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Bill Nye talks about buying weed

Bill Nye your bag yes Bridget and you're saving the world once again so in season 2 of Bill Nye saves the world is the world any better off since season 1 or are we still a hot mess you'd think that 13 1/2 hours of television on a streaming service would have changed the course of human history but not it hasn't been completely effective yet no but it's cool and we're back on the TV with big-budget production a big travel budget well in your first episode you explore the science of marijuana and I hear that you purchased cannabis this is for scientists I got a I guess it's called a license to buy marijuana in California didn't go to a doctor's office didn't present any evidence that I was a good or bad person just got it on on the internet then went to a store and bought it and the woman there recommended at a variety and I gave it to the props department I don't know I don't know I don't like just tell you guys I'm not crazy about the smell watching this are we gonna see Bill Nye get high no in fact you'll see me play Ultimate Frisbee with teammates who are high that was our agreement so going into this episode if you have an opinion about marijuana and did anything change when you were done with the episode how about this it refined my attitude here's the main thing you guys here's the takeaway as we say not modern parlance is nobody's really sure how it works marijuana nobody's exactly sure what it does and so there's a very strong argument that keeping it as a Schedule one drug is not based on any science the schedule one means that it's presumed to be addicting and it's presumed to have no medical value but people use marijuana and marijuana extracts for all sorts of medical applications so you got to think there's something to it but the upshot of the show is no but sure how it works so we got to study marijuana more and find out really what the active ingredients are alright so let's talk about some other episodes yes you have an episode on time travel we always we all wonder about it could you go back in time and could you go forward in time it's important I think for everybody to understand a little bit of the physics of the nature of time as far as we can tell it only goes one way for us there was a big bang and the expansion of the universe that happened we see the stars moving apart why is that why does time only go one way why do we have the mythic second law of thermodynamics where you cannot build a perpetual motion machine and it is sobering to think that really ultimately deep down all the time travel television shows movies stories science fiction stories about time travel or ultimately about death that and taxes seems to be the hand were dealt and so the show Israel I'm really proud of it well you also in your show talk about cybersecurity what mysteries are there still around cybersecurity that you think people need answers on because I feel like we've all been hacked we've all had our security breached in some way by now but then how does everybody get hacked if we're also aware of it why are there all these troubles how did the last presidential election get influenced if it did if we are all so hip to hacking in other words we the scale of it is what I don't think people appreciate and most of us are not aware of the significance of the catastrophe that may result if we ignore this threat you touch it on a lot of topics that sometimes can feel like doom and gloom is there hope like when you're done watching bill and I save the world are we left with with hope that things can be better you've got to be optimistic people or you won't get anything done you've got to think you can save the world or you won't know the whole thing is optimistic let's do something about this but the first thing you want to do in problem-solving is identify the homed in on what it is you want to fix change improve I like that message thank you though Thank You Bridget carry on everyone
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