one of the things I miss most about
physical books is the simple luxury of
making copies if you're an e-reader
owner like me and you want to print out
a page for reference or for highlighting
and saving important info you might be
wondering if it's possible to get
physical copies of these digital pages
well with the little trickery you can do
it here's how depending on what device
you're using head to either the web
version or desktop version of your
reader since I'm using a new cat home
that's for me here
I'll open up the web reader next I'll
open up this copy of the public domain
classic Dracula and go to the page I
want to print here I'll adjust the font
size to my preference then resize the
browser window so that it's at about the
same aspect ratio as printer paper now
take a screenshot of the page on windows
launch the snipping tool and select just
the eva page when you've grabbed the
shot make sure to save it now open it up
and print it make sure not to stretch it
since that will blur the text finally
set it to print in black and white only
and hit print as you can see it's pretty
close to making copies of an actual book
in fact it's even better since you have
control over the font size but remember
that if you want to do any highlighting
your best bet is to print with a laser
printer otherwise you'll get ugly
streaks that look something like this
just repeat this process for any other
pages you want to print but be sure to
tackle this project for personal use
only oh and if you have an e ink reader
you can just make a copy of the screen
that looks something like this
but do plan to do some trimming if you
have any questions or tips hit me up on
Twitter and check out the step-by-step
instructions on how to see Netcom for
CNET I'm Sharon Vaknin
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