CNET Buzz Report: The Internet memes we're thankful for
CNET Buzz Report: The Internet memes we're thankful for
hey everyone I'm Mollywood and welcome
to the buzz report the show about the
tech news that everyone is talking about
it's Thanksgiving week here in the US
and if you've been watching this show
all year and I hope you have you know
that the thing that delights me the most
week after week is what's clogging the
tubes so because I'm so thankful for the
insanity that the internet brings us day
after day welcome to our 2011
Thanksgiving clogging the tubes
spectacular I think a new meme has been
born in 2011 people entertaining animals
the mariachis serenading the beluga
whales kind of kicked off the whole
thing and it really took off from there
now there's a jazz band serenading cows
which might be my favorite but music
works on geese
you know cat videos never get old and
neither does brilliant satire so put the
two together and you get this amazing
piece of work cat videos are a
unbelievably effective new business tool
we've seen phenomenal growth in this
category we're taking that learning and
applying it to our business model in
2012 John Street will lead the industry
into a brand new communications era with
the launch of the world's first and only
cat vertising agency cat videos provide
an excellent return on investment the
costs are minimal it's win-win by 2015
cat videos are gonna represent ninety
percent of the content on the world wide
web it's proven results that is genius
and speaking of genius collegehumor com
delivered a lot of it this year it
almost seems like cheating to use their
clips but they nailed the Siri meme so
brilliantly then no one can stop talking
about this video how do I tie a bow tie
again what's the fastest way to Hartford
Hospital tell my wife I'm gonna be 30
minutes late while my husband I'm not
surprised tell my wife if she has a
problem with my work schedule she's more
than welcome to get a job of her own
husband that I do just as much work as
he does tell my wife that if watching
Ellen is a job she should get a
promotion message from your husband I
appreciate you well what did he actually
say please don't drag me into this Siri
call my husband Siri ignore the call for
my only husband that he said he'd
respect my choice to stay at home with
our child oh my wife I would but she
can't even get around to washing his
overalls did you want me to search for
flower shops nearby call my husband also
unexpectedly big in the clogging
universe this year owls turns out
they're friendly adorable they love
getting petted and they play with cats I
mean who knew
the web continue to show us how history
repeats itself which can actually be
comforting in these troubled times a
protest speech from 1964 kept occupy
protesters all fired up when the
operation of the Machine becomes so
odious makes you so sick at heart but
you can't take part you can't even
passively take part and you've got to
put your bodies upon the gears and upon
the wheels upon the levers by all the
apparatus and you've got to make it
stuff and you've got to indicate to the
people who run into the people who own
it that unless you're free the machine
will be provided for working at all and
of course what would this
technologically wondrous time be if it
didn't also deliver a massive sense of
perspective now and again my friends and
I were all mesmerised by this time lapse
video made up of photos taken of the
Earth from space
what more is there to say thanks for a
great year so far everybody happy
thanksgiving and thank you for watching
the findability S&L clicking stop
constitution for now and panko and the
mostest defined the study nearest and
ahmed stove coughs hostile act my demand
curve stylus with us as you not gon come
my fever Steinar Steinar cottony he
didn't have to fight with machine
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