a 13-inch laptop but has
extremely thin bezels allowing for a
bigger than usual screen to fit inside
the smaller form factor it's super thin
and light with a 12 point 9 millimeter
profile and weighing a little under
three pounds the brushed aluminum finish
on the front looks really sleek and it
feels incredibly lightweight and
portable the Zen book 3 deluxe has a 7
p.m. until Core i7 processor 3 USB C
ports 2 which include Thunderbolt free
support and a fingerprint reader built
into its trackpad all of this goodness
won't come cheap though the laptop will
be available in May for the cold price
of one thousand six hundred and ninety
nine dollars
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