
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

Buzz Report: The 5-minute miracle!

hello it's Brian Cooley infra mollywood with the buzz reports first the gadget of the week it's voodoo a new box and service that will soon deliver movies on demand over your broadband connection without any wait to start playing now they pull that little trick off by first storing the beginning of every movie in their catalog locally on your voodoo box that's what you watch when you first hit play meanwhile in the background the rest of its getting delivered on a peer-to-peer network of other voodoo boxes what's clever here is that no pc is required and they have five of the six major film studios lined up to contribute movies sony of course is the odd man out but i'll be watching voodoo and anything else that can get us past the age of using the postal service or our five-ton suvs to ferry these damn things all over town now the news maybe this is why Sony isn't on that voodoo bandwagon Sony television just announcing they're going to re-release some of their classic TV series as what they call minisodes five minute versions of what we're originally 30 or 60 minute TV shows the idea is to create snackable versions of TV much like the snack sizes of chips and cookies that fooled us into becoming a nation of deluded fat asses this too could go horribly wrong like the snacks will think all the crap has been removed but in fact cutting down an episode of TJ Hooker to a mere five minutes doesn't even come close to doing that well the next thing we may see on maybe the inside of an appliance box justin kahn for whom it's named has to find the new place to live he and his crew that produced that 24 7 life cast about him have been evicted from their San Francisco apartment headquarters now the reported reasons vary some say there were complaints from neighbors who didn't like being webcast live to the world every time they are ran into justin in the hallway you think and of course not every landlord would be delighted about having for 20-something guys and all their friends and all their gear turn a two bedroom unit into their office Clubhouse ground zero but there is no way that Justin is actually gonna go out and find their new apartment or if he does I want to meet the landlord who rents to a guy who has a camera on his head and refuses to put his backpack down YouTube is added a feature that I beg you never to use it's called active sharing but I've rebranded it it's called over sharing in my book it lets you tube archive a list of all the videos you watch display who else is watching a given video when you are and see the last five videos they watched and of course like everything else on the net these days you get to chat about it all I think the idea here is to create a real-time shared experience so you won't think you're alone at your computer desk watching a really dumb video in your shorts drinking a bud no now you'll see there are a few other people doing the exact same thing that's depressing I'm Brian Cooley this has been the buzz report thanks for watching
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