
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

Buzz Out Loud Ep. 1588: Loved the show (Part 1 of 2)

because you like patent litigation Asians singing in falsetto and chat room is full of people trying to impress Mollywood you're watching buzz out loud on cnet time to make the donuts from the top of the CBS interactive building at San Francisco my name is Stephen Beecham i am brian song and I am Bollywood and it is I don't know what's happening right now I told you this wasn't gonna work welcome to buzz out loud see that the podcast of indeterminate length it is the last episode yes the last episode and we are breaking all kinds of fire rules right now because we have the entire original cast and everybody else just about who's ever produced the show in the building jason howell yay so good to be around that way but you know back there in the race Needleman howdy and of course all lined up in a row oh jeez we got Tom Veronica yeah yeah someone's too soon I told you and told you I did Benito call it a big this Moss small to big use the thingy oh we need a thingy everybody you guys I want you to know it's absolute chaos in here today Tom shaved his beard there's booze everywhere i'm trying to produce things I don't write to be producing products I was like damn it I say the date before the thingy but Steve it's Steve you know he's guys whole new flavor on think it's amazing yeah I had a whole thing plan and I kind of screwed it up but it's okay no now we're gonna do it I thought was flawless this is a flawless and you know what this I want you to know we're starting the show 40 minutes late Ben complete chaos in here in the best possible way and pretty soon there's gonna be crying we can't even lie it's episode 15 hundred and eighty eight Wow and that is it turn those tears to tears of joy who's done the numeral the showmance this is the ultimate showmance are you talking about no with all the exes in the room right now so awkward I've slept with half the people in this building Barnes only slept with half of me yeah he's running to Paris already two pairs of jeans we are right now enjoying some vintage a two thousand two vintage don't parents to us my rotational Gill Cabrera yeah yeah Rafe you should try some of this I'm you know I'm mortally ill right now don't you know I was he breathing Charles I know basically well yes it's really good we're gonna all get sick on the last episode I here looks like than the last episode continues uh at least further than today you'll keep the last episode sick that's the hov hung on I know exactly we'll take these germs and we will uh well enjoy the last episode four weeks and printers are all hey Queens germs we're pretty wretched yeah we have like no so we don't have much of a an agenda today we're not gonna do the news for obvious reasons we're drunk um but we have sort of weight 550,000 Mac zombie viruses have spread top story that's the top stories and Tom Tom worked on the line up right away any footage I couldn't help himself put in one little news story you really he's got the line up on his screen because he's the only time I've ever seen the screen show there are no other viewers yes document plus he knows how I love a botnet I know right that's what I thought when I saw this true you know my bed totally gave me the perfect I love a botnet so there you go there's a big one and it's max and that is all new yeah flashback trojan 550,000 machines all max Oh max love it i hope part of it don't be getting so cocky you and also me windows had the same vulnerability but it's plugged windows his fixed it yeah Apple likes to do their own job updates your own timeline I can't believe really wonder why what is happening right all right what's the drink before damn it I know it's a great bunch of clashes up talking to them cuz it turns out with Tom and I get together we talk about tech news which I'm so starting in the first place everyone's like all I want to talk about the news I don't want to drink what's that I am saying i wrote a column that said that apple's standard operating procedures we're not going to work around security because you can't just you know be all controlling about the pv 30 is in the chat room by the way baby 30 watch girl calm bb30 create a PB 30 is the reason that you have a live video to watch he created a hot zone website with a chat interface yeah we're bootstrapping it boo totally at watch bol calm just so he can be like they really need to live stream this well honestly I mean we were just putting cameras up like hey we're gonna have a little spy cam up while we record our audio podcast in PB 30s like that's not good enough I'm putting this on a page you have a show now we were like a good idea it would take us like seven to ten months to get a website built in your dreams and then it took a year and half like it does yeah exactly and then seeing it live was born and became the home of many many podcasts which are now going away oh but other things are happening other things are happening yes we'll get to those area Molly's area exactly not the Molly situation yeah not me that about them not that Molly I was just in Spain they were rioting in the streets over austerity measures right greece in a really controlled and well-behaved fashion that's the spanish for you they're really good at is they're going to take a nap they've had a lot of practice yeah yeah I know they love that kind of thing everybody actually the chat room is up to seven hundred and six people but it's so awesome because all of them we're gonna hear from a lot of guys later in the show we have all this feedback in the emails and the voicemails and stuff but like dr. Carla's in their genome Ortiz in their bj and then behind making about dues that's behind me I have the bar but also like some souvenirs which we're going to get to later but this one yes that's pretty swastik oh my gosh this is a classic you guys we got to show you this this is courtesy of the boys in Boston MO and Vijay probably our most possibly our most important listeners and wakes I think Moe landed our first sponsor press earthlink earthling gads that's top secret that would hahaha I wish we had the earthling can hardly had earthly guy isn't there a hotdog add for the cost of one hot dog for the coffee one hot dog is you're really dead panin we should get Charlie in here he's on a shoot i think that morning but for the first anniversary of buzz out loud moe and vijay created a drinking game very appropriate today we have behind a bar so for the first anniversary anytime we said cnet these are the required drinks any time we said cnet which was often one sip dmca three sips I would never went away no no that one did not go away DRM one set up Google Microsoft or Apple once a few interesting yeah that was that was a 16 or my crush and it's under required cuz we said it so much yeah exactly really Veronica yeah interesting uh slippery slope yes one said that you know because the progression goes from drm too slippery slope every time mm-hmm well it's a slippery slope which is interesting you can tell how old this is because snakes on a plane was one thing that yep uh plane without snakes on a meant you had to finish your drink cuz every time we simply driessen's thanks at a place apparently yahoo was two sips and this i'll take credit for this one yeah no yeah no that's okay no that's all the required now the optional drinks are really dating us yeah this is serious business who if Veronica dis is an apple product you have to have a whole drink cuz it almost never happens almost every kind of like beat on everything well I rip on Apple I've gotten a lot of modern yeah it's too late the past few years so yeah it may not happen as much it doesn't happen Spotify is not a real powerful die for you unless for me I have been fair and honest I love Android you've been fair and balanced I love you had like three sips of champagne he's just like Jason and I love reef okay Molly read Molly ranting is 260 bust town and thank you it's so hard to say goodnight oh Albert Jim I should do the live show if you have a boy at eleven o'clock on thursday you can check out on the spot I'm saying it on the spot nice work everything the asian glow is coming in already the asian girls already have oh no this is horrid eoz just because Rouge bonito like it was Veronica well it's james hillier james Iliad first then Veronica then Jason then Benito then Stephen it's Joyce had a lot of producers yeah uh Molly ranting all to sailors along Molly rants 20 seconds or more you finish your drink Veronica's tivo woes finish your drink I'm still having tea vamos aren't we all yeah yeah and we still all own tivo still because well he's gonna say yes I love you RT it's a love-hate their tivo tivo yay if Veronica said it was a stupid drink can we drink to his his pun drank is there a pun on the area Tom honey oh I'm getting there I'm funnier actually it turns out that a Tom pun is three sips so go ahead and woman OH mm-hmm how's it gonna be a problem mmm doggone oh man that's just a meeting that dumb luckily we have a lot more booze and actually there's three bottles of courtesy of mark Larkin yeah I said I said on internally showing it was actually Dom so that's cool not the change you'll get corrected early and often I'm sure well actually if Veronica says brains you finish your drink if tom says don't open attachments that's half a drink the well executed Tom style segue by tom is three drink three sips but a well-executed Tom style segue not by Thomas foursomes oh no they thought of everything huh well the Tom style plan as we mentioned three sips of Tom style pond not by tom is forceps mm-hmm and one host missing is three sips aah little did they know right on every minute yet you were drinking a lot this is a year there you're drinking every day yesterday that was a this has been in my office ever since it arrived oh and here's Donald oh speaking of what happens when one host is missing here's Donald Bell everyone perfect what is the seventh one missing yay dibell taken behind Jason right now but pops get a lot slower I know this the chair works you're eating not me though I'm perfectly fine so for the new people do you think there are people who don't know how does this show any first time you will talk about yes I'm very origin say oh there's burst in the chat room if you're afraid give the origin so don't like your first over the origins time where it all began let's start with our creation myth shall we you will Cooley by the way for those of you who are asking i think is in new york at the new york auto show so i don't know if he's gonna make it in but maybe he can call i'll send him an email okay um while tom tells our creation myth you with the creation myth no not really what the meteor fell to see you today and we ate our children and then um yeah well the the origins were disparate but there were a couple of people actually more than I don't remember all of them but I know for sure that myself and james kim were both talking about podcasting as it had just started to get you know some mindshare people out they were actually doing it and aware of it source code was a all that sort of thing so we had a meeting I remember and whatever that conference room is with the big round table and if it's down on the fourth floor and it's like a big round table that took up almost the entire room Thunder Thunder Thunder yeah thunder and and it was I think was Larkin Molly myself James candy Meyers I can't move there were other people in there but we were talking about starting new stuff and of course buzz report I think was already buzzer part hazard underwear on its yeah was already decided though and so Larkin was like well I want to do an audio version of buzz report as a podcast but I think Molly talking alone is probably you know not interesting when you foil and he thought he thought that Molly and I had good conversations and that that might be a good idea for the show is to say we just do what you guys do once a week for five or ten minutes you just each of you come with story and you know just have your conversations and that'll be the show cuz Tom had just started I had just come back to seen it actually cuz I left for a little while and was book editing over at o'reilly books are long you attended the whole thing I beg Cena to take me back and Tom had then recently been hired as my boss and we were like going to lunch all the time and have any sort of fun lunch conversate pretty much what we do on the show is exactly what was happening right in rehab and Mark was like I want you to do that thing you do at lunch and for audio and then we got in here and it was totally awkward weird we were terrible we did how many we did two or three shows that were never put out and our mask my my hard drive that I had them on crashed and they were not on the server when I looked for the thousandth episode so I don't know if anyone has the maybe candy Meyers does but I I couldn't even find episode one that where March they're doing plenty of the March 30th one like there's plenty of summaries of it I have it we talked about Comdex you have it yeah we I do know that we talked about Comdex I had just gotten back from Japan and talked all about like it's a it's online if you go the bol Wiccan it was I thought could still get to it I think cuz I played it yes let's see let me look on it and ride alone in a corner of a room and one of them I was like man I've heard this thing so off i could say word for word toy Japanese toilets see hold on i'm gonna try to find it cuz i really do believe you said that right oh he's from Boston just said he found a link to the image of the drinking game for those who uh oh sweet oh it is there to download awesome I'm such a loser one of the best things in the entire world by the way is the buzz out loud wiki totally fan-created yes really the best thing about this show like the only reason russof that this show ever happened it was town most impressive most impressive all right i'm gonna put this in the chat room for you Steve creddie yeah where your segway still but i'm not in your first episode your segways we're still money worth day no i don't think i had any segways I remember the first episode we recorded that was never put out the feedback was Tom talks too much he needs to let Molly talk more what reality is that it oh no only a long time ago good friends like oh I don't think that happen daily bud I'm timer I've grown a lot of the real it is yeah here's the first hey I'm back it up first episode hi I'm Molly Wood author of the buzz report and the daily buzz and I'm Tom Merritt peanuts out there the real deal you give us about 10 minutes every week or so we're going to give you our take on what's happening in tech news this week ok what we gonna talk about this week well I'm gonna start with Comdex actually and then I want to give a little time to toilets coming out of Japan really unusual but they got some good memory mala oh yeah that's all you have grown a lot I guess it was out here so much more there I print out yeah obviously they sound honestly to me they sounded really excited to do the show all right all right well what do you want oh who knows let's talk it was FM radio was a different time no you were there we were young and terrified James Hilliard was sitting there staring at it he really he really killed the children out of the show he hated it he would read a newspaper he literally recorder he just absolutely hated it he batters he's admitted it is like I didn't think this was gonna go right yeah we're not bashing him in absentia he is fully touch the thousands episodes the reason why he's here today guys there wasn't a whole lot to producing the show back then though right there wasn't like an intro music communal it was like pressure cuore di your levels are set all right i'm gonna read this new I just won't rattle it loud loud enough to cope so true oh my god hilarious all right let's see let's see how we sound right around and putting this in the chat room for you Steven let's see how we sound right around episode 200 what kind of progress we've made by then I think I'm pretty good episode 200 listed by the way as a notable episode custom out of Ember why was it because people uh Apple was letting people boot XP on their intel-based Macs oh yeah that was fun boot camp yeah the rise of boot camp how long was on was i stoled high school you weren't even born yet episode that was Wednesday oh my gosh it's an anniversary episode april fifth two thousand six why wow you put it in that was our first ever april fifth act soon I've missed it okay ready here comes numerologists you can put it in the dock right oh do you want me to put in the docks even yeah yeah that's probably wiser the tower was like what's going on here hold on hold on I'm almost at the very top you should also play line 27 in the dock at some point oh yes so we're totally building the show it's awesome we're building a ship now what are your pretty drunk this podcast brought to you by earthlink anniversary show and then we'll go on to some of the other it's Wednesday March if it's 2006 I'm Hollywood and i'm veronica belmont welcome to budget last miss podcast an indeterminate length harvest is on a plane to Las Vegas even as that would be we would dress the wonderful ctia that's right I thought oh shall hopefully he may be able to call in tomorrow he said with kind of the latest the latest and greatest from the CTA Stella's on show the new cell phones although it didn't sound like there were gonna be a ton of awesome new announcement actually I've heard from a few different people actually Molly welcome come on now alright scrub ahead okay I'm sure we started having fun scrub a hug well done on what you're thinking because I was like ginormous I mean the news com story like when up first thing this morning and already has 175 comments like people have so much to say about it I was very surprised when I went to my to my feets this morning it's surprising news yeah it was what's going on yeah I have to admit I was like wait what or if you're not see that coming okay let's do a little personal planner surprised if you're really lazy and you want to be pretty surprised by that I was shocked watch my voice inflection always makes you something work said right I was shocked when that thing happened I'm assuming that that is the bootcamp announcement but either way I'm sure yeah it's so fun the notable episodes I'm sure are very notable but let's be honest there was only one that stands alone is the most epic episode of all time in fact Tom suggested that we don't even bother with doing this show the weeds have Steven when introduced episode 1000 and then we just step out and drink this is only one in the room was it on it so we gotta work him in so he can do the like commentary color commentary and I was pretty amazing alright let's look at let's look at a little bit of that where is that is that on the docket yeah it's in the dock ok youtube there maybe you guys have that grand entrance where you walked through the wing ways of cnet that's just the episode title from wait wait I think that's just like hold on I gotcha I gotcha I gotcha hold on put it next to the last one you just put in so what was the first the first video is when you guys did snakes on the plane is that right yeah I think it's our first video says I Wittering on yeah I have that right there that was our first Thursday august seventeenth 2006 oh dear I'm Hollywood I'm so Monica Belmont welcome to buzz out loud units podcast may determine like snakes on a plane in addition modeling we are actually at the theater as you can see we're here to be interviewing people about snakes on a plane and of course seeing the movie that became the internet phenomenon I'll look the mama beardozer you talk first people here say it's not a big lawyer happening it's not sneaking outside so so does make it down a large line forms we will be interviewing people in mind asking them basically how they heard about the movie whether it was like on the internet is it good is it bad or is this a better meme than a movie does anybody actually really want to see this isn't that on purpose this is just a fun concept to play with we're gonna find out and then of course we're gonna go to the movie which may or may not cause Veronica to crawl under her seat and cry we'll let you know in our doctor movie review yeah I'm actually a little bit worried but I have two people to grab on to so I think I'll be all right that's right so stick with us we'll be here all night all right let's go find some people come on as I remember oh that really wasn't better that was like the worst experience ever like there was I mean it wasn't really but there was like remember we thought that it was just gonna be this big huge amazing awesome nerd premiere it was so this there were some people there eventually but online is this this where you became familiar with the difference between the real world and the internet world it was there was like a rude awakening it's not we were shocked also it's okay already how was the movie I never actually saw it I know it's great my favorite part is when the snake what are the new people like making out in the bathroom and thus they just jumped at him bit that chicken let you know what it was like whoa I remember that scene was horrified a scary said that tell me you're like okay this is yeah crazy I'm glad I had these mother I'm pretty sure the the edited for TV versions better than the actual movie though you think so audience mad monkey fight and snakes on this monday to friday plane was awesome so awesome oh my god that oh my god uh yes nice monkey boys that was quite the outing and it up by the way it's okay chat room you can say whatever you want about the hair because i know we all we all would I know it's better now nice are proud of our hair in that video Tommy look pretty good there running my own hair Burke said I looked fat that was like that wow I did who said that let's see what they look like I look yeah I know daddy's well I look 19 why yeah I like nine times your size in that video because the weird camera angle yeah yeah that's not no shocker I don't do side bangs looks like a hop in there you look adorable you do look like a hobbit though this is why I always go out and change with Charlie cooler than me you put Molly time unbeknownst a lot of people Molly Tama Jason earth really toasted peanut calm in the building that's true that also happened to be seen at T so it's not on earth yeah yeah pretty much yeah i mean its own everybody looks like a hobbit that was a fun night though that was one of our first like one sheet show and we didn't do a lot of those know i know we should have done more but we did the show every freaking day for that point so it's kind of hard to do anything else turns up except for like the five other videos that we did every week yeah right we always wanted this we always wanted this to be the full time job like that was we always knew that that was the only way to make it the show that it could be but that's just not how the world works everyone podcasting is hard work I'm casting is hard work and fun work that also a really hard job coming up with episode titles jarrah hell I know Carol I was just saying me it wasn't very hard chennai or do it yeah I core I as I core is and AJ an Asian oh yeah yeah yeah yeah I think I core probably has the the the record whole can record for most king of time title episodes generated but there's apparently like a whole selection of YouTube videos that are based on thousand episode episode title how cool yeah there's a mission impossible in anima government can we look at this yeah no no he caught the dual fabrication his favorite picture won't take a min oh yeah I told ya these were title sequences that people worth a thousand for the thousand episode not title suggestions I want to watch more of them I know well we have more yeah there's a MacGyver 12 hey you wanna see the mayor let's do it oh you guys are so good yeah I remember I've seen this one is for by Kelvin huh listen oh my god haha thanks a lot frozen keep up Wow over that time I kinda show for the studio with that weird triangle uh yeah I remember that actually stumbled across some of the ustream videos coming from our individual computers and it was even awkward watching those like it was such an awkward situation it's strange how much this room kind of shapes the type of conversation and the the feel of the show we moved it into there and you know you had the same components but it's just different just felt very different being in that studio yeah why was that less weird yeah lessons I did a show I didn't dig it I don't know what was wrong with the acoustics or something it just something that's dead well yeah you were disembodied you weren't facing each other directly because that weird triangle shape and then you also had you know people like all right you know we need to follow you with the camera shots and all you know this other stuff around where's when we came in here especially at the beginning uh it was like so braga run on the board to people talk go easy right no thinking that was like bringing camera there's no thinking Tom to work what's not an ad around being in this room that is talking about what you end up talking about their it ended up being a show that is produced but different than the way it's produced now because it's produced now but it's produced around that kind of haphazard freeform kind of go with the flow way and that in that room you almost felt like it had to be produced like you know some of the other shows that were very scripted and stuff you know yeah this is like safe space feel like we always we get in here and you just feel like you can say whatever you want listening and yeah and you're used to be in here and we're used to being here look I have this cool video if you guys give me a studio tour of this room it's always short usually I usually see the chat room it's great it's like pre sure I'd show you the studio's Trojan be there's me there's a whole bunch of stuff that I never touch Jeanne with an o le / le ya know doesn't ever touch here's my webcam from downtown not anymore yeah so this is a bunch of gear that is preset it's all mic preamps stuff that make the mic sound oh so delicious and we have such all watch over all set properly yeah oh that's right I got a lot of lag I think this is where the over-the-shoulder kind of camera angle ended up getting figured out for when we went to video right here out the window looking on and goose ooh that's kind of a a nifty camera angle yeah Eureka I can feel I guess it was my leg has you still over my leg the leg the leg legendary well and any if you wanted to actually watch our video you had to be a true fan because you had to know that you had the three video players up any mute two of them and you only let the audio through on one of them and you knew the newbies because they'd come in they'd be like an audio is echoing all over the place what's wrong with this you to the video players here okay yeah a cow a cow man going to video was rough we also have fun journey to it was a fun journey actually I remember I remember the first time actually I got an email about not wearing enough makeup on the video yeah like you don't make yourself up I still remember it yeah there it is Tom like nine times what don't make yourself up like you used to because we were doing those individual cameras and as we mentioned earlier PV 30 put them together a page bb30 was like well do folks want to like talk to each other while they're watching them because all the ustream chat rooms are separate and i found the forum link where he proposes the idea uh last night it had actually just bubbled up to the top of the bol forums oh really yeah cuz they're like missing in do you have that one even Adam galaxy thirties a link that he just put in there it's a more complete watch bol with all the players where is that in video here I got it I'll throw everything that's Matt that's awesome we're gonna put them on whatever place dia one at the top did we do a video when I was still here do you see it was that before that februari 2708 wow PB 30 thanks for posting that in that's the most complete version of it I've seen because even the the one on is is yet missing all the graphics right oh that's amazing dude PV 30 we're pretty much nothing without you buddy yep see ya every 27 28 he's a sub know I've set up a page where you can view all three cams and chats on one page after my thinking and feedback from some users I've added a unified chat option that uses a standard IRC room and I'm looking for feedback for those who watched chat during the live show would you prefer a single chat over using two or three chats what type of chat do you prefer IRC meebo others that's red with that basically that seen it fans is born that's it yeah exactly and then they're like they there's a whole list of the features that they eventually want and then over time I mean it took a long time write like a year and a half I think for us to fully steel and implement that idea mm-hmm is our showroom today say hi arm today hi room and everyone's like maybe 30 genius I know I do need to send you haven't aged one bit really since like 1998 yes yes so I'm yahoolive was the first site that we used that's right it was yahoo like that that cuz we tried it on sword and laser and it does not work it did not work there was no storage of video at that point right they weren't storing at the motor facilitating live that's too bad hmm be awesome to see that first one mm-hmm we also had short-lived meetups we had this all like me the initiative how we were gonna have meetups it was gonna be the thing and would but even meetups are hard and then it sort of started out like Mark was like oh yeah we're going to fund that we can we got money for meet ups like okay we don't have as much money as we thought but we had a couple and so then Tom found I assume was you Tom the flicker sets the flickr slideshow of bol photos yeah South by Southwest even even like last couple years out by Southwest a contest we did the photo show yeah sure that's a no yeah they're here they're all here look at that ok Sean look Jason I know hey ladies i'm putting that on my web come to me i'm not hearing anything this guy's saying right now has appeared that's a good idea which one was that where is that look at South by Southwest like three years ago right so that was a freighter that was like after I took my little bit my little break and I'm not gonna lie so mad that Tom Munro and Natalie went to uh it's hard to say Tom and without saying Veronica at the end that Natalie went to South by Southwest I was like what I've never done that before was my own fault by the way the 2nd US Circuit Court of Appeals just reversed the judgment in favor of youtube so Viacom can carry on their case you're kidding me dmca drink well I need more I'm already pretty messed up guys to judge panel said now YouTube might have had actual knowledge brandy Herman Tom bring it back like a FYI guys by the way let's talk about why we're really here the news the important news we have possibly caused out loud alright everybody else whiskey bourbon or brandy why'd you put more slide show up if you want our oh my god put more slide show our slideshow bourbon if cooley were here we'd have the good bourbon but he's in New York bro rude he's the only one who can buy it I could have rest of us are underage my kid is sick he didn't take it with him you gotta lose well I didn't do it either no his office is locked i was like damn ohs haha oh oh Steven a little pick-me-up Lynn says hello to everyone by the way yeah that's right do it yeah tongs tongs taking a break though we're gonna have some water heavy again hi roll your chair out of here well my mouth will be smelly foods it's an antiseptic it's two o'clock in the afternoon when Lindsay came in with the cake Lindsay our boss by the way she was like oh no it's okay I don't think either way you're pouring it really smells like booze anymore it always did we there's something about it you can open one beer in here the whole room smells very small not very well there's no air no yes there's no ventilation no air we repainted finally like whatever you're in Africa looks nice I like the blue yeah yeah I like you all right what else happened so we've had let's do like I'm not mad drunk I swear let's do a caboose quiet a couple more super old school links here and then we'll get to like some viewer favorite moments talk about the evolution the new hosts all that stuff um but this is amazing in addition to the bol photos Tom found I can't believe we found this I can't believe it still there oh gee the original buzz out loud page still exists somewhere on the cnet servers with the god awful picture and the green and the yellow wow the whole thing and it's it and whoever coated it did a good job with the feed because it's still Curren episode 23 okay yeah that is great look I know it's like it's a good this jar is ok it doesn't even look like you Wow I know it what do I decide you look like Tatum Channing Tatum O'Neal demonio that's right Channing Tatum tat Tatum O'Neal's when I met Channing Tatum is that anonymous muscle person that turns you on now subscribe now really doesn't look like Utah there's something about now I know Italy shadow I don't know it's the weirdest photo ever send us buzz it is though you're totally right it's pretty close no it goes to 1292 so it's not total it's not all the way up to date wow that's amazing Wow the YouTube group did you remember our chai KU channel yes do you remember our frapper mad rapper man yes you that's how i found that page i was searching for flapper disease there was like some cached version out there and it that was one of the search results because it's embedded in that page still even though there's no frapper she was never not shut up remember this that was our early social network was like Joey laughs so we pitched at the end of every show I made perfect sense a geographically based in social network they do a dog category you're here demel is an audience was we're like can't talk right now rappers not even a thing maybe more definitely not everything was very well because cross colours were very hot during that time remember cross colours colours green yellow Oh cross colours i get was hit way back in the day man but God frapper and we would be nothing without the audience really like when you look at this it's all this is all audience generated stuff from the wikipedia entry to the the eventual wiki you guys have been to the wiki it's just it's unbelievable it's just like all of the episodes pretty much with a with a summary like a history of notable events complaining about the you kind of sound like a public radio announcer and if you call in now we'll send you a great tote bag you gotta visit the week have you callin now I'll promise to send you something that I never said how many people didn't get stickers a lot my god I gotta roll I got five thousand I a sticker roll you wouldn't believe it's just this huge thing my kid take something over everything but I actually I brought presents for everyone ah everyone gets at least a page you are old these are the old ones you've had that many just hiding in your office whole time I've been saving them I don't know like I would have been like we should give those rehydrate the pre pipe red ball these were from uh and the engineers your life yes I think the PI plus years yeah yeah so everybody wondering where you go well we'll try to send out some stickers to like our hardest core fans right what do you do MLS what are the OG bust ballers feel about the pipe do you like the piper you dislike the pipe oh I I always liked the pipe I missed the pipe I actually thought the pipe list logo didn't look that bad but you look that bad but the pipe one has a lot more character too yeah Veronica geelong my denim you know i get i get actually really annoyed when I see the pipe written in text about cnet that always drives me crazy oh yeah whenever perform at it yeah I'm like no it's just you don't need to put the pipe in the purpose for the logo I like right you like pipe I like carpet I hated it when they still available I love later okay good I know it's only like you guys haven't seen a condom tell me I have I just forgot about that one I just Rolly remembered lamp because the rest was too traumatic um I put another link in the very top of the doc just now Stephens working harder than he's ever had to work today as producer and then there's this one right here what do you pause this but we're drunk and exciting but you guys remember spectacle Oh practical fest how did that start oh it was because III was getting smaller that's right and we said talked about the spectacle of it yeah I'm more spent that nerd tacular is what spectacle fest it kind of is should have turned it that way yeah spectacle fest oh we were so funny uh there is a we thought we were so we thought you're so funny there's a whole there's a flicker discussion and why there's no pictures of that that lady Veronica what's from march two thousand six why exactly are there no pictures of Veronica the podcast lady doing the podcast or any pictures whatsoever except that one that is on the frapper flicker and cnet itself three pictures does anyone else care about this but me and then Veronica answers well no I'm not camera shy but before the podcast I wasn't doing anything to warrant a picture on the website I just do production but we are going to make a video podcast soon sit tight I base and we did Dave Moyer uh Dave Moira's still he still comments on stuff and yeah he's still around you guys was about our porch a trip is like you guys we're having to go to meetings because hollyhock I will keep it moving a little bit ah Veronica had a squeaky-clean wonderful image up until oh no done done done as Tom Tom called it the pre-show that shall be not shall not be named gonna have to skip ahead to find the handle balsa do I guess studio 60 s ratings are tanking this is like Alicia really yeah yeah totally and also Tracy Morgan I got you on recording saying that hotel Eileen knows she knows Joan Jett Chrissie Hynde and cafes could you be in a punk rock I don't think Joan Jett's interested dude no I know but you know this is my little list yeah yeah it doesn't matter gotcha Jake Gyllenhaal yeah hmm pretty I think maybe also he is not interested that's the sense i get from the blog that's all it could be true that none of those there's no okay I hope you're insinuating that he's he's gay and that I'm not stupid and ugly damn I obviously only option they say he may be gay he's not well he wasn't premier he wasn't that gay magazine you could turn him I don't know yes I could they I'm just saying but we sort of you oh that was awesome so good it's so sad lately our conversations are entirely on you right now I know what what about nano balls I didn't get all of nano balls unfortunately anything wrong with nano all right it's Wednesday oh hello it is lost premiere day oh yes it is pop yes it's awesome I think that we just bleep ever keep going that was a terrible bleep is up to do with a baby I know that backed me up EP and veronica has like been trying to live down that one little al-imam we got oh there's more we r HD DVR I started saying that mr. I'm sorry yeah and then we're gonna watch it in real time though maybe let it buffer for a few minutes yeah but then that way I can record the reunion show of Project Runway on tivo of course South Park warcraft episode oh my god is that man 2 yeah and yeah I am America's next top model tonight is a total TV cluster and you know what about that yeah this is uh emailed me is like or comment about it is the law but they can't give you the channels yes so what I was like that's not what I was thinking about I was bitching about the fact that in the room in the bat masking that was where she said yeah totally wow that was like a three f bomb episode yeah well it wasn't an episode that was the demo so technically we have died Natalie got published I mean Tong and I have done some things in pre-show oh awesome thing that was said something I was sure I was fired I was sure that I were always sure you're saying the show lost mmhmm yeah it did love how long was that out in the baby before I was like half an hour yeah and I that's enough time for a mind yeah well we got an email from a dad who was like I listen to the show with my kids and I can't believe that you like this kind of language whatever why have you changed so much and blah and I was like what happened what happened what happened what did i do what did i do and then i went back and listened and I just everything went black in my mind like I was like boom wombley all the blood rush to my head my rants Tom's office and I was like something happened I did I did something I would be fired I was like well first let's fix it yeah yeah I think I had already fixed it you're like okay I've already tested and then but I made us go talk to Bonnie again cuz you were so I was crying so much I was like really on the ball I was sure I was like yeah yeah buddy was like we don't have it and then mark was like that's not gonna happen again right now sick no no it's not gonna happen again except by me that having like nine times I think I said it on the actual show oh you see you in here the memory I said after him you said f to me yeah were you baited me I he told me we're like I think it was a computer love thing it was a computer laughing something the chauvinistic or until you were like give me a sample something totally showing istic like get me a sandwich sudo get me a sandwich how you can say pseudo pseudo get me a pseudo sandwich pseudo be uh uh pretty soon we're going to come into the future but we asked you guys for some of your favorite moments and there's two especially and then we're gonna get to your video voicemails which are epic but Justin from San Diego sent in this is truly awesome one of my favorite my all-time favorite buzz moments was Tom and Veronica's dramatic reading of the bunnies made out of cheese quantum stories years ago it's at the very end of this episode so probably like a conclusion fired up and we're gonna listen to the entire if you want to get a hold of us go to our webpage it's really easy bol dot see any tea got de lam that's the all the ways you can play all the ways you can call yeah it's right it's enough that it's yeah so keep going I'm gonna you're right dance monkey Stephen dance this is a dramatic reenactment of the bunnies made of cheese posting from Chad or zills uncertain principal's blog the dog is standing at the window wagging her tail excitedly I look outside in the backyard is empty what are you looking at bunnies made of cheese there are no bunnies out there and there are certainly not anybody's made of cheese backyard is empty but particles are created out of empty space all the time right have you been reading my quantum physics books again it's boring here when you're not home anyway answer the question well yes in a sense they're called virtual particles and the zero-point energy of the vacuum can occasionally manifest as particle antiparticle pairs see bunnies made of cheese you're wagging your tail I'm not sure how that helps you the virtual particles that are created from a vacuum fluctuation have to annihilate in a very short time in order to satisfy the energy time uncertainty relationship so like a virtual electron-positron pair last something like 10 to the negative 20 seconds before it disappears they're not real particles but they can become real right I mean what about the Hawking radiation you're smart for a dog well yeah in a sense the idea is that a virtual pair created near the event horizon of a black hole can have one of its members sucked into the black hole which point the other particle zips often become any yeah we get energy to accompany somewhere I needed a nap yeah bunnies made of cheese what look virtual particles are created all the time right that was the part I was waiting for honey yes cheese and talk cheesecake mouth to replace some voicemail yeah we should but first I think we should play these damn looters the whole day you say cuz Dan looters is the guy who like luda POTUS a new music and I had your musical work right so he sent an email and he said I wanted to send this farewell video and then two songs from past shows one of which includes you tongue and is awesome so let's let's do all those and then we'll get to the video voicemail first this is bol bye bye it was crude and looters here just want to take a moment say thank you for all the years of tech fun and laughs oh and not to mention rants love the show best wishes to your future and we'll see you very soon bye bye love leaders love looter I've never seen what he looked like I have either no she honest he's got that slick hair action going on like no he is the nicest guy actually got to meet him who look like you'd the round a year ago and he's just but he's as good as his music oh he is really like he's he is like the driving force behind the the catchy tunes on a lot of podcasts on the net these days he's awesome so then he did these two songs for us which you probably remember the first was the Molly rant blues oh yeah I keilana me apple-iphone copy on my pants man i need a Molly ranchi we go I love the ending it out and punch you right in the face I mean really for crying out loud how hard is this it's not that hard it's not hard oh my god
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