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CES in Depth, Day 2: Tong and Stein break it down

welcome to CES in depth on day two of CES 2017 we are coming to you live from Las Vegas and also i'm here with Scott sign i'm brian Tong we are two men who can't use our iphones but have them nearest because we need them as security blankets it's a it's a sad cold world we live in today it's a mobile age we'll recap the products and the trends that are making news here at CES and first up we got a chance to talk to hear one these are these wireless earbuds they came on stage and I got to experience them for the first time really I know you've been able to try them in the best way that I can describe them to the audience you guys can see that in this video is these are earbuds that basically have a computer inside them we joked around calling them care puters or compute here's that will never take off of me those will never be they didn't like the hero bowls either they're like we've heard them all but not hear bells listening thingies I got me called headphones people is they look better than the air pots for sure but what these do is they're able to filter out sound but even cooler really augment the sound around you they had a gentleman talking over here I couldn't hear them they turn on this filter that allows me to hear anything that's facing me in a direction I turn that way and I heard him loud and clear it was and you can little behind you an array of six mics and so it's combination of noise cancelling and enhancing you can set the levels of music and they were saying they want to go into some level of augmented audio technology augmented reality for audio so you can start having voices of things that aren't there or maybe mommy I have voices in my head Lusa nations but it could be like if you're if you're at a sporting event you want to focus on what the game you look in the play what happened based on what you're looking at or the museum you're looking at the art and it starts to talk to you who knows what by yourselves the sounds great better and better every time we keep talking about it though it was really awesome it was awesome tech and they're coming out soon yeah they're gonna be available for 299 they're called here one and just check them out or if you have a chance to watch our video on our site because it blew me away but something that might blow us away for different reasons do you want to talk about this guy uh there are many mysteries at CES putting the all the things hidden in Eureka park and David Carr know yet seen the hush me which looks like one of the concept art designs for bein you you wear these on your mouth if you would like or around your neck their neck band headphones they are meant for privacy if you're worried about who's listening in on your phone calls I guess you could talk and it will it will mask audio and send out different noises for it and not weird at all totally everyday normal so this case to honor the hush me or maybe we called the couche couche may push may push may I pulled up some of the 10 most popular quotes from bein and I'd like to in honor of this product just recreate one okay we will destroy Gotham then when it is gone the Gotham is officers and you have my permission to die that's pretty was that pretty good I can't make it for dinner tonight for a large Mart on stage alright also other interesting the interesting things here right yeah going from that design totally practical that you probably will want to buy Nvidia shield actually has one of the best streaming boxes out there David Katz merits cnet loves it I've used it a lot it's great I'm it's it's what's great as it plays lots of videos it also plays games locally and it can stream from your PC the new one adds a double dose of extra stuff first of all it's gonna be Google assistant connected and it's going to listen and tap into Google services which is great and also is able to connect to smart home stuff so all of a sudden hey now your shield turns on your lights or handles all your stuff like a little echo but it's like a Google home it also in videos can be selling a little plug connectors so you could connect in other parts of your home kind of like the echo dot so that's coming out really soon and existing shield owners are going to get updates I think it's a super underrated device quite honestly it doesn't get enough love and also I don't know if you mention it because sometimes I zone out when I stare into your eyes but it does simple it also supports a HDR and 4k streams you didn't say that no but you I'm saying thank you i also got lost in your eyes that is a very good point HDR it can even I think can I've been HDR through Plex if you're into that and and it can stream them so that's really cool really cool so I'll say really cool one more time say it one more time really cool you know what's also you know it's also really cool sneakers that tell you when you're tired I'm a sneakerhead and under armour showed off their Gemini sneakers here they have sensors in them and basically obviously under armour had a first generation last year they can detect right your steps but what was interesting is they have the ability to kind of calibrate or create a baseline and understand when you're getting tired as the day goes on based on you know that reaction time and from that baseline I thought that was for that that's interesting because when I'm tired with my shoes I just stop moving and now it's saying no we want to test that we want to make sure jump up and down six times and these are Gemini shoes they're jumping Megan Megan Wharton is jumping up and down to prove how these work they really do now under armour i connect to choose last year I got to wear them around they work they're only good for so many miles I guess running shoes are kind of disposable by design if you're a runner I'm not a runner but they say that is true so but that's a new feature and under armour is making more things including a Tom Brady Tom Brady pajamas did hear about that the connected sleeping I would not wear those but there's a large audience that might enjoy that everything yeah audience Tom Brady pajamas yes or no a lot la DiNozzo the lady with the thumb the big thumbs down sorry Tommy really sorry Ryan Fitzpatrick pajamas that's next time please that that's that's for a small minority of fans that even know who ryan fitzpatrick is jets joke always good for that the crowded general for the general viewing audience so keep going deeper and and weirder but also I think it's art emerging tech that I think could be really practical I really like and I talked to them on the stage you probably see this on the floor but you people don't like how long or short the battery life on smart watches and fitness trackers is but I matrix Industries has got a technology using thermal gradients both of them who founded matrix industries both co-founders at backgrounds in thermal electrics and they believe that this that can power itself through body heat so we tested they want to put this not on a watch which they also say is with the most accurate calorimeter because it's actually measuring your body heat but they want to put this in sensors to go to Internet of Things smart home stuff even medical explorations to ad self-powering sensors that you don't need to recharge the batteries for so if you start having this I mean if that really working you put in a smart grade and start having things you don't have to replace in very low power sensors this is an ambi chip that they said is low power enough that it will charge up beyond a certain amount based on your body heat and then it will stay in standby mode for two years but basically so it's crazy but all it is is just an always-on screen and steps in a watch it's coming out this year it's crowdfunded those are heat vents on the sides which is weird but doesn't generate heat but it has to cast off heat in order to make that work so I know you're I know you're a smart watch guy right and for the record to prove this theory for everyone that's watching if I noticed that you're wearing two watches am this is actually a CES product this is the winnings activity at this is their HR you're still like Charlie yeah it's at heart rate 20-day battery life we're gonna test that out but speaking of longer bad are you are you testing that is that why you're wearing right now or you just like to wear to what I'm gonna post this hands-on hopefully tomorrow I wondering give it a rest on rissa rissa on not hand risks on deep rest on deep blue Sun wristed we haven't come a wrist of all first of all wrist wrist wrist of you and this is just an apple watch you heard about those yeah you might have heard about that so that's that's the thing I like I mean the VR I talked about that yesterday VR which is a cover all the time it's the stuff here is more for developers I tracking project alloy which is like you move around but I don't think it's as cool looking as hollow lens and you know we're all waiting for like the next development of oculus rift or what's going on PlayStation VR but they just spend so much money on making that hardware they want to make software now and the show is about hardware so I think in smart glasses didn't fit over my glasses two different makers I'm sorry that my eyes are fine better than 20 20 still I'm envious can you see my face if you take your glasses off no well I see a blur like an impressionistic tongue s it's nice it's learn I liked it soft soft soft soft and fluffy also at CES we always have these moments that sometimes stick out and we wanted to give you our moment of enlightenment from Charles Barkley who we got to talk to a little earlier yesterday what's your take on social media in general I think social media just losers to feel like they important they get the voice their pain on every single thing in the world there's probably some good quality to it but the problem is we made it where every loser out there get some oysters opinion every subject in the world and everybody paying doesn't matter unfortunately and unfortunately the more success you have the more hate comes at you at different times so I have chosen to eliminate all social media from my world now is there any tech things that you like to use are you even use anything like uber or anything like that you got to use lube or you got to use your computer i mean that's some great stuff happens I got just and I don't do Twitter Facebook and Instagram and that type of crap listen you can't survive in this world without technology and its getting bigger and better every year okay Charles I've got something to show you here okay I'm not going to freak you out here when we talk about technology and it's a combination of maybe to your one of your favorite worlds have you have you seen these you know what these might be I think that's the laces up like yes it's the self lacey to now what what if this existed back in your day I mean silly stupid listening you know I'm starting to get nervous with America is the greatest country in the world but now we got everybody so lazy now we've got a self-driving cars I like if you're too lazy to lace up your own shoes or something wrong with you like we're making things some easier for Americans the other countries are passing us back and we're just so stupid and lazy we got the first of all I love Mikey yes but I don't need anybody lacing my shoes I'm never if I ever get that lazy I like to do stuff man i cut my own grass that's important yeah i watched my own clothing but we gotta quit making stuff so easy for America that's why we're so fat and lazy alright a Charles thanks so much no problem thank you for having me all right thank you like we said our moment of enlightenment and then I don't know if the crew has us in the back I wanted a tweeting as he's telling me the social medias for losers send the sin that send that tweet away I don't know if the back houses photo I wanted to send this to you is day two of CES I know sometimes we might feel like this picture but I just wanted to tell you that it gets better there you go ladies and gentlemen our moment of CES day too that's me explains a lot in how many of us might be feeling at this moment all right we will be back at 11 a.m. pacific for cnet's final top 10 products for CES 2017 and somebody tells me that's not that Polaroid bag on that dude catch it's not gonna be that thank you Scott that was me really I don't know if it was me might have been all right Willie B everybody
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