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August Smart Lock works with Siri

hey Siri unlock my door okay the side door is unmarked it's been a year since the original August smart lock was released so it's about due for an upgrade and this is it is called the August smart lock home kit edition as the name suggests it is of course apple homekit compatible with all of the bells and whistles you would expect including Siri voice control so you can do things like ask Siri hey lock my front door lock my back door you can even be a bit more granular with her as well and say hey Siri is my front door locked so you can check the status of that as well the smart lock has a lot of the same features that were on the original so of course you get full smart phone control you can lock and unlock your door from within the smart phone app there is automatic locking so when you leave the proximity of your house the door will automatically lock and you can also grant other users access to your smart look as well from within the app so it's going to be available for two hundred and twenty nine dollars on pre-order also on the product lineup is the smart keypad from August now this is $79 and you can set a one-time access code say for example if you're having a plumber or a bill to come over to your house you just want to grant in the one-time access you can do so with a specific code or you can have a persistent code for someone like kids who don't necessarily carry keys so they can access the house constantly you can also see through the app who exactly is accessing your house at any one time next up is the doorbell cam now this has 140 degree camera it's HD at 96 DP it is a two-way voice system so you can actually talk and respond to the person that is at your front door you can see all of the interactions through the app as well plus you can grant them access and it has a motion sensor too so you can actually see a live stream of who is at the front door or you could just want to see what's happening outside your house you can do so as well so this one is going to be available for 199 dollars now these all work together within the August app and there is a special part of the app it's going to be released it just in beta with 13 launch partners it is called August access and so this gives you a range of different vendors that can come to the house you can grant one-time access to including people like seers post mates or even a dog walking service so you can see exactly who is accessing your house and granting permission to enter at any particular time so that's been a first look at the brand-new suite of August products for more you can check out our complete first takes on CNET com
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