CNET Buzz Report: Grab your broomsticks and yank some porn
CNET Buzz Report: Grab your broomsticks and yank some porn
welcome to the buzz report I'm Brian
Cooley in for Molly Wood who's still
trying to figure out google wave so she
can explain it to the rest of us this
week we find porn lurking in the most
unlikely of places dorks lurking in the
usual places and we finally answer the
age-old question do cell phones cause
cancer no we don't first it's the gadget
of the week okay I'm sorry this week no
piece of the usual plastic digital crap
could be nearly as cool as the wet and
slippery badasses of the US Navy's
marine mammal program commando dolphins
and sea lions who stole the show at a
homeland security demonstration in San
Francisco Bay these guys can do all
kinds of ops minesweeping with remote
sensors on a fin dropping a marker buoy
where they sense an underwater threat
even swimming down with an ankle cuff
they tether to a terrorist who's
approaching underwater so they could be
reeled in like some big catch please
don't email me with the Navy SEAL joke I
beg of you all right now I've been told
your money's no good here a few times
but that's usually at a bar after a few
too many in this case the bar was the
genius bar and it was a woman at the
palo alto apple store getting turned
away from buying an ipad because she
wanted to pay with cash silly the
t-shirt team at the store showed her the
policy limit of two iPads per customer
no cash no gift cards oral DNA swab
required well abc7 reporter Michael
Finney dropped in on ms Diane Campbell
after she got the disk give us a stir
break okay I'm not gonna go sell my ipad
and all of a sudden the company that
calls in police raids realized it was
about to get its other I blackened so
Steve mobilized the Apple PR departments
warm and fuzzy unit which they've kept
pretty damn well hit in the last decade
or so and delivered a free iPad to miss
Campbell and changed their ridiculous no
cache policy on the product now i'm sure
she thanked Apple profusely
but she might also want to send a thank
you card to gizmodo whose door kicking
persecution by Apple is what got them
thinking maybe their next headline
should be a positive one oh and by the
way hold your email rothschild
conspiracists turns out it is perfectly
legal to refuse to take us cash money
for a purchase huge dust-up at Wikipedia
this week founder Jimmy Wales was
reportedly stripped of rank after he
yanked thousands of porn images from the
site he was afraid they would spook
sponsors apparently but of course
Wikipedia is sort of one big
intellectual Summer of Love so doing
anything on your own just as he cool man
of course as soon as we heard about this
every monitor at cnet got angled
carefully so we could do a good thorough
journalistic search for whatever might
still be on the site now if Jimmy did
pull images that would spook lily-white
sponsors he's not very good at it I mean
I can't show you what's still there but
it's pretty easy to find if you know a
little Latin like this and this what is
that oh and that now Wikipedia denies
that Wales was knocked down about ten
pegs and they say he voluntarily gave up
his super editor privileges that he
enjoyed his co-founder he was
unavailable for comment they say he was
locked in his office performing a self
flagellation the other morning I was
having breakfast watching some TV news
show when they went to a story about
quidditch on college campuses and I damn
near spit out my bourbon here were a
bunch of jackasses playing some
combination of rugby soccer and
basketball while one of them's dressed
like a big Queen in gold lamay and all
the rest are running around gripping
their broomsticks do they know what that
looks like is this what they do at
Hogwarts this will give you Hogwarts
look when I went to college everybody
was playing hacky sack or Ultimate
Frisbee so I know stupid happens but do
these guys realize a they're not flying
there on the ground and be Jimmy Wales
is going to pull the Quidditch page on
Wikipedia if you keep this up another
week another cell phone radiation study
but this
one's different the biggest-ever
un-sponsored spanning 13 countries 10
years 13 thousand users and costing 24
million dollars the findings are mm-hmm
the usual mumbo jumbo about being
inconclusive blah blah blah how come no
one can figure out if these damn things
are killing us so let me boil it down
for you with just two points out of the
report number one people who reported
using cell phones a lot had a forty
percent higher incidence of a certain
kind of brain tumor and number two
moving the phone as little as four
inches from your body reduces the
radiation impact to basically zero now
you know what to do without spending
millions of dollars and we are done with
these in net radiation studies that's
the buzz report for this week I'm Brian
Cooley in from Hollywood
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