CNET Buzz Report: Will Kindle Fire burn up the iPad?
CNET Buzz Report: Will Kindle Fire burn up the iPad?
hey everybody I'm hollywood welcome to
the buzz report the show about the tech
news that everyone is talking about this
week amazon is in fuego with the new
kindle lineup iphone 5 is oh so close
and Facebook is just creepy and annoying
like an ex who won't go away on Facebook
but let's begin with the gadget of the
week the gadget of the week is the
amazon kindle fire amazon finally
announced its long-awaited tablet this
weekend at first blush i gotta tell you
it seems like a winner the fire is a
7-inch tablet running an Amazon style of
Android it has Amazon's big content
library behind it a dual-core processor
to handle video and music streaming a
pretty nice-looking multi-touch IPS
display whispersync free Amazon Cloud
storage and integration and a whole new
Amazon browser called silk that they say
is super fast because it does half of
its work in the cloud oh I'm sorry am I
burying the lead the Kindle Fire costs
199 dollars yeah for real it's shipping
November 15th so this holiday season
when your friends and your family and
your spouse's are looking at you with
tears in their eyes begging for
streaming video facebook Angry Birds all
on one little tablet the answer is just
two hundred dollars away so I'm just
saying look out apple onto the news
which is more amazon news as if the fire
wasn't enough amazon also announced
three e-ink kindle readers this week
there's a new top-of-the-line version a
touch screen kindle with 3g for an ad
subsidized price of a hundred and forty
nine bucks then there's a Wi-Fi
touchscreen kindle for 99 bucks with ads
and a new basic kindle with no touch
screen that will cost just $79 with ads
which by the way only show up when your
kindle is asleep so yeah amazon had a
pretty freakin good week I'm also
expecting a good holiday season for them
actually we'll see if we're still
talking amazon this time next week we
finally have a date for apple's big
iphone event Tuesday October fourth all
the months of speculation about the
iphone 5 will end for a few weeks until
start speculating about iphone 6 it's
like a new American tradition rumors
suggest a new design for the iphone with
a sleeker shape more like the ipod touch
possibly speech-to-text a faster
processor an 8 megapixel camera possibly
a world phone and also possibly two
iphone models a regular iphone 5 and
then a cheaper model aimed at may be
developing countries or prepaid users
and I got to say after the happy
reception for all those cheap Kindles if
I were Apple I'd be super glue in some
gorilla glass to a couple of gum sticks
and showing off the iphone light
prototype that's shipping sometime next
quarter Pocket Books just ain't what
they used to be in quick updates this
week Microsoft released the windows
phone 7.5 mango OS update this week with
its 500 tweaks and changes go check that
one out before the week ends an iphone 5
gets announced and ruins it for you
because it's actually pretty cool also
as Facebook jumping the shark Spotify
users are furious that the music service
now requires a Facebook account before
you can sign up plus it's nagging
current users to cozy up to Facebook so
that spot if I can post updates in the
ticker showing every single song that
you and your friends are listening to
and that's just the beginning imagine
what it will be like when every movie TV
show book and web articles showing up
there too along with all the privacy
invading comments the likes that
dislikes the photo tags from the people
who aren't even your friends god I hate
the ticker also Facebook admitted this
week that a bug was causing its cookies
to continue to track your web activity
as you browse even if you log out of
Facebook ok I love that they will cop to
like every other privacy invasion on
earth but they say the cookie thing is a
bug that is not a bug come on facebook
actually speaking of Facebook let's have
a look at what's clogging the tubes now
when Mark Zuckerberg tried to sell us on
the new timeline facebook profile it was
kind of cool kind of confusing maybe a
little creepy but then Eric least mashed
up the facebook timeline concept with a
scene from Mad Men and has Don Draper
selling it to us instead have a look
Teddy told me that in Greek nostalgia
literally means the pain from an old
to twinge in your heart far more
powerful than memory alone
this device isn't a spaceship it's a
time machine
comes backwards forwards
takes us to a place
where we ache to go again Oh Don Draper
so dreamy so smart so sad okay I'm sold
timeline me Facebook do that thing with
the cookies do I don't care all right
that's the buzz report for this week
everyone I'm mollywood and thank you for
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