CNET Conversations: Lytro lights up photography market with digital camera
CNET Conversations: Lytro lights up photography market with digital camera
digital photography it's not overstated
to call it a revolution turning film
into ones and zeros and in the process
completely changing the way we take and
share pictures but what about how we
relate to them a brewing revolution in
that the other half of what it means to
take a picture is where we're taking you
today so I was always motivated how
could we use this new technology to take
pictures that could help us tell Richard
visual stories to one another ranong is
the founder of Lytro a photography
company that aims to change what you
think of as a photo and in the process
what you want from a camera while doing
PhD work at Stanford Wren got into the
core concept behind the Lytro camera
capturing light now so the photo can be
almost anything later what is it that
this camera is going to do differently
for me as the photographer the consumer
we collect something called a light
field and it contains all the amount of
light traveling in every direction at
every point of space inside the camera
so it sounds like everything you're
describing to me to this English major
is all in multiple dimensions 3d at its
core is that getting close to it totally
is yeah regular photographs 2d all
photographs have always been to d yeah
and with this the light-filled raise
flowing in three dimensions forming this
very high multi-dimensional light field
what really makes the Lytro camera tick
is this a piece of glass called a micro
lens array if you look through that at a
light source you can see how it spreads
the Rays apart right can you see that
yeah it's a huge number of red green
blue and maybe sort of yellow yeah
exactly and raise going a different
direction and they're turning out like
like a pork it exactly
instead of concentrating all the light
in a scene into a flat plane with a
single point of focus that's what
regular cameras do this light field
sensor is able to capture the myriad
rays of light coming from the micro lens
as raw materials more than a finished
photo here's a picture of an eye you can
see it's focused on these eyelashes
mm-hmm and the actual eyeball is a
little bit out of focus actly but with
the light feel backing this you can
click on the picture and bring the
eyeball into focus itself and now you
can see all the details in the IRS and
it's interesting it changed the meaning
of the photo I love this picture too
it's a cricket climbing up a leaf and if
we click around this picture you can see
you know the veins within this leaf or
here where this other leaf is sort of
curling back on itself all really
interesting but what's this in the
background once again started inviting
you to explore and what is it my
goodness it's another cricket in the
background here now if all this
selective focus stuff will initially be
Greek to consumers there's another Lytro
feature that won't be 3d convince me
that the 3d part of what you do is
interesting sure put these glasses okay
these are active shutter glasses and
it's kind of remarkable from a single
camera you can get this amount of depth
and notice here I can even change the
view point in the scene after we've
taken the shot so it's not only the
stereo that you get in a movie but also
this ability to change parallax kind of
like you're moving hit your head from
side to side which is actually one of
the strongest 3d effects we spend some
38 billion dollars on digital still
cameras today for about two hundred
dollars you get a huge amount of
megapixels extreme levels of zoom HD
video ability even built in Wi-Fi
sharing and multiple screens now that's
a lot for a little and a lot to compete
against I think for me photography means
a lot of different things in many many
different contexts I think you can use
it in lots of different ways you can use
it to take regular photographs more
easily there's a lot of value in that
tremendous value in democratizing
photography further even beyond where we
have been today but there is also
tremendous value to opening up new
artistic avenues and the artists we're
going to find it just easy and you know
something which has made their previous
craft become
something which is cheap no they're
going to find that life you photography
opens entirely new kinds of artistic
challenges you're making cameras but is
that the end game do you really want to
get in the camera business or are you
proving a point to get this into all
other cameras this technology can affect
everything with a lens in front of a
sensor from mobile phones through to
high-end cameras at this point in time
though the company is laser-focused on
this first electro camera and in the
process must take on the much bigger
task than just building a new kind of
camera getting consumers to want a new
kind of picture
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