Buzz Out Loud Ep. 1582: The Dickensian drama of the music services world
Buzz Out Loud Ep. 1582: The Dickensian drama of the music services world
today is Thursday februari 23rd 2012 my
name is Stephen Beecham I'm Brian song
and I'm Molly would welcome to buzz out
loud seen its podcast of indeterminate
length it is episode 15 82 and we're
super excited today because buzz out
loud general counsel Gil Cabrera special
counsel that might be more appropriate
legal adviser legal advisor special
special calculus Jedi Council with we
really just work on your title every
counselor chief whatever otherwise known
as Gil SD in the chat room IE joining us
in studio once again at lend his expert
opinion on all things tech well my legal
opinion you you are the expert here so
you guys will embrace it you might as
well embrace oh it's all relative right
and if we sump you we won't be mad
because that means we don't know the
answer we won't even know that we stem
to discuss the good thing is I could
answer it and nobody would know yeah you
could all see you fake it or you could
also talk in circles like a nice did
last week man man that was brutal wow
that's a good guy he's a good guy but
once the mics went hot right was like oh
who is this robot that was implant like
it was like a chip it was like someone
flipped a switch and all of sudden was
like dude not cool anymore he's a
well-trained man he really isn't loud
that you were there to see him off
camera so that you can know that why I
still like him cuz I could tell if he
was like why would you why did you like
I like him he's no no I think he's yeah
Wow but once the interview what turned
on it was like wow I had a list of like
a 30 questions and we are you always
like to Manisa nice also had a list of
30 questions that he would ask out or
you ask a question how he plays the heat
which you went MIT ask this let me ask
you a question killed let me ask you a
question did that to me too everybody
hates my question let's make up coal
analogies that has nothing to do with
the topic at hand and still not answer a
yes or no question I can answer that
question instead I'm gonna answer it
this question I don't want to talk about
that say that anyways Gil we're really
happy to have you here so I'm having me
back yeah thanks for coming back to the
house and it couldn't be a more
appropriate show to have you back on
cuz there is it's like privacy week I
mean every week in tech seems to be
copyright patent and intellectual
property issues week so it's that plus
though there's a ton of sort of
exploding privacy news this week which
is really interesting it's very
interesting a for example just just kind
of the top of the breaking news over him
just the whole legal news that we have
going on the tech firms a large group of
tech firms including Apple Google
Microsoft and others have now agreed for
privacy protection for their mobile apps
they've agreed to require developers to
inform users explicitly about their data
usage policy policies before they
download the apps this is let this is
really being spearheaded in California
first but these policies will then be
implemented across the board it's just
that obviously when apps are available
in a state or nationally and globally
help if they adhere to California's laws
and requests they'll also affect how
their apps are a distributed and that
message goes across the board you're
welcome to world thank you we like to
give you our laws whenever possible this
actually does it basically puts the
California Online Privacy Act global yes
which is an amazing thing by agreement
and it was already the Online Privacy
Act already was one of the strongest
consumer protection laws in the country
as far as I understand for disclosure
purposes yeah right and now it extends
to app behavior as well now what we
found though Google responded and said
will you this is fun for us because it's
exactly what we do on the Android all
the time the the potential problem here
though is yeah we've all seen we've all
installed an app and been like whoa dude
this app wants to do a lot of junk that
I don't think I like okay because we
want the app so a lot of privacy
advocates have come out and said that's
super that you now have you know
globally tougher privacy privacy
restrictions and disclosure restrictions
than anybody else but the fact is these
apps are still attempting it is still
their default behavior to try to collect
as much information as possible so the
fact that they're telling you may not be
enough what what really maybe needs to
happen is that they just need to dial
back the collection well and it's and
it's just disclosure and the disclosure
is going to be these big privacy
policies again right though they can
just do a link really from the even
their website and then and that almost
complies with the law and then
the problem generally with privacy is
enforcement there is no private yeah
really no private enforcement that has
teeth the good news about this is that
the Attorney General who you know some
say wants to run for governor someday
has a lot of incentive to enforce this
very aggressively so she'll she'll
probably be looking after this pretty
well but it's going to be up to the AG's
yeah Attorney General Kamala Harris
she's originally from the bay area she's
what they're saying is that developers
and platform providers that do not
comply with the law can be prosecuted
under you know the California's unfair
law competition competition law and
false advertising lot of penalties which
would be up to five hundred thousand
dollars per use of the app in violation
so if she really wants to spearhead this
and also use this as kind of one of her
platforms of this is what I pushed out
here for the state of California for the
people of the world for the technology
world oh yeah former DEA of San Fran's
it would be in their best interest to
potentially in the future if someone
does actively now try violate this kind
of kind of bring it to the forefront and
kind of make a little brouhaha if
someone does overtly violate this policy
in the future yes we might see yeah well
state's attorneys general are incredibly
powerful and it wasn't until Spitzer in
New York that really just showed
everybody else just how powerful these
positions were and ever since then
they've just been flexing their muscles
a lot more and there it's Anene they
oversee so much areas of law they're the
top law enforcement officer they have
subpoena power they can do that you
really don't want them up in your
business and what she's saying is if you
if you break these laws I'm going to be
in your business and you don't want that
and a lot of these businesses are right
in her backyard totally so I think she
has an added incentive in terms of
enforcement and it's a little bit easier
frankly you know and she's looking right
down at Silicon Valley she's like I have
my eyes on you I am right up the road
and if you you know if you step out of
line I will be right there a lot of this
actually yeah and a lot of these CEOs
are on her Advisory Council to that they
meet the General Counsel's are often on
their little about an advisory council
so she talks to all these people so what
we could could we hope though that the
the existence of the laws could change
the culture of data collection with it
ya know it's I don't think well I think
I think it's going to be the consumer
the consumer reaction in
and this week all the all these
different articles we're seeing about
privacy I mean people are starting to
get concerned and over time I think that
will build up but I still think ninety
percent of consumers don't care yeah
it's they're gonna read the statement
not read all the fine print and just say
okay no but the fact that that exists
okay fine if something bad goes
something bad happens at least they're
going to be liable for it it's a start
and the level of noise about privacy and
the level of concern at least among that
sort of small but vocal group of
consumers has led to president obama
finally officially unveiling or
attempting to work with Congress to
enact the consumer privacy Bill of
Rights which will be unveiled tomorrow
that's been something that's been in the
works for a long time something that
Aneesh Chopra has been talking at length
about for the duration of his subjects
to us did he get to that wee-wee-wee-wee
I did we kind of you asked a question
about the Bill of Rights but then he
started talking about something else
right I recall that quite vividly but
it's been in the works for a long time
it is now finally going to be unveiled
and I think that that is it's not the
timing is no coincidence this is
definitely reaching a boiling point a
little bit yeah I mean part part of its
a agreement with the industry and that
battle go into effect pretty quickly the
part that's that's got some potential
teeth is is the action Bill of Rights
will go through Congress and that as we
know nothing is going through Congress
so that's I doubt is going to go very
far yeah unfortunately but but the
agreements the the voluntary agreements
and everything else that'll that'll
start going forward and again all these
government agencies are becoming
concerned about privacy and that's
that's going to raise some issues yeah
if you guys kind of want to break down
at least just very generically of what
the consumer privacy Bill of Rights will
cover it'll give us the internet users
the right to control what data is
collected how our personal data is used
and shared avoid having information
collected in one context and used for
another purpose right sometimes they
might ask for like your birthday or
maybe some of some of your demographics
or your height or weight and then match
that with the database that under this
privacy Bill of Rights shouldn't happen
you have control over that also have
data held securely and to know who is
accountable for the misuse of the data
so this is it works on many levels the
the thing about this is if we tie this
into some of the privacy that we talked
about in the previous story again it's
going to come down to us just
looking that ok button or not sure I
don't I've got imagined I don't know if
I'd see a company give us granular
control within the app of what we want
to give out or not let's say facebook
says ok we know that they take a lot of
our information they we know that they
match it to serve ads we're not going to
see a checkmark box I've use my
information for ad serving for cut I
just don't imagine us seen it in that
specific detail and this is what the
consumer privacy bill rights a loose
without we can control in that manner
but if it's not offer that way then it's
either up to you to use the service or
not use the service right and most of us
are using the service well that's going
to be the hardest I mean and we're going
it will be annoyed if we get 15
different pop-ups to clear it each time
we want to use it or one global one I
mean that nobody's going to want to do
that and there's going to be a lot of
complaints and at the toughest thing
about these areas generally is I
sometimes I'm a temporary judge in San
Diego and I hear small claims matter so
one of the one of the biggest issues
that I often face is people choose to do
something and then the consequences of
it they don't like and that's the
hardest thing in our society right it's
it's you know you didn't have to do that
and you did and and and that's what all
these apps are going to take us down
towards is we're all saying sure you
know what here's where i am here's where
i'm going here's what I went and here's
what I bought have fun with that well
and I I mean I think I've been
struggling with this for a while
recently too because I've been thinking
of myself as more of a ninety percent or
in some cases like it i would think i
think that could the rant that i want to
write this week is like you know what
screw it i like facebook and any at
facebook to me has apparently a ton of
potential problems in terms of privacy
violations they've definitely done some
things in terms of revealing information
that i thought was private before that
was kind of annoying but let's be honest
it wasn't very valuable information and
nothing that facebook has done to me is
any worse than what my bank is doing to
me on any given day right facebook is
not the company that lost the database
full of credit card numbers that caused
my bank to turn off my credit card while
I was traveling in New York City without
notifying me so Facebook doesn't do that
crap it's a safe place for me to put
pictures of my kids up right I like it
you know like it's it's a very it's sort
of an interesting conversation I think
that we have
to be having about how much we should
care because I think some of this the
code of contact conduct the voluntary
compliance that's all going to come from
consumer pressure there's no way these
companies are going to comply to the
fullest voluntarily that just doesn't
happen right because they know it's not
good for their business and they know
that ninety percent maybe even 91% don't
care that much or can't put their finger
on a discernible harm right and they can
stop i mean you know i use facebook
basically just to share pictures of my
kids in and very generic things about
life it's the private one I somewhat
control who's on there and then twitter
is different and and you can you can
control these things so the interesting
thing is when these companies start
getting into all of these spheres and
then they're able to you know like
Google's new privacy policy right
they're able to combine all that
information I mean if you use Google
Docs gmail you search on google and you
have a few of google voice I mean they
have a pretty good understanding of
everything that's going on in your life
and that's that's where it becomes
concerning yeah absolutely and that I
think people don't know about right I
mean I I I think that a I think you're
right a congressionally past privacy
Bill of Rights would be important that
there would there could be uh and and
it's important because it addresses not
the stuff about Facebook right it
addresses the stuff about the companies
that Lulu's the giant databases of
credit card information that they
obtained from data brokers who are super
shadowy companies that are collecting
unbelievable amounts of information
about you behind the scenes that have
nothing to do with the really relatively
minor stuff that path and Facebook and
Twitter are collecting about you that's
serious information that in some cases
being traded sold and unprotected to our
extreme detriment and that i think you
know it's easy to get distracted about
what we're really talking about with
privacy that's the stuff that Congress
should actually take issue and that's
the stuff that right now there's almost
no remedy for when they lose your credit
card data when they lose your privacy
data there's there's not a whole lot you
can do about it but you get this free
monitoring you know for a year thing
yeah you get you get a lovely disclosure
that hey we lost your stuff sorry and
that's about the extent of it yeah
that's that's where the problem and it's
like a nightmare by the way because if
you ever turn on the fraud protection
and that you know they didn't create
that like my credit card gets declined i
would say every two to three weeks
because i have fraud protection turned
and so then it's always so I go on crap
you're at the airport you're no you
never shop at that store before and I'm
always standing there like I swear to go
to pay my bill if anyone is gas cuz gas
is the first thing because it always
shine down really yeah first thing
people do is they make my guest a shame
Oh gas is expensive right I know I know
apparently I learned once when my credit
card was stolen but it's because at a
gas station you can authorize basically
a dollar worth of purchase and it will
let you know if the card is good so then
no that's why everybody tries it first
to make sure the cards still good well
there you go anyway thanks for that
inside too now I know way too much
meanwhile also in privacy tip web firms
now that this sort of privacy thing is
growing and everybody so freaked out
about it a coalition of Internet giants
including Google have agreed at long
last to support a do not track button to
be embedded in most web browsers which
is something they have been resisting
for more than a year yeah this is a the
interesting thing about this is that the
new do not track button it isn't going
to necessarily stop all the web tracking
companies that are part of this have
agreed to at least stop using the data
about people's web browsing habits and
serving customized ads but they've not
agreed but they have agreed not to use
the data for data sorry for employment
credit health insurance purposes so the
data that they collect still can be used
for some what they call market research
but not anything that's targeting
anything personal and a product
development see when I think of market
research and product development you
need these things so it becomes very
gray when you're trying to define okay
what can we collect what can we not if
they're saying if they're saying okay
I'm not going to use you know where you
live and your age and your sex and
whatever for your you know for any
health care or ad serving that's fine
but I am going to use that information
to figure out the other people like you
and how they're using this product this
way they're going to use here going to
use they're going to use it you know how
you go Falcon in the chat room just that
by the way that's awesome name that's
like the name of like a sword uh I give
the do not track button about two months
until it
stops nothing well there's no just fit
everything into though I mean if your
bucket is market research and product
development it's like they do not call
this right i mean i still get called
yeah constantly yeah I on all my numbers
on the do not call this geez the other
thing that you guys can do right now I'm
not sure if you guys have checked it out
or not but there's this actually really
cool trap plug-in or extension called Do
Not Track plus and what it actually does
is you can installed on Firefox Chrome
and Safari yes it works on safari as
well Wow but what it allows you to do is
it's a little indicator on the top of
your browser and it will prevent your
website your your activity from being
sent out it's pretty scary because it
shows all the ad networks all the other
hooks or you know tractors behind the
scenes that your information is going to
it blocks all that activity it still
allows you to interact with Facebook and
Twitter but it just doesn't broadcast as
stuff as freely as it normally does so I
would it's a free extension I would
definitely suggest you guys check that
out because it's scary the list I went
to CNN and there were like 10 to 12
different things that it sends out to
normally but with that plug-in it
doesn't yeah just just seeing that list
is almost worth looking a little scary
yeah its so-called Do Not Track plus you
guys can check it out it's it's not a
pimp it's an actual tool that you might
want to use uh this in this case the do
not track button would not block
companies like Facebook from tracking
you when you're logged in through the
like button and all that so another
giant loophole that is apparently right
they like these all these larger
Internet giants are agreeing to a do not
track button up to a certain degree
exactly not a it's not a truly do not
track button we will we we and the app
developers will take care of ourselves
yeah Thank You app developer and when
they agree to it it's like they're
they're in control of what they're
agreeing to it you know that's they're
going to limit it as I so they can use
it I mean that's the problem so basis so
basically all this privacy stuff is mood
I enjoy well you just have to kiss have
to yeah figure out with yourself how how
much you're willing to share and then
control it i mean that's that's
ultimately yet you have you still have
the ultimate control over it and our
lawmakers need to solve the real
problems instead of the sexy problem
totally like it's not about facebook
like I said look for a column on that
later today um so basically when it
comes to privacy we are doomed we are
though assumed apparently as poor for
tmobile oh my god which ouch which as
the Wall Street Journal describes it
describes it had a quote brutal recent
quarter brutal well let's just say how
brutal in the fourth quarter alone
remember t-mobile did not have a certain
phone that has helped drive sales and
the numbers for a variety of other
carriers tmobile said in the fourth
quarter t-mobile USA lost 800 into eight
hundred two thousand contract customers
revenues dropped three-point-three
percent from the quarter from the
previous quarter year before companies
the last major US carrier as well to
announce its LTE plans it's been
questioned whether they even had enough
spectrum to be able to launch LT now you
do know that in the AT&T deal that fell
through one of the concessions is that
they received us I can't remember X
amount billions of dollars in cash i
can't remember how much yeah but also
some roaming agreements and additional
wireless spectrum yeah which you would
think they would use to launch the LTE
plans but again how much do they have
how effective will it be it's t-mobile
this is not really the one of the larger
carriers it doesn't look very good and
with no end in there looks like there's
no other company in sight that's gonna
that wants to pick them up or scoop them
up for their assets or can yeah I mean
cuz verizon can't buy them yeah so
basically right now three networks
anyway even though they block the merger
we're gonna have three no yeah exactly
US cellular that works out well okay see
in Nevada when the cherub just said this
will just make it easier for 18 to you
to buy them a few years because they'll
be so small and virtually defunct that
it won't create a monopoly control or
they'll just acquire the the parts of it
right you know I their ads seemed to me
such a metaphor for their condition like
way back when they had Catherine
zeta-jones a lot everything was cool now
they have very acute / ad spokesperson
but the ads are kind of low production
and you're it's just that is sad because
they're saying well we're not we're not
the I we don't have the iphone but we
don't need that yeah I mean they
definitely they have they have bought
themselves well they have received a
tiny bit of
the room in terms of that money the
spectrum and the roaming agreements
there is some possibility that if they
have a really strong strategy that
includes iphone uh that they might start
to be able to rebuild I mean the fact is
they actually in the in the areas where
they have service they have good surface
like I would say that at my boonies
treehouse the so of the four tmobile
works the best which is remarkable and
if they could really start if they you
know do some bold moves like sprint like
get rid of data caps and and keep
pricing competitive and really play up
some of those unique features like the
fact that they can do though the Wi-Fi
calling there is some possibility i
think but they have got to get a move on
well they were among a disruptor like
they said they were right they were well
they were i mean they were the more they
were the most because they had to they
were the most innovative carrier with
their plans they had the phone some of
the hottest phones early on right they
were willing to give those give those
things to try the gal the end the first
nexus phone was on their care they've
done a lot of things but now you know
everyone's mu not everyone i don't want
to say everyone a lot of people decided
that their next phone was going to be an
iphone okay including people in this
room no but but that point you'll
downloads when I told him I got one of
these what well I was surprised that she
went from iphone 4 24 s that I should I
had upgrade available that one I was
like whoa anyway anyway anyway they need
they need to do it even a lot more than
me coming in of it they need a phone
that people want I think they don't they
don't have it it has to be more than
that though because we even we saw from
Sprint's earnings that you lose money on
iphone that the iphone is a network
killer so it can't just be that it's
sort of like yeah would be they need to
probably get that phone because it will
bring subscribers in the door but then
they've also got to innovate in terms of
plans maybe some other hero devices
because just the iphone alone will
probably crushed well i meant they need
they need a phone in addition yeah to
the you know they need at least that
champion phone in addition to some of
the things that they've done in the past
they need to bring that back any can't
be the only one no iphone ashes but i
don't ya I don't
that just stops bleeding i think i think
that stops a certain amount of bleeding
if they have the iphone it doesn't
necessarily bring them back the other
thing I don't know is it's three billion
a lot for for a company to wait for a
big network company like this to
actually you know rebuild infrastructure
and things like that or is that a drop
in the bucket of what they need to
actually spend I that's what I don't
know I never know where how much does
that take that how beam is like a lot
but you know it's a huge network so who
knows yeah for t-mobile all right we're
gonna take a break and reflect on their
sad sad state of affairs when we did a
story it's a sad story that story I know
we're good they were good if nobody
wanted them to be saved accept them and
then now they're screwed and now we're
like full but at least you're not evil
not much consolation for them at all all
right we're gonna take a break when we
come back we're gonna have what I'm
calling cuz I'm the only one who gets
this joke blah blah blah blah block with
guilt Cabrera and into it not into it
welcome back to buzz out loud everyone
brian Tong Gil Cabrera Stephen Beecham
in the house I hope that you were all
googling blah blah blah blah blah blah
blah blah blah blah okay lob el aww
thank you I needed this early it's from
Arrested Development there was a
character named blah blah blah and he
had his blah blah blah blah blog it was
hilarious all right anyway we have a
bunch of legal stories what I'm getting
at starting with a letter from
Microsoft's general counsel which sounds
a lot like a lot more like one of those
letters that Google's General Counsel's
always writing it's like this it's an
angry screed entitled Google please
don't kill video on the web it's like a
bad you know when you read a brief in
the lawyer just takes it too far over
the edge and respect really really
that's just cliche and this the other
thing and it just loses the point in it
but it's fascinating oh boy that a
lawyer theoretically wrote this or put
amazing well the other funny thing is
that it's not a letter to Google it's a
letter to Motorola yeah it's a motorola
mobility specifically so what's been
going on in fact okay so what happened
this week is that Microsoft filed formal
complaints with the european commission
against motorola mobility in google /
smartphone patents microsoft contends
that they had had this friend agreement
it was very reasonable and
non-discriminatory that's why he's here
fair reasonable and non-discriminatory
agreement that when it came to web
streaming and other types of patents
that would they only deal with Wi-Fi
stuff video and Wi-Fi stuff patents that
were essential for kind of daily use
right watching video on the web that
that they would agree to license their
patents to each other under these fair
reasonable and non-discriminatory terms
Apple both Apple now and Microsoft
allege that motorola mobility has not
done that that they've been asking for
exorbitant rates in terms of licensing
basically a couple of patents it sounds
like a fairly small number of patents
which I think Microsoft has referred to
as a couple of pager patents
right look at the crazy thing about this
is first of all it underlines the just a
huge problems with the patents generally
right all of these people have like 30
or more patents each all of these
companies and you need a combination of
all of those patents to do h.264 right
and so that and and so when you set up
that standard you all agree all right
since we all have a piece of this we all
have to wear homies we're in it together
we built this city together all of us I
built the sources that you built the
electrical I did there you know this is
this we're good but how much does patent
law where to get to h.264 to work you
have to cobble together 60 million
pounds i mean that's that itself is part
of the plan you have to have all these
weird random cross-license we may run
cross licensing agreements and this
stuff and then what in in what as i
understand it in the EU the EU will
basically decide whether or not it's
fair and reasonable price they've been a
little more aggressive when it comes to
their panning down decisions or when it
comes to technology patent law which
makes sense of why microsoft would you
know file this over into the EU now one
of the things when you talk about like
the the pricing right just just the
scale of all this what what Motorola is
essentially doing is let's say you have
like a thousand dollar laptop motorola
because this laptop has the ability to
play h.264 motorola would like or is
demanding Microsoft payroll royalty of
$22 fifty cents for about its 50 patents
that it owns on the video standard now
they're available there's the things
this is from a pool of over 2,300 pounds
that is needed all right they're
available from a group of twenty nine
companies 29 companies that came
together ridiculously they wanted $22 50
cent royalty for every laptop sold wolna
right now Matt macro sauce patent
royalty for that group is two cents they
want 2250 right and they Tet and I think
the other difference is that i think the
Microsoft approaches is a number like a
it's two cents per unit or supply got
and then whereas Motorola's doing it as
a percentage so if you get a bigger
laptop it's more expensive the price
goes up even though it doesn't change
anything in terms of which is gonna kill
it yeah 2250 is on like a
thousand-dollar exactly that's to two
percent or something yeah exactly it's
it's insane the entire patent pool has a
maximum of twenty cents per unit
Microsoft pays only two cents thanks to
the volume discounts motorola mobility
is asking for much more the reason that
microsoft addressed their letter they're
hilariously and professional letter that
just is what people do it it's David
Drummond from google pioneered this I
want to know that like a blog post blog
the blog post letter yeah angry lawyer
blog post it's like a thing thank you
David Drummond um it's weird as a lawyer
it's just weird to see lawyers because
it's so very casual and like the way
that it's better it just doesn't you
know like I said doesn't feel loyally
and yeah you know you've got you better
watch so online so it's like it's all
right and so apparently i will never do
work for Google so Microsoft Microsoft
Wow the reason Microsoft address the
letter to Google is that Google has
apparently said that with their
acquisition of Motorola Mobility they
have no intention of changing this
pricing structure no thank you we do not
want to play in your little Club yeah I
mean Google's funny cuz they you know
they're they're late to the patent party
generally they it's clear they didn't
quite get but they're bringing some swag
but now but now they're like well then
hey we're buying this company we happen
to have some patents we can play here
too yeah now they're going to directly
like super hard ball and they're going
to break everything what's totally kids
with marbles I mean Apple and every was
picking on Google because they everybody
else had pats and Google didn't now
Google's about require those pattinson
look like haha that's right we got all
these patents out too I'm sorry friend
we weren't there when you agreed on your
frandy I don't know what the brandy
little I don't know what this freighter
frenemies we're not we're not there
frenemies rather and if you're not
frenemies are in a fan of me is like
this sounds French I don't understand we
get rid of software babe patents now
yeah that's right sure I i think you
know did you should make getting patents
harder generally across the board I mean
I I see this all the time where you were
having all these litigations over stupid
old patents that's costing these
companies a fortune when innovation and
competition will do the trick I mean
look at look at the fight between Apple
and Google right now Android you know
apple says androids ripped off all the
stuff it's not exactly the same right
it's not a copycat there's
your stuff that's the same but Molly
thinks apples winning that battle right
now because she likes that the Apple
exprience matter and that gets either
and you don't need to have the billions
of dollars expanded on this stuff but
you you need to be able to issue patent
so that you can reward innovation true
innovation that's the issue and that's
where it's hardened but to do that you'd
have to have this hugely beefed up
patent office that nobody's going to pay
so at the same time I remember when we
had talked about some of them I climber
he's a real he's a realist I remember
when we had talked about some of
Microsoft's patents and how they're
going after some of these tablet
companies but you had chimed in the chat
though at the same time it's like they
have it once the patent has been given
to them they have every right to go
after it so are you kind of saying they
need to make it more difficult to award
these pads so that they're more more
specific or not as generic so things
like this can't happen the future
because once you're granted it as a
company if I'm trying to protect myself
I'm going to go after them totally it
makes sense and the system is in large
part set up so that the you know it you
get them granted and then you fight over
the validity and the infringement in
court which costs a fortune and so these
big companies have a total advantage on
it and these little companies that are
trying to innovate are getting their
butts kicked simply because they're
trying to defend themselves and I've
been on both sides have been on both
sides of this fight and so I you know I
understand the relative aspects of it
but I I think a fix to it would be to
take care of the patents on the front
and more than the way we're doing it now
which is we're just letting the courts
and juries figure out what's going on
with them and I think that's crazy but
it would take but but to do so you'd
have to fund the patent off so you could
still get them quick because right you
need them fast that's the issue couldn't
you just find new computers at the
Patent Office I mean let's be honest
some of this does seem to be an
infrastructure problem well do you say
fund the Patent Office do you mean fund
the infrastructure throughout the
infrastructure the people i mean the
number of people involved i mean these
patent agents are totally underwater and
and the other thing about it that is
brutal is I litigate these things but I
am NOT I'm not a member the patent bar
I'm a trial lawyer and I bring in the
patent lawyer to explain what the hell
this means to me and then I get to
explain to a jury and you read these
things than they make no sense
is like it is like klingon man you're
like this sub mate now saying no you
know what i mean i have a case involving
wave machines which is not you know cut
wave water yeah just wait over a surface
not complicated you read the patent you
sub equid I'm this you know I'm just I
and and the paddlers like well that's
obvious nobody is that obvious but you
okay so you need to you need a tool it
so the front end it's a very look at a
business right now though my god we need
to talk more like these are the lawyers
it's great uh just a quick breaking news
update before we move on to our next
legal story related to motorola thanks
for cano 7 to cano 7 in the chat room
for pointing this out bloomberg is
reporting that current motorola mobility
CEO sanjay jha will be ousted really is
out and will be replaced by dennis
woodside who is a senior VP at Google oh
and who has been leading the transition
of the two companies reporting directly
to CEO Larry Page but they're gonna
leave butter a little low they're not
gonna they're not gonna integrate their
they're not gonna have their own people
go over molar up Motorola's reading had
company yeah them they're gonna let them
be yeah kind of them be except for tho
except for the entire leadership it's
kind of just like we don't we don't
control them but all of our people are
there yeah we don't tell them what to do
that makes sense make sense big news
yeah alright moving on in legal stories
today pinterest you finally got to talk
about pinterest and you're like there's
a story for you about the interest
except for like two weeks while I was
gone every was like no more about
Pinterest I was like but I don't get it
I was really annoyed actually when I saw
the story come back nilay patel over the
verge wrote a story entitled pinterest
uneasy relationship with copyright law
what happens next and i literally i saw
that headline i was like dude Shh put it
dick jeon off be right k is kill bay so
i'm sure that other people were gonna
think of this but as far as I'm
concerned Neil I bless his heart nice
guy smart guy big buzz kill
would you just like Shh anyway he points
out the fairly obvious concern visa vie
pinterest which is that what you're
doing is just reposting a bunch of
probably copyrighted pictures and
somebody's probably not going to like
that thanks a lot new I the good news
about it is that i think as i understand
it to try not to be a bummer anymore let
me argue for Optimus kill let me let's
hear it the good news is that as i
understand i haven't played too much
with it but a lot of it is retail like
pictures from retail sites and things
like that right stuff you like and that
may want to buy and it's and generally
they own those pic the retailer's own
those pictures they're not going to shut
you down because they're they're going
to get an interest they have an interest
in you sharing it the problem is there's
this huge issue out there and i've had a
lot of clients to fall into it when they
have for instance a developer in india
do their website and the developer puts
pictures that they found out in the
internet of like office random office
picture there and then they get this
letter from some lawyer in the northwest
representing Getty Images saying hey by
the way that's our image wow that'll be
three thousand dollars in the my client
why I had no idea it doesn't matter and
copyright lathers there's no intent
required or anything like that it's
strict liability and so for those types
of images there's a problem and then
they could use a DMCA a bit to get away
with that but I think again the big
thrust of it is the retailer's I doubt
would go after them and that's the good
news right the retailers and especially
not given the fact that Pinterest is
apparently quiet eat quietly changing
user links as we know to make them
referral links so that Pinterest makes a
little money but so that it's a more
direct funnel to commerce so that's good
news but it absolutely a lot of what is
being posted here our blog photos that
may be professional photos that were
lifted from google images or
professional photos posted on someone's
blog you know it's it becomes kind of a
complicated system pinterest right now i
think it part of the problem is they
didn't have a mechanism to deal with
this and it sounds like they don't need
much of a mechanism they just need
something specific a copyright
compliance office a stated policy around
safe you know their compliance with the
dmca safe harbor laws which is what
they're going to rely
and now and hopefully that will be
enough they will probably I'm sure have
to whether a lawsuit the problem is the
resources are going for the like I read
it somewhere that though that their CEO
was there copy an officer music on what
a small here's the copier question of
the CEO you're like oh startup you know
but yeah they're gonna have to create
some infrastructure for that cuz the
other thing is you have to get through
these dmca takedown notices with a
surmount of time so yeah and that's the
thing for a company right that's small
and there's not like they have a large
staff to deal with this that procedure
we've seen it on YouTube it's not a very
direct one it goes through many steps
and loops and so if it's an image are
they going to be able to make this you
know as frictionless for them as
possible to handle this so better on it
depends on how many people complain
about it yeah that's going to be the big
issue is if they've got these Getty
lawyers that are just coming after them
and they're brutal names all cold law
firms just set up to send out these
that's my image you owe me three
thousand it's like a flat fee right take
it down and give me three and I feel
like you're ninety percent of the stuff
i see is eighty to ninety percent of
stuff i see as retail pictures and
that's why i think they're probably okay
as long as they you know reinforce their
their mechanisms I hope on the positive
side but they just get one one little
lawsuit that goes all the way to
establishing true fair use precedent so
that Pinterest can live forever I'm not
gonna and then we can have a bubble I'm
just gonna sit there go well maybe Molly
that could happen yes sounds great she
really wants us to happen the problem is
because the is that with copyright law
you're you're you're on the hook for
attorneys fees and so nobody wants to
fight that on the distance yeah I'd be
happy to step in and i know i want you i
want to be the one that can finally a
sterile and true codified fair use it
have to be a big company with a big war
chest to be able to do that and i don't
think that's been interest no Dave
pinterest anyway I'm just saying any lie
the first copyright lawsuit that comes
down from this I'm just chalking up as
you're at you happy cuz York it was your
idea you're a copyright lawyer don't be
representing them either
alright amazon has turned off the Buy
button on nearly 5,000 kindle titles
from a distributor called independent
publishers group after ipg refused to
capitulate to Amazon's demand for better
terms basically amazon continuing to ask
for better pricing on ebooks publishers
continuing to look at flicked aim and
shoot twice double tap in their own feet
anyway uh apparently they could not come
to a group maybe not like I don't know
I've just been annoyed by ebook pricing
as publishers try to find the right the
right sweet spots and then go ahead and
just price them as more expensive than
the print version which happens not
infrequently about at all yeah yeah it's
insane anyway they couldn't come to an
agreement Amazon pulled the Buy button
they've tried that before with one other
publisher Macmillan and eventually they
had to give it I mean look you're either
gonna sell their goods or you're not
yeah I mean the good thing here is from
a from the publisher stand point is
there's there's other places to sell
your book still and so Amazon can't just
dictate pricing like like a Walmart does
to a lot of a lot of folks for their
sheer volume and I get that Amazon from
from the consumer standpoint it's good
because they're trying to drive down
these prices but you know finding that
good middle where the publishers make
money and the retailer can get good
pricing ethic is hard and I think
competition is a good thing here and
thank God there are other people who
have ebooks available yeah in the story
the client publishers have also been
pretty much extremely supportive of IP
geez decision to hold their ground and
tell them you there's still other places
to get these books and it you know we
don't see this immediate but it does
give the Nook a boost and you might in
the future if there's are there are more
disputes about this we know how a lot of
these retailers really try to squeeze
blood from the stone to get the best as
much of a margin as they can and just
they try to sell it on hey you're
getting better distribution well if you
have other platforms outlet there like
the note this could help them out a tiny
bit because I like my neck I want my
enough to stay alive bring all the books
of the neck there I like it a lot I like
it I like your little like just just
what I'm getting at here all the other
publishers just come over to the looks
I'd like and stay there and just have
Amazon figure it out well maybe and
that's the brilliant marketing for
Barnes and over and I mean if they're if
they're nimble in
quick they'll they'll take advantage of
that and I'll be like a you know and
they have you have it here I've been
amazing at picking up those marketing
messages really quickly yeah I wouldn't
be surprised if they jump right over
that one interesting story from our own
Greg Sandoval and exclusive from inside
google manager saying that so far google
music not really living up to
expectation not really not really doing
much there they supposedly it was going
to have the inside track to marketing
music to all those 200 million Android
users but as is Google's want perhaps
you noticed that they utterly forgot to
integrate it in Android in any
meaningful or usable way better off you
notice that probably you probably didn't
notice it because nothing changed not
integrating your Android experience
because google music is not even a
little bit integrated and like amazon
mp3 is better integrated into android
than google music I just seem to talk to
these divisions just need to talk to
each other and and get some people on
the same day it's amazing it'll come in
the next Rev of the next OS guys I'm a
year later after it looked that they
were hoping that they get some traction
there's somewhere around over 200
million activated android phones you'd
figure there's obviously people that
want to buy music and media content
we've been complaining one of the number
one things that androids issue is
building that media ecosystem they have
the marketplace now it has books music
movies tons of content that really is on
the level just you know just a tad bit
behind apple's with some of the
exclusive content but it has everything
you need they need to integrate it
better so people spend more on their
marketplace if the article even says
here from greg's interval if they just
managed to convert ten percent ten
percent 20 million users then i use like
a buck or two every month yeah that we
get on that it would be heated on it
they have i mean it in some ways it's
not surprising that it hasn't taken up
what i love is that they apparently had
expectations about it taking off when
they did not integrate it throughout the
operating system did not advertise it in
any way shape or form and did not market
it on any of their other services like
so you just you it and the introduction
let's be honest at the time we thought
was a little bit of a dud the intro was
just like wow this feels a
bit you know 2004 like oh staff
recommendations really it just didn't
you know wasn't offering anything that
was cooler love hey there's love music
created by computers because they don't
think like humans they're also saying
that they're in such a bubble I mean
they Lobby ours is they are that the
Plex is a crazy bubble and it's starting
to sound like what it really is is a
bunch of different bubbles yo yo inside
the one big bubble with nobody steering
the ship right now Google Music the
service itself they don't have warner
music group as you know one of the big
four labels they're not on board and
they're probably wondering to see what
type of traction google music has been
able to get up to this point not enough
from warner music to jump on board also
Google managers have according to the
report has says they've been talking to
label executives to try to boost the
service with more hardware The Wall
Street Journal two weeks ago reported
that Google is working on building a
wireless entertainment system I don't
think that's still good enough what yeah
yeah yeahs of our house entertainment
system but you know for their music
service so you know look we will we'll
see but they need to do a lot more than
just say hey we have a streaming box I'm
just saying it guys why is today like
the sad day because all right no like
all of our stories are just like brought
them to the mood down hill brings us to
earth damn low interest brings us to
earth it did not pictures is gonna stay
fair youth ya llego Pinterest Pinterest
a fair use also we'll see you also
really the music game still is yet to be
defined we don't know how these
subscription services are playing out
yet people are still trying them out not
sure if they're really going all in or
not I haven't heard enough of my friends
say I'm all about subscription models
you know it's it's still people are
still figuring out I'm kind of doing a
little bit of everything I've tried him
I just don't what I would love is the
sad music what I would love is a service
that lets you turn let you to suggest
music like Pandora and then you can buy
it easily you know all integrate like if
itunes would do that I think they would
you know I think I island but that's
what I'd like I would like music
I'm my own with the ability to purchase
my music please I would like a
combination of subscription
recommendation and purchase in one well
integrated easy to use service but I'm
happy to pay for it dad please sir
blesses all right we have happy news we
have a little we have two stories that
are cool like a cool story though yes
oak about we're gonna pick it right up
because we have to cool gadget story is
you okay let's save ourselves all right
in the Dickensian melodramas it is the
music services world this is why I'm
stoked okay online you guys you guys are
you guys are into the online gaming
service they released a desktop product
but now they've release on live desktop
plus what's amazing about this right if
you're not familiar with it through your
iPad device and they're going to support
other iOS devices you can interact and
pretty much stream a Windows 7 desktop
through your iPad alright the beauty of
this is not only will you be able to
watch flash content from your iPad yeah
some people like I don't want to use a
touch interface on Windows 7 the beauty
of this also is that this is pretty much
streaming like a video image to your
iPad I've used it it's pretty killer
it's connected to a 1 gigabit ethernet
connection alright so you could download
files through this on live environment
and then access them somewhere else and
boom you have your files like that but
it's it really is you can watch flash
video content from all those sites that
is blocked on on your iPad that's insane
right now the service is five dollars a
month they do have a free version that
allows you to just interact with a word
powerpoint and excel but I've got to
tell you it's the first example where
you're starting to see cloud computing
this idea of cloud streaming a computer
really really my voice crack cuz I'm so
excited so amazing
really work effectively like I would do
the demo but we're on audio but it's I
think it's definitely worth checking out
when you show Jim it's amazing the speed
is amazed like having a desktop running
right yes the only limitation is your
home wireless access so you're going to
want to make sure that your wireless
speeds are good enough for this kind of
but I love the fact that it just says to
any tablet you are my terminal yeah you
know and I will deliver device agnostic
content to you online again like we just
keep talking about how they are doing
such cool things I'm really waiting for
them to break out because I feel like
2012 could really be their year yeah so
super cool check it also I am nerdily
excited about yet another google project
that they're not going to follow through
on but they say we're just saying we've
been burned before google claims that
they will be selling heads up display
glasses by the end of the year that will
have low res cameras built-in and that
will give you the ability to do like
navigation local services you too sir
maybe see heads up display call-outs
about your Google+ contacts just like in
freedom these are like the little these
are the glasses that like that you'd
wear in Demon's and freedom you guys
where to be good where do we where do we
begin make friends Mead people interact
with the world without a HUD heads-up
display sorry nerds I I think it's kind
of cool but I'm not gonna wear these
things what they look like what if they
look cool odds are no I have a man i'm
pretty sure that out the best part is
how did you read how you navigate it
it's its head tilts so so we're just
further down the road of technology
making us look crazy when we're walking
down the street like before we start
talking to each other ourselves yeah
yeah now we talk to our phones in Syria
and then later we're gonna be like
twitching I'm sir this is they also no
no they say that they are they people
have been told at least if one blogger
495 google said he's been told it's
quick to learn and once you're adept at
navigation become second nature an
almost indistinguishable to outside
users just a little like a little it's a
little you're going together if you're
walking your heads are
moving you're gonna get lost in this
virtual world where no one matters we're
going no no no I'm never going to get
lost again because my maps are in my
glasses and I know what I want and no
one matters what happened to the art of
saying hello sir do you know where that
ice cream shop feels I'm like dude walk
down two blocks over the right thing no
thank you no they never know no one ever
knows no I don't know you get your phone
out both of you why can't it that's one
of my glasses I'm just looking forward
to the b-roll of Molly like this
twitching down the street all I'm saying
is it's getting worse we already have
blue tools we're gonna have goggle
Google freaks I yeah it's horrible it's
horrible now would you pay 600 bucks for
them though huh six months Laurel 252
602 59 start at 250 there's almost an
impulse purchase Russo 250 maybe but 66
I don't know I'm excited I'm sorry ready
I cannot wait to see you know what I I
feel like what I feel like what I hear
you saying is that you're not that into
this oh I mean it might be something
that I'm not really integrating talked
about that last week on it or not into
it the HUD glasses yeah I was into it
then hell yeah still don't mean I love
you back to it I feel like we're getting
stuff like this makes me feel like we're
getting even more disconnected and like
I just it's it's sad to see for me I
mean I love tech but come on I like
people I would be scared about my
addiction problems with cuz they would
you know I get the dinner table like
yeah honey that's great well how was
your day that's nuts oh you don't like
that bad yeah yeah yeahs the verizon
adders I mean I'm the guy that has for
gadgets in his backpack already that's
pathetic I mean it's cool but it's
pathetic I just don't think I just don't
see us getting back to that world where
the people nobody talks to me on the
street like it well that's your own you
talk to me and asked me where stuff is I
don't know people have my glasses on i
could just be like well I to say wait a
minute oh let me tell you right away
I always what I find here's what I find
before we go into our into it not into
it and I bet you know obviously people
in our show live in different areas and
there's different regions of the u.s.
where if you kind of walk around with
your head up and make eye contact people
will sometimes respond to you not here
in the exactly why bother I'm not here
to be like laughs but when that happens
here it's like amazing to me where I get
like a half smile cuz someone sees me
kind of walking and I'm already kind of
by nature maybe just like oh this song's
fun i'm kind of spine and the person's
like smiles back I'm like dude that's
awesome yeah where is that heads up my
guys friends the future you guys
augmented in virtual realities I don't I
don't come in when it's in your fire
back that'll be cool that is true the
contact like this impossible I cannot
wait for that Oh mission impossible 4
okay we move we do need to do a little
disclosure our entire cnet team yeah
cnet TV team took pretty much a half day
off as a team-building exercise and
watch em I for in imax that's all it was
it was ridiculous anyways sings all the
scenes on the verge dubai oh I mean
bridge oh really I'm not gonna lie like
I almost peed I can't even add a no
shame in my game on me I released
another bodily fluid but I was always
takes you to sign saliva dance music
dance music alive what were you guys
thinking about I don't know why you're
leaning about but I wants to even help I
don't know okay alright so this all
right it's my time to shine I've been
sitting here silently chomping at the
bit that's a whole show joining her
alright so here we go you guys ready
here we go yeah I'm into it I'm not into
everyone's going everyone's groove it
all right welcome welcome welcome
welcome this is into it not into it
where we quickly run down some recent
tech product releases and decide whether
or not we are simply into it or not into
it let's get started number one okay
number one DARPA DARPA is planning to
produce actual surrogate robot avatars
for a military personnel which will be
bipedal and remotely operated this is
the real avatar flying dragons not
included Mollywood are you into this I'm
into it because the word bipedal Gil
Cabrera are you know what bipedal is but
I'm into it right o brien ton are you
one of the few peoples who loved the
movie into it hell yeah the correct
answer is yes I man into it we all need
robotic avatars but let's not give James
Cameron too much credit he thinks he's
the king of the world since you are
crazy oh do I Iowa ok I'll stop it
number to a UK research project will
equip dairy cows with the same sensor
used in Wii Nintendo controllers to
alert farmers by text if their cows are
getting sick or if they're in heat
Hollywood are you into cows texting I'm
not into it leave those cows alone Gil
Cabrera this is weird Bryant are you
into it totally into cows in heat into
it that's the correct answer I am a pro
Cal hopefully we'll get full iphone and
android support for the cows because
what's the saying cows taste bet happy
cows taste better as I would have said
oh sorry they make merry you guys don't
eat meat come on okay 3d game number
three number three researchers at Drexel
University in Philadelphia are starting
to create 3d scans of fossils to better
study the motion of giant dinosaurs
through small scale robotic male models
Mollywood are you went to this I am into
everything 3d printing related hell yeah
guild Cabrera yes I want one Brian Tom
did you say dinosaurs did you see this
I'm into it baby that is the correct
answer I'm into it not only my pro Cal
but I'm pro dinosaur and if we scan them
we can rebuild them and get Jurassic
Park going on I love that I mean both
fun and stare into that alright moving
on number four researchers have recently
showed off an iphone friendly tongue
drive system which uses a retainer
embedded with sensors that track a tiny
magnet attached to the user's tongue
which allow you to control computers and
devices Molly win are you into surfing
the web with your tongue I am into the
obvious health benefits for those with
limited mobility brian Tong your Cobra
are you into this I want to say yes but
it's weird yeah yeah brian Tong I know
you like to lick apple products lose
this guy's I admit my nicknames not
brian Tong for no reason into it that is
the correct answer I'm into it it looks
crazy and invasive when I'm kind of
grossed out look at this is to like yes
but it would be great for people with
special needs yes on RiRi winery a new
app called rewind for the iphone let's
you order wine for delivery right to
your front door that is if you live in
San Francisco it's forty dollars for
three bottles of wine and a hip bike
messenger dude will bring you your vino
mollywood are you into this I'm not into
it because I live in Oakland and I hate
hip bike built Cabrera I want to be into
this because i like a methods to deliver
wine cool cool Brian song I'm down with
the wine into it that is an interesting
answer I'm into it drunk Driving's a big
problem in the US and its allow you to
get drunk and never have to leave your
house thank you rewind ray up moving on
number two is number six number six beam
beam technologist has created a new
smart toothbrush that works with an
android app to improve your lazy oral
hygiene habits it times you while you
brush your teeth and tracks your tooth
brushing history mollywood are you into
toothbrushing apps I already have this
in my toothbrush you do ok yeah I'm or
something I'm well yeah my sonic ok got
into it already have my sonic killed
Cabrera hi to have a sonic gun into it
Brian Todd I don't brush my teeth not in
that's a cranky answer as hell no i'm
not into i'll use an egg timer this
thing's like 50 bucks my toothbrush is
like 29 yes seriously so good Nanak and
last but not least number seven this
one's for BTW the internet has given
birth to the Jeremy Lin word generation
generator it slim credible mollywood are
you Lynn spired I am so inspired and I
totally want to have one of those Lin
parties that everybody's having Gill
Cabrera you'll insane i am lynne same
brian Tong is this lamb tastic the
technology has brought us the linter net
it's very little tryst I'm so enjoyment
I'm all into it baby I'll into it I
think Jeremy Lin Lin dandy wait let's
look at some of the words that you could
do here we have Linda Bader ricky bahl
Lin plus envision equal riddle in bloom
oh nice limp courage courage and Linda
oh man goes on and on i'm dull job i
gotta have a lentini party that's good
you're all invited all right that was it
guys thank you very much they danced
with you okay wait the track stopped and
now we didn't write anyway we'll start
it over okay I'm not into it
oh alright that was into it not into it
thank you guys I'm so happy around to it
dude you know it's a fun it's a cool see
some people were like dude I don't like
into not when you're in the studio you
are into somebody I know that I remember
when it first came out I deleted them
and blocked them from the chat anyone
who's not into it now everybody's into
into it now I'm soul into it I the pics
ma I'm soul into this alright let's
cruise through the emails real quick no
voicemails today so let's see our first
one because I'm having a Google Doc
moment Jim the space engineer from
Fremont California says in reference to
Molly's recent cell phone purchase from
episode 1581 sarcasm how wonderful it
must be for Molly to be caught in the
middle of the android apple fanboy war
and sarcasm honestly as a person who
switched from the iphone to the android
HTC Inspire i sympathize with molly i
love how smooth and reliable my HTC
phone is nine months later after two
carrier delayed software updates people
talk about how the iphone is a year
behind in technology but it took nearly
a year for my bleeding edge android
phone to become equally reliable by this
time my carrier had already placed the
inspire with seven new android phones
with leading edge features that sort of
work the Android manufacturers are too
easy to push features over fully baking
the technology and they are spineless to
the carrier's wishes as an engineer I
still love my more capable android phone
over my current iPhone but my fellow
android users need to accept that
Apple's tightly controlled and feature
limited management of the iphone does
result in benefits that other people
need or desire quit apologizing
phandroid fanboys Molly I think it's
pretty clear that the iphone is a better
fit for you it's not like the Android
population is going to collapse with
your decision PS he says I own an imac
adult laptop a mac mini and android
phone and ipod touch and ipod nano I
can't make up my freaking mind you I
think I think it should be a requirement
that people whenever they write us they
can just list their technology usually
yes what's in your pocket what's in
what's in your pocket I think the only
way to live is it sort of a happy
balance of cub without without google
goggles glasses without class totally
get all right you can do that all right
here we go our next email
this comes to us from our buddy Craig
HAP you make some very interesting
points here he says hey guys first I
have seen BTW wear a tie a few times now
and after reading Molly's calm about
apple winning and her purchase of a 4s
everything Hitler said has come true I
thought you guys might like to revisit
his thoughts so we have this video clip
this is from the buzz out loud going
weakly Hitler mean yep that we've seen
he was right and this was produced in
September of 2011 guys so we're gonna
jump to this little part so those you
watching I do tongass in this this is a
little crazy it's our biggest little
traffic I've heard since Steve Jobs
quizzo hair the next thing you know
Molly Wood will be buying an iphone god
damn gonna be your tongue will start
wearing a suit and tie those things to
both for the taco bell's moving to join
an army farming community okay i would
actually remember actually did happen
how does it really funny react one that
was right yeah so anyways we'll have the
link in our show notes if you guys want
to see the whole hitler reacts but uh it
was actually right on the right one baby
the dominoes just started falling them
that has alerted fallen and then uh in
the most awesome email ever i think
change the name once again i think you
should change the name to apple out loud
AOL now that i don't know if any of you
are using anything but apple products
sent for my
ah that's pretty great all right all
right fair enough we're not changing
well you know I think that's gonna
pretty much do it for today's show right
show we do want to make a show yeah it's
been fun we do want to encourage you
guys we talked a lot about privacy but
how does this affect you guys what are
your thoughts on all these privacy rules
consumer bill o rights please email us
we'll talk about it we'll let your
thoughts be heard you can email us at
buzz at cnet com also our show notes bol
dat and you can call us 1 800
61 62 63 8 is our phone number that
spell cnet buzz at cnet com is our email
address thank you so much you already
said that I know I know I like we like
copying each other I remember that I was
there for that uh Thank You Gil for
joining us gill st an awesome real of
guilt Cabrera on twitter if you want to
follow all your legal musings thanks for
having me again it's lots of fun yeah
you know I coming her for work and I
look forward to the most you should
honestly if you didn't say that we'd
punch you in the face I know you need it
that's true i get a better record on i
think so yeah regular regular regular
alright guys we will see you next week
have a lovely weekend alright see you
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