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BitTorrent on your TV!

hi I'm Seth Rosenblatt frisina and tonight at pep calm at CES 2012 I'm showing you BitTorrent on your hardware devices it's kind of crazy but it's true you can now get or soon you can get your BitTorrent on devices like TVs set-top boxes blu-ray players media players it's really quite incredible as long as you live in Europe or Asia these devices won't be available in America any time soon at least as far as we've been told the kinds of devices that you can get them on such as TVs allow you to stream your BitTorrent content directly to the TV but you can also use some of them as torrent managers which is really incredible for a very super large home movie files photos even personal documents you can share very easily back and forth there's also a limited range of free exclusive content such as TED Talks Khan Academy independent movies that filmmakers have made available for free to to the public navigating BitTorrent on your devices such as TVs and blu-rays and set-top boxes and media players is actually quite easy use a standard remote control up-down left-right use the okay button there are three rows of channels presented you have your personal channels you have premium content which is all free content that has been licensed from the content owners and you've got an all content where you can easily access your most recent torrents the first OEM hardware that will be available with BitTorrent that has been BitTorrent certified will be sometime in q1 so this is gonna happen very quickly in 2012 for C net at CES pep comm I am Seth Rosenblatt
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