welcome to the crave video podcast I'm
Veronica Belmont and I'm arielle moon is
once again I'm happy to be back thank
you for coming back once again nobody
anyway this is the video podcast is
based on our gadget blog crave cnet com
and we're going to talk about some of
the wild crazy neato stuff that we found
on the blog this week and but first I
want to address a little bit of reader
commentary Emily writes in and she says
hey guys I just watch your crave with
Molly Wood after getting cravey I went
over to verizon's website the first
thing that came up in the display window
was a strawberry chocolate but then pink
strawberry started falling from the sky
she said okay seriously verizon is
colorblind no wonder they're so called
chocolate phone is actually black right
doesn't that make sense it's true I
always thought it was funny that the
chocolate was black and not brown there
needs to be more brown gadgets in the
world but anyway we digress so what do
you have for me today well I got a cool
one it's actually from nerf nerf is
getting high so they made some
attachments for the Nintendo Wii so you
can add on like a baseball bat or I hear
like boxing gloves or tennis racket or
golf clubs to your actual we and get
more interactive than you already are
and what I like about it is that you
could probably interchange them so you
could play boxing with a baseball bat
why would you want why would you could
like hit the other person was a big
baseball bat yeah why not you're way
more violent I thought you ready the
things you learn about video games I
like a little more gentler you know more
intellectual kind of simulation
sometimes I'm tilting like building
legos for example if you have five
hundred dollars to spare you can build
the new lego kit of the Millennium
Falcon you know from Star Wars yeah it's
the thing is 33 inches by 22 inches so I
mean it is not small it is a big Lego
contraption and I mean it would take you
a while but it would be totally worth it
to have that sitting right there on your
bookshelf forget how you gettin me
gettin way $500 a little steep for me
it's a little steep for any it's cool
but a little steep gotta be a huge fan
for that and speaking of fans my brother
is a huge fan of Volkswagens and I'm
here boz wagons has his own sort of cult
following I've heard that before as well
so there one crave I saw that there's
this big structure ball kind of thing
created of guys oh that well exam boys
it didn't look that big like could
someone actually fit inside it and roll
around it looks like someone could
barely fit inside there but the steering
wheel would be like this big I can't
imagine that would be very comfortable
harkening back to the we okay so well
kind of actually I don't know how your
home theater setup is at home but I have
about six different remotes going on
right now and so one for you know we've
got the the wii controllers for the wii
we've got the HD DVD player we've got
all sorts of different stuff set up and
you can buy one of those eight hundred
dollars logitech harmony remotes or you
can buy something called the wiimote w
ee mo te not wwiii not affiliated with a
nintendo wait and it's a children's
remote and you can program it to do
different things like there's ten
different channel settings it may not
solve all your home theater issues but
at least it's cute and fits in your hand
and won't be as confusing as the ten
other controllers you may have laying
around I probably still can't figure
that one out either right now okay so
you remember that scuba diving cat we're
talking about Felix better yet so I did
some research on crave of course and I
want I want to figure out how can I go
underwater you know without scuba diving
I'm probably I to explore the depths of
the ocean exactly you know and I'm lazy
I don't like to swing him you are lazy
so so I wanted to get I saw it on credit
there's your own personalized submarine
that you can get mm-hmm so so I'm gonna
go ahead and pick up one of those and
I'll probably and how much is that gonna
put you back no it's worth it whatever
is gone it's worth it and buy a bunch of
Legos for 500 bucks my Legos anyway why
I'm already spending enough money on
world of warcraft and you have to see
this video that we found of these kids
who for an english project redid the
canterbury tales in world of warcraft so
take a look
now is I've drunk a draft of corn rye
pale by God it stands to reason I can
strike on some good story that you all
would like in Flanders once there was a
company of youngsters haunting vicen
ribble dream dancing and dicing day and
night and bold to eat and drink far more
than they can hold
and once the three young rioters began
to run and reach the tree and there they
found the pile golden Florence on the
ground new coined eight bushels of them
as they thought oh why make a sermon of
it why waste breath exactly in the way
they'd blame his death they fell on him
and slew him two to one
and as it happened reaching for a sup he
took a bottle full of poison up and
drink and his companion nothing loath
drank from it also and they perished
both well that's all we have for today
thank you again for getting on I know we
covered a lot of stuff today though it's
good a good exercise hope you guys had a
good week if you want to send in your
links or videos you can do so by
emailing crave at cnet com and don't
forget to check out the blog crave dot
cnet com for new stuff all the time i'm
veronica belmont i'm all new news
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