Basketball legend Clyde Drexler touts ZTE's new S Pro 2 projector
Basketball legend Clyde Drexler touts ZTE's new S Pro 2 projector
please welcome the s pro two DUI I'll
show you the front the projector and
here's the the rear
now let me talk through some of these
features i'm going to start first with
the projection we made a lot of
improvements this device again listen to
our customers we doubled the lumens
that's the brightness we added HD and
now we have a beautiful up to 120 inch
HD projection at 200 lumens that's not
all and we asked our customers what do
you want out of the projection they said
auto focus no problem we gave it to them
we added auto focus we added auto key
stoning they're not familiar with auto
key stoning stability no matter the
angle that is projecting to be able to
have that rectangular view auto key
stoning was added brand new we also
anted anti-glare this version has an
accelerometer and there's a lot of cool
things that you can do with an
accelerometer I think you'll get an
example of some of the use cases in the
next room of all the things that s pro
can do but one of those things is it can
detect motion so we can automatically
detect when I'm moving it around so I'm
as I'm panning it will dim the projector
and will not glare in somebody's eyes
anti glare is brand-new we added that as
well and those are just some of the
features that we've added to the
projection capabilities of this advice
so now I want to move on to the UI user
interface has been upgraded to a 5 inch
android touchscreen display we learned a
lot and we learned is it has to be
user-friendly it has to be intuitive a
user has to be able to get to the
projection capabilities that they want
the network settings all the things that
they expect out of rejecter upgraded ZTE
redesigned to skin on top of Android
brand new with s pro 2
now android has the capability of taking
Google Play applications web
conferencing software file sharing
applications so you can take content
literally from anywhere around the world
that's the beauty of a smart projector
this device also has the ability to take
advantage of local capabilities an hdmi
port to connect to your computer it also
has Wi-Fi projection capabilities your
smartphone your tablet your computer can
all be protected wirelessly through this
device now I've talked about a lot of
features but of course the most
important to customers as they're
projecting mobile is usage how long will
it last we made a lot of improvements
the battery we effectively have doubled
the battery and it now has a 6300
milliamp hour battery through a
combination of a battery capacity
increase as well as optimization a lot
of work engineering work to optimize the
battery we now have up to three hours
worth of streaming and projection from
the s pro 2 and last but not least want
to talk about a great feature for the
business professional because well as
you're walking into a meeting you place
this advice on a meeting room table and
you no longer have to worry about
plugging in computer the other thing
that often happens in a meeting is
dialing out to somebody audio
conferencing and video conferencing now
all in one one device to handle all the
needs of that mobile business
professional great features and again
it's through the power of android that
we have the ability to take advantage of
skype or WebEx or goto meeting or
anything that you want for your
communication needs that's pro 2 this is
a great device and I know what you're
all thinking how can you get your hands
on one
we're pleased to announce the escort to
will be available here in q1 from major
wireless carry we're excited about this
device we think you will be to the s pro
to thank you very much please welcome
Clyde the glide drexler five on out
there thank you well good afternoon
hope everyone here is having a great
time I'm delighted to be here on behalf
of ZTE at the CES what a great weekend
obviously ZT has been a corporate
partner of the Houston Rockets the last
two years and so we've seen firsthand
the great innovative and exciting
products that they have we know
firsthand that they're positioned to be
a global leader for many many years and
it's really an exciting time I also had
the opportunity to go to the research
and development center in Shanghai and
when we got there obviously I was blown
away by all the latest and greatest
product line some of them that you've
seen here today I just continues the
things the engineering that the
innovation is incredible second to none
so in it's very it's really an exciting
time to see that as a consumer and as a
part of ZTE and so I am delighted to be
here on their behalf today also while
we're in Shanghai had the opportunity to
participate in a little round of golf
with Lee shin who not only is one of the
greatest innovators in the country but
also as a mean little golf game we had a
great time but it's a great Association
and we're very proud of it I am
delighted to be here today and Andrew
thank you for having me thank you and I
understand uh they showed you a little
bit about technology and you showed him
a little bit about basketball there
didn't you give them a little session on
slam-dunking or so a little bit of a
session now you know
anywhere without my Nubia obviously you
can customize it I'm a rockets fan come
on I can't help it but what a great
product but any time I get a chance to
learn more about technology it's a great
it's a great day my generation you know
technology you kind of some of it it
kind of gets overwhelming but some of
these products you see today especially
the the what do you call it s pro tip
that's pro two it's phenomenal I just my
first time seeing it a projector I could
use that in some of my presentations
whether I'm teaching the game of
basketball are given a clinic for kids
and so there's so many great products
because they're all wireless easy to use
I use a friendly and just even a guy
who's not really a techie like myself
can make it happen
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