today is Thursday January 19 2012 my
name is Stephen Beecham I am Brian song
and I am hollywood welcome to buzz out
loud Cena's podcast of indeterminate
length it is episode something or other
teen 77 15,000 there Steven that's why
I'm mutable I'm on the first computer
ever so my pages my tabs don't load
anymore they just look at me like what
do you want what do you mean if we're
like really they're like a really old
dog and then you're like come here come
here play and then the dogs like it's
like a 90s Lau do you want for me you
guys it's been a long time since we've
been in the studio together again it
feels like a new experience and let me
tell you we're having a few problems
with focus a couple of problems because
we kind of missed each other it's not
that often starting out in the room with
nobody bothering us but we're gonna try
we're going to do our best to keep it
roughly on track today yeah we'll do our
best now we want to start things off you
guys care about the tech news will
deliver it the hottest news coming out
today Apple obviously had their
announcements education-related over out
in New York the big announcements here
apple launches their ibooks to their new
app that now supports digital textbooks
this is going to be a main thing that a
lot of the larger publishers in
education are behind this like
mcgraw-hill Pearson hue and mifflin
harcourt these are text books right now
I books too is a free update on your
iPad or your other devices you can go
the textbook section currently the
textbooks that they have it's about only
like maybe 10 to 12 there are high
school textbooks right now one of them
is free so you can kind of trout and
play with the concept it's the life and
science from national but this is one of
the things that we expected to see
because pretty much the story broke
before the announcement even broke about
what was going to happen but uh well the
funny thing is I was saying before the
show that the story kind of broke in the
book a little bit in this new jobs right
well it just it's just so much that I am
exactly at that point yeah in the book
where he's talking about wanting to
redefine the textbook industry and about
how it's an 18 billion dollar-a-year
market that is ripe to be disrupted yeah
and this seems to be the start of it
yeah when you talk about we'll just talk
about the textbooks quickly then talk
about some of the other announcements
when you talk about disruption the
textbook is going to be priced at 1499
and this is really where
the publishers are trying to sell these
books directly to the student now if you
talk about schools and high schools
typically the books when they purchase
for them around $75 to maybe let's say
75 two hundred dollars but this is
because they keep these books
proximately around five years and so
that's where the cost of investment goes
awesome racket yeah and yeah and also
I'm not yeah I'm it's also its own
scheme we've known it's it's own scheme
so now they're saying okay we'll sell
them directly to the student the
challenge is a student still has to have
an iPad yes right now that's a 499 iPad
will we see that price drop in the next
coming months with the new announcement
and maybe a smaller phone factor
probably at least a price drop but the
still the entry low the you know the
barrier to entry is still going to be
you need to own an iPad well and then
you will probably need to own several
iPads you know I mean like Lindsey
Turrentine wrote a blog post today
saying the devil is in the hardware when
it comes to this if schools are going to
try to provide iPads nightmare because
you know any piece of technology in a
classroom last 6 to 12 months if you're
lucky because it just gets so beat up
but I wouldn't be surprised if not a
sort of a standardized experience if the
if the textbook is different on iBooks
than it is in the classroom it's
probably not going to be accepted
material for curriculum they have to
find a way to standardize this
experience through throughout classrooms
possibly that will mean like you alluded
to a cheaper education-focused version
of the ipad that maybe schools can buy
but um it definitely there's a lot of
hurdles to get over the best approach to
this obviously would be to make I book
you know textbooks that you can sell on
iBooks that could also run on an android
tablet that were epub format you know I
mean if these are lockdown formats then
I sort of feel like it is necessarily
limited well not necessarily limited but
it is you know it's it's limited and
then it its potential to me is really
crippled like I hope that these are open
formats the other challenge you have
here when you talk about standardization
is the different experience and not
every student is going to plunk down the
cat cash Apple we have seen in the past
they've work on pilot programs with
specific schools where they've equipped
them you know the entire schools with
previously iBooks laptops and
ipad programs with college partnerships
but again just even from my parents are
both teachers okay yeah now Apple is
ushering this new generation of teaching
will talk about itunes you in a moment
and some of the other the ibook apps
platform but to tell to have a teacher
who's been working in it as a teacher
let's say we have plenty of teachers
that are been what 20 25 years working
industry and all of a sudden for them to
change over and try and you know my
parents still are trying to learn how to
program a VCR right I have to do that
and so you have this fragmentation or
this split between generationally a
teacher that a has the time to invest
and not only learning these digital
tools uploading this content there's
some that are there's plenty of teachers
that are more tech savvy than others but
i would say for the most part it's like
a 50-50 split and even the people that
are in the middle that are still kind of
techy but still old school they're
probably going to lean on their old
school I don't want to call it old
school tendencies on the tendencies that
they've been used to using so from a
teaching experience you can't say even
as a college professor we're going I'm
going all-digital if you want to be in
my class you have to have an iPad you
have to be able to access and use itunes
you even even from that standpoint and
it makes it a mix it at you know a
difficult situation but I like the push
but yeah there's a lot of hurdles for
this too like you said get standardized
I also really worried about this
increasing that John Strickland put it
perfectly and I wasn't say the same
thing which is I really worried about
this increasing the digital divide among
students because if it becomes the kind
of thing whereas where a teacher or a
school says okay you can use that
version of the class of the book if you
have an iPad then you'll have rich kids
in the school who have maybe a more
interactive textbook a more interesting
learning experience as opposed to kids
who are not only lugging around the like
35 or 40 of getting the kind of
scoliosis that you only get when you're
carrying 85 pounds of books all day in a
backpack but they might have older
versions that they're less engaged in
and suddenly you have that sort of
economic divide dictating the pace of
learning even more than already does so
these books are only available in iPad
you can't buy it through the itunes
store and just using a laptop or
something front from what I haven't
tried to buy it directly from my itunes
on my pc but from what i gather at least
the textbook section
is specific to ibooks so you know we'll
see how that is we'll see how it shakes
out also just to how do you want to say
so I'm just gonna say they need to open
it up for laptop there's another they
really do this at least open up your
desktop users to ya I didn't make an
announcement related to that from what I
saw or read so maybe that's some they
can easily adapt that so maybe that's
something where they go later on in a
month like you know what we're also
going to make this available to desktop
users that would at least help to some
degree but also lets just we'll kind of
pound through some of the other
announcements that they did apple also
announced their new iBooks Author app
for OS 10 now you do have to be running
lion to take advantage of this I thought
this was pretty sweet this enables think
of it i like to call it keynote / pages
for books right so this uses very
similar to the keynote layout where you
have and there's templates to create
your own text books whether it's you
know geared toward science or math but
you could also if you're a programmer
somebody wants to make like an elegant
book they're going to be able to allow
you to code in JavaScript and HTML to
create custom widgets to interact with
these books we're I think if you want to
talk about something that's going to
change the game a little from a user
experience and just from information
books I think this iBooks Author app you
know for special interest of I you know
I think about video game guides I think
about specific topics that's you know a
publisher who's at home or an
independent publisher who could really
create some amazing stuff and then you
can directly publish this book to the
iTunes or sorry the ibookstore I think
this is this is pretty interesting and
compelling to just from a creative
standpoint or bringing books to the
prosumer consumer yeah amazon has
something similar which is
self-publishing but they don't have the
ability to actually paginate as far as i
know your own book to really create your
own super fancy book i think that's
pretty cool i mean it you know it
democratizes book creations yeah not
just text books right like any cool book
that you want to make i think this is
this i'm already looking at this
thinking like I have this children's
book that I've been meaning to write for
a long time called no really mr. Zhu now
it's time yeah totally hey maybe you can
sing it because it's a book and a song
really uh-huh I'll tell you about it
1,000,000 kisses 1,000,000 kiss ok
that's really cool we're look on it
anyway and then itunes u becomes i did
you know
um you're not gonna be doing that book
you're fighting a little bit I'm in
kisses I should see now gets dirty no I
shown your cheek I know what it's gonna
get weird okay I'll stop I'm pretty sure
if you do it's gonna get sexual itunes u
becomes an education hub a little bit
more really it it is in fact exactly
what they said it would be which is what
was an e-book and education focused
event and don't get me wrong I don't
want to I don't totally want to harsh
the textbook buzz I think there are some
big hurdles I do think though that that
is an industry that needs to be
disrupted because I think students are
at a disadvantage because their books
are not up to date I just don't know
that one company especially a company
that is most famous for lock-in to its
own products can necessarily be trusted
to kind of create the revolution you
know there's a lot of strings attached
to that revolution there's also i mean
sometimes when you look at that stuff it
also comes down to relationships and
Apple has pretty strong solid
relationships in the education market so
it's again just like we saw in the
consumer market it's an adoption thing
yeah if we have major universities and
schools and right now the iBookstore
textbooks are only for high school level
books right we're not seeing college
level textbooks yet and those typically
get you know updated year after year and
you know for people that have been in
college or are in college you buy a book
there's a new book every year the
colleges don't hold on to those books
four or five years you buy a new book
every year so it's a little different
model over there but here with iTunes U
this is going to be a service now really
there go to hub that allows professors
to interact with their students post
messages sends out assignments and share
their syllabus syllabi right multiple
mm-hmm but um this again I think it's
really cool the end they talked about
universities that are already on board
with this Duke Stanford Yale and others
but again this is coming down to that
tech divide where you still have in
college you know let's say someone like
my liberal arts teacher they're not
going to probably be saying you got to
use itunes to find out everything about
my class it's like taking the analog and
digital and putting all that
responsibility in those two different
worlds on one teacher who's already out
of their minds teaching five different
classes right so there there's a
challenge there I like the fact that
we're trying to do this push in the
digital age with education but it's
going to it's going to take a while it's
going to take a lot longer than most but
then I think people think it's not going
to happen like in a year where
everything's going to be every teacher
is going to be having digital platforms
and doing everything digitally it's
gonna take time it's gonna take a long
time for sure and and you know it all
happening in Apple's garden is a little
unnerving to me but we'll see how it
starts not to Apple right no it's great
today I don't know when it we have seen
the Occupy movement talk a lot about
what happens when you turn education
into a business you know and when you
try and it's not as though the textbook
industry has not been profiting but
anybody who buys a book can use that
book right it's not like you buy a book
and you can only use it on the text book
makers desk like it's there's a lot of
interlocking parts there that one
company wants to make money off of and I
that and and you see Duke and Yale and
Stanford pull even farther away from
every writer city and if this is fraught
this is very frightened mercedes-benz of
colleges are the ones like we're on
board right where's that where's the
state systems that you know the JC
systems like they're one person to
create it even farther away is it's
creating a divided just by looking at
who's supporting this right out the
gates it's not like Apple said deanza
college in cupertino would you like to
be one of our schools right one of our
pilot programs feel like I know thank
you where do we cannot afford three
thousand iPads so you know I it if
they're willing to donate iPads to all
these institutions awesome buddy we'll
see alright moving on I am pretty sure I
did you know what I have to say I fell
into the trap I knew if I knew that
yesterday was SOPA blackout day
obviously I was super for it in fact i
participated in my own way by being at
jury duty and therefore unable to
publish publish or tape anything you
were you were blocked out from the I was
blacked out from the internet by being a
dirty dude um well then i went to
craigslist yesterday just like dan today
to do oh crap but good for you
craigslist oh okay it was like watching
any cool
apps online like late Tuesday night all
these sites started to go down Wikipedia
uh went after a slight delay switched
over to a page informing people about
sopa craigslist went down wordpress took
their site down all the the cheezburger
network sites went down a lot of people
took their personal blogs down it was a
heat it was I have to say very inspiring
it seemed like a hugely successful
coordinated protest against the Stop
Online Piracy Act and the protect
innovation and piracy whatever act pipa
pipa the Senate version pippa um and it
seems to have had an impact are you
saying that the internet the Internet
community as a whole was able to maybe
let these senators see what was because
at the hearings they heard they didn't
hear anything from our side exactly they
didn't even know he was real and
supporters right yep Mark Zuckerberg
yesterday formally came out against SOPA
for the first time it said Facebook is
opposed to sopa and then the senator roy
Blunt Missouri Republican said quote I'm
withdrawing my co-sponsorship for the
protect IP act senator john Boozman
withdrew his name as a co-sponsor of
protect IP senators are fleeing like
rats from a sinking ship when it comes
to their support of SOPA John Carter a
Texas Republican listed as its oppa
sponsor quote reserves judgment on the
final bill at this point I will not
support a bill unless my constituents
are comfortable with it said sponsored
tim Griffin an Arkansas Republican it's
I was truly inspired and proud of that
the tech industry overall I mean I feel
like it was not just like angry blockers
you know no is it was like our own
little internet spring here's the beauty
of this and I don't think it can be
under state enough in the past when
there was an issue that you had with
your with your senator or representative
you have to write a letter or make a
phone call right how many times are they
going to actually see that and feel that
by the time you do that the issues
probably been passed or voted on by that
time but here they were able to see
the entire collective like I think there
was something around like it Google said
there were like something like 4.5
million people signed an anti so visit
petition yeah they all needed like
300,000 4.5 million people participate
that if you talk about some of the
Twitter numbers there are over 2.4
million sopa related tweets all right
that's going to catch someone's eye and
someone's attention and the fact is that
these senators 13 and Counting pulled
out of their support after they realized
why do these why do our citizens and
constituents feel this way they actually
probably looked at the issue a little
more closely instead of just listen to
what they heard at their hearings or how
these bills were shaped and proposed by
the by the studios that helped to create
them yeah it was really it was pretty
remarkable and then in addition to all
of the online petitions and the
blackouts I do want to point out that
the calls did roll in 22 Senate and
House offices and I think that is just
as important apparently the phone lines
were flooded yesterday I mean they were
getting hundreds of calls an hour from
people expressing their support you know
it's really interesting because a buddy
of mine from Consumer Electronics
Association told me that he was at an
event with the riaa CEO Kerry Sherman
and he came up to him and said hey buddy
you guys are doing a great you guys
doing a great job with this little
grassroots thing you got going here this
anti this little this little really like
no idea right this was a while ago for
sure no idea no idea that look America
may have its differences right like
politically and when it comes to do you
know there there's none of this should
be taken to mean that the people on the
internet are pro piracy or pro stealing
but no America is not about extremism
like once you come along Recording
Industry and movie industry and you are
you're purely and brazenly trying to
protect your outmoded business model by
censoring speech online we're not having
it and I thought that was remarkable
that that was such an that was just an
easy it was just an easy call right like
you don't get to break the internet
because you refuse to innovate that's
just not happening that's too far in one
direction and I have to say like I think
in general that's usually how America
response all right when we go too far in
one direction that's that's it we
recognize it and we come together and we
make it stop and that was great and you
know we're probably we're going to still
see these bills rear their ugly head but
there there's going to be hopefully with
this a new reshaping of what they are
because in any negotiation if it's if
it's too heavy on one side you in any
type of negotiation you want a bill you
kinda have to get it where both sides
are unhappy about the final bill meaning
everyone's not getting exactly what they
want but they're getting some of those
things and there's oh there's going to
be a way where there will be some sort
of middle ground it's not going to sway
completely to our side where soap and PI
PO will not even exist I think they will
still have they will still exist in some
way shape or form but we're gonna at
least I'm going to be able to come to a
middle ground instead of this ridiculous
bill that pretty much triples and
disables when you tell people we're
gonna take away some of your internet
and someone goes why because we can
doesn't work cuz for the money also okay
can we show this little picture thing
real quick yeah totally okay so just
this this is a little fun thing about
you know who who violates you know what
sopa is talking about well we all know
that Lamar Smith who was the author of
SOPA and he has his own official
campaign website and what happened is
there's a background image Lamar Smith
was using of this kind of I don't know
forest outdoors image and someone
managed to locate the image and find out
who the original photographer was DJ
shil and it looks like Lamar Smith
forgot to click the author of the image
in the back of his campaign website that
he was using the headline copyright
violator that's his official website
copyright violator an image take it down
take it out Lamar the headline was like
the awkward moment when you break the
kind of law that you're trying to force
onto a miracle although let's be fair we
all know that Lamar Smith did not write
that legislation the are a double-a and
the NPA rosalyn he barely even knew what
was in it they asked him about he was
like DNS what now um there probably
wasn't even dns it all fell there they'd
even use those that acronym but like
don't get cocky you know if i had to
cook if I had to caution anyone at this
we don't get cocky because the MPAA has
not back down even though the number of
senators and Congress people withdrawing
their support for these two bills is
just like up up up up up taking up the
mpaa denounced all of the blackouts in
protest yesterday as quote stunts they
said it was an abuse of power they were
taking swipes against Wikipedia on
Twitter somebody one of the like an RA a
person on Twitter so yeah you know all
these kids are now gonna have to do real
research and check their facts like
really yeah yeah these guys aren't these
guys are not here in it these bills are
not dead and there is no question that
this fight is going to continue I think
that IP intellectual property fights are
going to characterize the coming year
and beyond and it's not and in fact
there's every possibility that some of
these measures will be replaced with
sort of quieter more dangerous measures
adam curry blog this week about a sort
of parallel effort in congress to force
everyone who registers a domain anywhere
to use their real verifiable information
right so that there's no way that you
can register a domain under a fake name
or with a shell corporation or something
like that you have to be tracked down
personally for every website that you
create that's a pretty when you think
about it that's a sweeping change it's
pretty dangerous precedent that's going
to take a long time to to vet all those
people hands continually yeah and an
expensive one but as soon as your
website is tied to you directly forget
about it Wikipedia writer where
WikiLeaks forget about any site that
wants to do whistle blowing forget about
any site that wants to promote dissent
in a in a dictate in a dictatorship as
long as I can control those domains and
they can track it right to you there's
still a problem there so it's not
nobody's nobody won anything yet it was
like we're was a really good bad or hat
we're have we're happy that we all
participated in this but keep it a
battle rages and wages on it's basically
like keep it up yeah definitely keep it
up but it ain't ova it ain't ova nobody
Nova ah ain't oppa that was a really
that was an exciting day online and I
think it was really a turning point for
kind of online activism like everybody
was reporting on it and it was a really
it was a big deal it's good stuff it's
good stuff we're gonna take a break when
we come back we actually
you have more news oh my gosh no filler
news show talking for like an hour um
when we come back the death of a
childhood brand it's still alive just
barely it's like limpin Facebook's insta
spam and ATT just doing some you screw
up like debut sponsor our show
alright guys welcome back to buzz out
loud see nuts amazing podcast of in a
term of the lake miss molly wood in the
house see hi it's so indeterminate it's
so we don't even know how a determinate
it is alright Steven Beecham in the
house howdy alright kid if we ever did
figure out a time then would we be the
determinate errs I'm away if if we had
the little too don't don't I'll give you
that one alright gotta bet it's on this
thing it is actually that's actually
more appropriate that's a nice always
shoot me now is it is pretty knowing all
right guys back to the stories cut out
okay a couple weeks ago we talked about
Kodak was pondering Oh finally for
chapter 11 bankruptcy that has happened
now they announced it officially last
night that it's filed for chapter 11 but
the company is hoping emerged from
bankruptcy in 2013 so that's about a
year and a half or so there hope to get
out of their secure 950 million dollars
in debtor-in-possession financing from
Citigroup it'll allow them to keep
operating during this restructuring
period they've also appointed vice
chairman the fti consulting Dominic Dina
Poli as their chief restructuring offer
officer so we'll see what happens they
did make preview know they have been
involved in previous attempts with some
of their patents for doing that and
they're still doing they have I believe
they have a they're working on things
against what HTC I think apples one of
the people that they've a claim violates
some of their patents that were also
talks about Kodak potentially just
looking to sell their patent treasure
chest cuz we've seen that happen with a
lot of companies but at this moment
they're hoping to emerge and come back
in 2013 from bankruptcy we'll see what
happens but again we talked about a
couple weeks ago the iconic codec brand
yeah there was something on Twitter at
that time that said you know like thanks
for thanks for developing all this
amazing camera technology and putting
yourself out of business well you look
at here are some of these numbers here
during this time right they're trying
they're trying to shift their over their
model they've closed 13 manufacturing
plants 130 processing labs reducing
their workforce by 47,000
employees this is since 2003 which is a
gradual just kind of the gradual decline
and how technology has changed the game
yep you gotta keep up kanal but you can
i'll just be patents uh but i don't even
know how to characterize this next bit
of news but facebook held an event
yesterday and as far as i know they
didn't talk about log normalized graphs
at all that's cuz they didn't report
about that because that's almost boring
good point nobody even went yeah um the
facebook announced 60 new partners that
have integrated their applications with
open graph which is the underlying
technology that allows companies to
engage in friction quote-unquote
frictionless sharing on Facebook we love
that we love that well frictionless um
friction is what makes it fun um and
they opened up open graph to everyone so
everyone can now engage in spammy I mean
sharing via no seriously like I don't
even think people realize the tsunami of
spam that is now headed your way on
facebook as everyone starts you know
that ticker I know that ticker yeah that
ticker got a whole lot more spanning
that was not gonna be going like tick
tick it's gonna go and you know that at
some points yeah exactly you know at
some point one of these apps is gonna
cut a deal with Facebook like just let
us know maybe we can share our stuff in
the news feed just this one time and
then pretty soon it creeps on over if
it's not in the ticker anymore I mean
that's not even really clear yeah at
this point whether all of that sharing
is going to happen in the ticker Sharon
Vaknin had a good how to about the
things to know before you start using
facebook timeline apps because these
apps are all rolling out in conjunction
with the slow and steady creep of the
timeline into everyone's a facebook
experience man Facebook's gotten
complicated I read it I've noticed a lot
less people posting on their really
distant since the timeline thing came
out with that big giant picture that I
everyone hates well you guys hate that
big picture I do honestly I like it like
it's not the picture it's how heavy the
pages now and then it's trying to load
your entire like and then when they
rolled that out to mobile like to put
the time line interface on the freaking
mobile app that's here try just try to
go to your own profile on your mobile
a panty and a half an hour later tell me
what you think like it is just takes a
long time a long time hey dude anyway
though back to the 60 companies
tripadvisor ticketmaster every time you
buy tickets to a concert autopost dig
kobo zynga Rotten Tomatoes BuzzFeed
there's a whole long list of the
companies that have signed up for open
graph so just be aware when you start
using these apps that there is a
possibility that you might start sort of
insta sharing everything that you're
doing it will probably ask you for
permission to authorize the first time
but once you authorize the app it will
never ask your permission again you can
go in and change those settings but
you'll have to do that yourself manually
there's also some just because
everyone's worried about how much will
these things share there's a some of the
apps that are going on like
they've talked about how some of your
purchases will be actually will be
hidden so there's certain private things
for example cells maybe some
like intimate products that won't
instantly be shared or post on your
timeline or wall which is nice one other
thing that I found kind of cool but then
the same time kind of creepy as the fact
that companies can also how do I say
this share within other open graph
companies so they use an example where
let's say you're listening to Spotify
and you also are using ticketmaster and
both of those our apps are using with
the open graph ticketmaster can tell
that you're listening to a concert from
let's say Backstreet Boys Backstreet
Boys and then tell you from the
ticketmaster side when Backstreet Boys
concerts are going to be available in
your area that's kind of cool but then
it's also kind of creepy at the same
time right it's like it's a little too
much but the fact is that these apps can
also talk to one another with the open
graph platform right so it's it's really
up to you if you want to be involved I
feel like I'm less and less involved in
facebook because it just gets more and
more more more just creepier and
creepier it's just too much now it's too
much and it's just it's so much that
it's beyond its now such a complex
system that it's beyond understanding
right like I don't understand what this
app is doing and why some stuff is in
the ticker and some I mean I do right
but it's sort of like it gets
or the more and more confusing it gets
to the everyday user it just becomes
like I don't like this and they just
hear this sort of constant noise from
the background from the media that's
like I don't know privacy and sharing I
just think that Facebook is I think
they're in danger of driving away their
users at this point yeah I mean it's not
like i'm using google plus either but
it's just that I don't want it I don't
want all of that stuff to be there you
know I'm kind of just realizing that
exactly like maybe I don't need this but
I don't think I don't think we're alone
I feel like there's a point where we've
become a little oversaturated with this
whole social media generation social
media wave and people are starting to
pull back a little there's still plenty
people jumping online but there's a
point where after you've shared so much
like I don't want to share as much
anymore yeah so maybe I don't know we
need to get some like kids on this show
I'm kind of curious yeah seriously
Google+ god it is awful it is so span so
filled with spam I don't even sign on
it's just I mean I'm trying to use it
and I really want to like it and there
are a lot of followers there although i
think that most of them are spammers and
it's it's really overwhelmed they have
got to get a handle on that because it's
kind of a nightmare to use and so it's
just not as people like are looking for
an alternative to facebook google+ need
to figure out how to make google plus a
nicer place to be I've got an
alternative call your friends your real
friends and understand column text them
okay Skye do that text them I did go on
google+ for the first time just a tryout
hang out like just cuz I'm like uh I
guess I'll go on google+ yeah like my
friends like let's hang out like all
right I use Google+ exclusively to just
curate all the podcasts that produce so
if you want to go follow me on Google+
you'll see every podcast show i predict
hey there you go good to go curia that's
a power tip by steven Beecham pretty
haha Danny Danny Danny in the chatroom
says my kids are kind of bored with
facebook they only use it because they
don't have cell phones and they can only
find their friends via Facebook more and
more I actually agree more and more I'm
just using facebook is like a little
mini linkedin oh my go well I can't
remember that person's email so I'll
just um send them a facebook message
yeah that's good yeah I'll writing yeah
yeah it has its uses let's move on shall
we AT&T just
stumpy they've retooled their data plans
retooled and by retooled we mean upped
the pricing across the board for data
plans as they've done away completely
with unlimited plans I think even
grandfathered unlimited plans right
we're angry email about that there's no
cheese I'm sorry there's no change for
grandfather current customers so if you
are on an unlimited plan which is
already throttled you can stay on it but
if you get a new plan or new contract
you will go over so now currently you
could get 200 megs per month for fifteen
dollars two gigs for 25 or four gigs for
45 all three plans are getting a five
dollar price increase so they go to 300
megs three gigs and five gigs so they
get more expensive but you now get more
data so even though I really feel for
majority of people they don't really use
200 megs of data life or a majority even
200 megs hey guys no no I'm saying not
on Wi-Fi I'm saying just through the
data carrier if you ask a lot of people
not too many people well our audience is
different but let's say I don't even use
200 megs of 3G data on my phone because
we're primarily on Wi-Fi right so AT&T
is saying you know what we're gonna give
you 300 megs we're gonna charge you five
dollars all the more although again most
people don't go over 200 I have to say
although i preface this was saying that
18t was being evil again um they they
are increasing prices but they're all
the overall cost per bite across the
board is lower and they are increasing
their data caps which I actually think
is kind of a good thing right i mean in
the week keep complaining that companies
are doing away with unlimited data and
that they're throttling back at a time
when everybody's using more data AT&T at
least is saying everybody's using more
data so we're going to offer higher data
plans I i think this and then you should
as a consumer you're absolutely right
Brian like every consumer should track
how much they actually use because
there's a very good possibility that you
only need the twenty dollar plan thank
you don't need the $45 plan that's what
I'm saying I guess what I'm trying to
say is that for that higher end like you
said increase the data caps give you
more bites or at a better price yeah
that's for someone that uses data have
you but when I'll when the all of my
friends for the most part on the 3g or
edge date or whatever they're using is
under 200 this is really just them
pushing that higher so that they can
make a little money and then what makes
me look at it from the outside even more
is that look AT&T said we were going to
acquire t-mobile and it everything would
be great we're going to offer you guys
more services but here it's like what a
month after that whole thing fell apart
and they're increasing the prices on
data plan well they gotta make up for
lost that they took him yeah million
billion with that just you go see if
they really if if they were really okay
we wouldn't I feel like we wouldn't it's
not like all the other carriers are
doing this right now AT&T is the one
doing this yeah so it's not that there
was a pretty good tweet about this
yesterday or the day before that said if
they were really feeling the bits think
this is the kind of thing you can only
do when you already have a very dominant
position in the marketplace right when
it's you versus verizon and everybody
else is so far behind because if you're
really feeling the competitive pressure
you lower prices you try to be more
competitive I mean what 18t could have
done to win over customer goodwill to
demonstrate that they are actually
concerned about pricing and a price war
is raised the data limits without
raising prices right like data is
actually pretty cheap so that said
though it's not the most unreasonable
thing I ever heard you're getting more
for your money and in fact you are
getting more for your money now than you
were under the previous plans it's
cheaper provide if you want to pay extra
if you if that's okay with you what well
you don't have to pay $45 at least
that's an option yeah i think verizon
got rid of their lower end option they
used to have a fifteen dollar plan and
now they don't so they're in line with
verizon at this point okay moving on in
other a smartphone and carrier I don't
know we're totally like what I hate them
right okay yeah yeah exactly did you did
you get real quick did you guys get the
18-team message to free your data usage
among the top five percent of users that
data speeds for this cycle may be
reduced have you got that okay the
throttle me
I have unlimited cuz I'm grandfather did
yeah oh yeah there's no such thing as
unlimited they still totally it's it's a
it's a limit Ronald it's a limit Ronald
exactly it's a limit Ronald yeah and you
can guess what we pay for that you just
been throttle that's funny a my friend
posted like a screenshot of that on
facebook with that that message from 18t
and it just you just wrote under it f
you AT&T it's a little Emma throttled
it's a new plan it's a new buzzword yeah
that'll work 4G confusion limit righto
all you care about is your unlimited
plan not available to new subscribers
unlimber throttle is not available to
new subscribers main coverage may vary
depending on your region of location a
new survey reveals that Apple's iOS
smartphone operating system is closing
in fast on Android done it is and they
mean it specifically on iPhone and this
is not an iOS across the board cuz I was
like oh they just beam i pod touch us
too but i don't think they do because it
with the survey was conducted by Nielsen
and found that among Americans over the
last three months who bought new
smartphones 44 and a half percent bought
an iphone vs forty six point nine
percent who bought an android phone
how's that blackberry doing or 4.5
percentage did you say 45 oh sorry for
poor 5.5 yeah my bad windows a phone was
not mention the survey stands in stark
contrast to an earlier while their
phones i don't know but it's still even
feels brutal actually when you win that
when the mention is it wasn't mentioned
in the results like it's like ah damn
that sucks not even one dude we don't
even know if they asked about it it just
didn't come up but there was a survey
taken in october just recently in
october and polled Americans who bought
a new smartphone with in the previous
three months at that time twenty-five
percent had bought an iphone while 61
percent went with an android handset so
the iphone sales and let's not kid
ourselves it's because it's on more
carriers now for God's sake iphone sales
are starting to creep up creep back up
to android levels well you know they
have the new iphone model like
came out just before then and also they
have a cheaper iPhone where you can get
one for ninety-nine dollars on contract
or even one without a car you know so
that's gonna make up a lot of that space
if someone says I could get an iphone
with just a contract yeah I'm gonna get
it yeah I mean obviously the 4s was
probably the biggest driver of those
numbers for sure but I mean there's no
question it's kind of interesting
because what you just pointed out is
that like there are now a lot of choices
and I phone market you mean choice
actually is a good thing which is why
Android was outselling iphone someone
cuz there were so many choices now you
have many choices of carriers many
choices of actual device and price
points amazing what a concept we'll see
and then in funny news of the week okay
this is why the internet is amazing i
love it not only kid not only can we
have senators pull out from their
support of sopa and pipa yep we can also
be set on fire by Rob Lowe just just in
the middle of that exact same day right
like oh we're talking about a soap
online and whatever is concerned and
then and then all of a sudden there's a
little trending thing that's just like
what Rob Lowe what cuz Rob Lowe possibly
needing a little attention tweeted a sex
tape for like years yes we did yesterday
on Wednesday Dan your eighteenth and he
heard a rumor from his quote people that
peyton manning the quarterback for the
Indianapolis Colts was retiring now
because he had that a season-ending neck
injury at the beginning of the state of
2011 yep and then he said and then he
was like well wait I mean that's what I
hear but i'm not sure and like that i've
heard that from my sources are you guys
hearing yeah let's hope my info is wrong
colts fans i don't like being wrong but
this time i'm hoping what are you
hearing NFL you know what he should he
should get it in a minute you should get
in the apple rumor business really sure
i don't think that that could be a new
career for Rob Lowe you really should my
sources tell me Archie Manning father of
peyton and eli laughed when he heard
that Rob Lowe said Peyton Rita will
retire quote he said no yeah retiring I
think you would have told me although
let's be I have to dread everybody's
making fun of Rob Lowe I think he was
right and i think the peyton manning
should retire because if he ever gets
hit again he's gonna die nobody needs to
see that well I'm serious he is gonna
retire like I bet Rob Lowe just heard
this too soon everybody was like kidding
look let's let's let's just because it's
the end of the show let's just shift
from tech and to spend 30 seconds on
football they're going to draft Andrew
Luck exactly they're getting but
Peyton's not gonna retire they need
Peyton on the roster so that he can
train and mentor Andrew Luck that's a
pain wants to do that that's a pain
wants to do that painted a very
lucrative career in commercials he's
very does oh I know and he's he's very
smart and well spoken like he's gonna be
a commentator like he's gonna be fine
he's not like Brett Favre who clearly
has nothing else to do and that's why he
keeps coming back take pictures of his
Lili brett farr ever you know he has
plan to do he's part of the internet
generation too yeah i think some acid
peyton is gonna do Payton's gonna do
like a working retirement like he's
gonna suit up but he's never gonna play
give me like joe Montana's gonna be in
commercials forever I pray that you
never plays again because i didn't know
that guy died on the field he's a nice
man he does a lot for a big brother I
interviewed him one time when I lived in
Nebraska he's a really good guy awesome
alright uh in other football news not
actually not football in other celebrity
tweet news what was it thing about Marky
Mark didn't he tweet yesterday no it was
an interview never mind but it was all
over Twitter that Marky Mark had said
that he could could have stopped none of
them okay okay are you dead serious
right now I was on Howard Stern and he
was like bud been on that plate like
horrible not funny right one thing poor
taste Marky Mark if if I was on that
plane remember he's being held up by
wires and he could have his movie could
have prevented he could have Leah he
said he would have stopped the attacks
from happening if he had been on guys
sit down let's just let's just stop yeah
you all you are is famous I wasn't
listening I don't know the context it
could have been in joke in jest but I
just don't say that don't say that all
right actually move straight on down
people tuned out yet no there no but
let's move straight on down straight on
down to the beach oh I fooled you I
boom there we go amen all right uh we
talked about this earlier this email
comes to us from our buddy Nate Nate
says hi data usage alert really a team
really the only reason i tolerated your
crappy service for so long was that i
was grandfathered into an unlimited
iphone data plan so really after my
whole family has iphones on the same
plan and we're all on to your contracts
you now are going to start throttling
our data speeds in addition to capping
the data on the new lines really he says
really a lot I just hope this lets me
break my contract and move to sprint I'm
sure the coverage is abysmal and the
call quality sinks but really really
isn't is that any different 18-0 really
with seven ah yeah I let me tell you
this there's no way you're gonna get to
break your contract over this but just
may do the math right cuz sometimes you
save enough money by going to the
because you get the cheaper phone like
it might be worth paying your cuz the
the early termination fees are prorated
so if you're close to the end of your
contract like I've been thinking about
moving over to sprint because i only
have like four months left on my
contract is basically would add up like
one payment did you ever did you break
your contract to get the iphone no i
bought in an ebay oh that's right that's
right yep I don't four okay let's get at
it I want you all to know just a little
update I am keeping my eyes on the
Galaxy Nexus oh no absolutely on Sprint
Galaxy Nexus I'm on Prince i support
elite feeling that exhibit lee everyone
is like saying do a prize i'm honestly
waiting to do an iphone 4s prize fight
once a galaxy samsung nexus comes out on
sprint specifically because they're not
crippling that they're a wallet service
and that phone is amazing and the two
phones that honestly I'm going to throw
out the two phones i only care about
right now i actually don't even care
about the iphone for us because my
iphone 4 pretty much does justice fine
but fine if you want to say the newest
of 4s and Galaxy Nexus yeah those are
the two hottest phones right now I also
think getting back to that Nielsen
survey and to say this earlier I think
that a lot of the Android sales at least
among the kind of hero phone purchasers
were depressed by the fact that
everybody was waiting for the Galaxy
Nexus to come out so I think it's
possible that the Nielsen numbers could
be a little more interesting in the next
three month report because iphone 4s had
come out but there was no really
comparable new cool android joan and
yes but Nexus was obviously delay delay
delay delay Nexus on the verizon though
was kind of like up I know kind of a
letdown because verizon really ruined it
yeah like they do all right next email
Cameron writes in and says lately I've
been hearing that cnet supports SOPA is
that true
do you even have to justify this area
haven't sir uh I actually our chat room
was asking us a lot uh because CBS has
been listed as one of the companies that
support sofa CBS as a Content company it
actually wouldn't be particularly
surprising and les Moonves is death on
online piracy right he is super like
he's very hardcore on that issue I think
it's all emails from we do a lot so I
think that CBS corporate probably has
been listed as a supporter of SOPA I
suspect that they're reconsidering
because it's kind of one of those like
yeah we support stopping online piracy
right that was an easy thing to put your
name on and as more details come out who
knows what the corporate stance is right
now I can tell you that cnet obviously
we don't and you have been allowed to
say whatever we want from Declan mikkola
to our show to reporters roundtable to
you know I mean like most of the cnet
staff has been pretty outspoken against
SOPA because we're part of the
technology community and kudos to CBS
for valuing what we do as a website or
not listening hopefully that's not good
and letting us you know but maintain our
editorial integrity on this matter
unlike the wall street journal which
posted an op-ed that one can assume was
written word for word by Rupert Murdoch
oh yeah they came out for SOPA in favor
of SOPA and PIPA like there is no chance
that Murdoch didn't write that crap for
them no chance that that's genius i we
talked about it a couple weeks ago we
need to reiterate for those of you that
didn't hear us two weeks ago there is no
way in hell that we support Soper Piper
right and if you want to talk about just
really quickly there's a list of a lot
of these companies it goes even beyond
media companies we have companies like
liz claiborne l'oreal lucky brand jeans
these are companies whose things like
counterfeit goods they're really there
also has to be a distinction between
counterfeit goods and intellectual
property like clearly defined in the
soap and Piper bills but there are
companies that have that are not media
companies that are also supporting this
bill and then you know yes until they
realize the the ramifications of it you
know maybe some of them will drop off as
well because
all of these companies are rightly
concerned about piracy and
counterfeiting yeah period right and so
are we nobody here is saying that
everything should be free and
information to me I don't get me wrong
the entire retail industry realized
decades ago that theft is a cost of
doing business that is the case right
and you have to structure your business
around it and figure out part of that's
just an actuarial table kind of thing
and I think that the digital
distribution industry the content
industry has had a hard time figuring
out that math when it comes to digital
distribution I'm curious about the math
because I know that when I worked in
retail loss prevention was accounted we
try to keep it somewhere like under ten
percent when you think about it ten
percents a pretty hefty numbers I know
that's a high number yeah but you know
somewhere between ten to fifteen percent
specifically you know when you're
talking about Apple stores I mean when I
was working there and in other places
though but around ten to fifteen percent
loss prevention is factored in yeah I
wonder if someone could do a breakdown
of the millions billions of dollars that
they're losing versus what they're
making because we've heard in the past
movie studios had had their most
successful years oh yeah all right
people are still pirating and copying
movies now we can't put it's hard to put
a specific number on that but I would be
curious if it was around ten to fifteen
percent maybe 20 but I don't think it's
fifty percent i don't think it's 40 but
it's probably more around a 15 to 20 so
i'm curious well and it's really really
hard to do those numbers accurately yeah
because not everyone is creating a model
for distribution that is a true
alternative to piracy like we're still
not all the way there yet I mean people
were pirating music in droves and it did
decimate the record industry because the
record industry didn't provide an
alternative for almost a decade it took
them almost ten years to stop suing
people and provide an alternative to
Napster when they finally got on board
with Apple in the iTunes Store no wonder
they suffered so many losses like they
weren't in the store you couldn't give
them your money to purchase the product
that you wanted no wonder people found a
technological solution that's that
happens right and a lot of people didn't
even realize they were breaking the law
they were like this is the only place to
get music online okay here I go yeah um
so until we have true parity in terms of
the offerings both
legally it's been really hard to make
that argument and to be perfectly frank
the content industry spent a lot of
years Trump enough numbers that they've
had to apologize for or at least had to
back away from because they were found
to be like patently untrue or or had
zero basis in fact so anyway no we don't
the quick answer no we don't suppose
well we're not gonna give you a quick
answer what's that all that hmm all
right let let let's wrap it there i
think it's been an awesome show you guys
we were we're super happy to be back in
the bunker it just feels like we have
been here in a long time you know we
have three shows from CES we've been
we've been in your ears for like crazy
but yeah we appreciate you guys look the
chat room coming out full force again we
missed you showing the love shown the
support so we love you guys and I think
that that's gonna do it for today I know
though a quick note on our chat room
before we go for those of you who come
out and join us live thank you so much
it's wonderful to see you here you all
know that for years and years and years
now Genie our chat room mama pretty much
has been the queen bee of the pound cnet
fans IRC channel and Jeannie I'm happy
to report that her home business with
her husband's take it off and they're
busier than they've ever been but she
won't be in the chat room as much so
please take the moment take a moment
come back on Thursday if you haven't
been in the chat room for a while next
we can take a moment to disrupt you note
that says thank you thank you thank you
yeah we appreciate so much I mean we
have nothing but love for Jeannie she's
gone to our events she came out to our
buzz out loud 200th episode awesome
shoes in New York house own a thousand
two thousand episode I mean she's been a
huge part of the bus a lot family
longtime listener so we just appreciate
everything she's done for us from the
bottom of her heart so but we eschew
nothing but the best we'd love you been
and we will see you it's like she's gone
no but she won't be there quite as often
so when she's here it'll be a treat
exactly when she's here it'll be like a
giant yeah yeah all right we'll see you
guys next week when we will have
computer love cuz it's the last show of
the mindful we're still doing that doing
it good I talk to you soon good all
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