CNET How To - How to set up and pair your Apple Watch for the first time (or, second)
CNET How To - How to set up and pair your Apple Watch for the first time (or, second)
so you just got your new Apple watch
here's how you set it up
I'm Scott Stein and I'm going to show
you how when you first take it out of
the box plug it in to charge then when
you turn it on it's going to ask you
your language enter your language and
then it's going to ask you to open the
Apple watch app on your iPhone that's
already on your iPhone waiting to go if
you've updated the iOS software then you
aim the camera lens
at your watch and it automatically
recognizes it and starts pairing with a
little clever animation once in a while
that may not work if you have to you can
always tap in little I icon on your
watch to get the name of your watch then
it will send a six digit code onto your
watch that you enter on the Apple watch
app now if you're restoring from a back
up doing this a second time it will ask
if you want to restore from a backup
that it's already made on your iPhone
now you got to accept a bunch of things
terms and conditions you got to enter
your Apple ID and password or two-step
authentication which I recommend you
setting up if you haven't already
location services Siri Diagnostics all
you have to click OK and then the Apple
watch passcode it asks you to set up a
four-digit passcode just to be safe if
it's taken off your wrist for safety
enter it now or you can make it a longer
passcode you can change this later but
you have to enter a passcode then an S
if you want to unlock your Apple watch
with your phone automatically you can
click yes or no from your watch you can
change that later now it begins to sink
this could take a while keep both your
iPhone and your watch plugged in
connected with Bluetooth and Wi-Fi in
the same room maybe give it about 20
minutes it's restoring your apps or
looking through your iPhone for all of
your apps and installing the ones that
are compatible automatically after that
little wheel slowly fills in it turns on
everything is working pretty easy keep
in mind that those Apple watch apps are
going to keep installing in the
background for a few minutes after
you've set it up those little circles
fill in and it's kind of like when you
install apps from your iPhone
good luck Apple watching I'm Scott Stein
at Cena and that's how to set up or
restore your Apple watch with your
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