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CNET How To - Stop Google from tracking your voice

when you ask Google now a question or use text-to-speech to respond to someone these recordings are saved to your Google account while these recordings can only be accessed by you they could include some you know sensitive information you don't feel comfortable having in the cloud or maybe you just don't want your voice on Google servers to see and listen to all your voice recordings head to Google tap your portrait in the top right corner and select the my account under the personal info and privacy section click on account history then scroll down to the voice searches and command section and select manage activity here you can play and listen to old commands you can also delete them by clicking the checkbox next to the recordings and selecting the delete option in the top right corner if you want to delete everything at once before you check off any boxes click the 3 a con on the top right corner select delete options and choose to delete recordings from today yesterday the past week the past four weeks are all of them all together now to be clear Google uses these recordings to improve speech and audio recognition but if you still want to stop Google from storing your voice recordings altogether click the three on tap settings and toggle the blue switch to off you'll be prompted to confirm that you want to pause recording history if so all you have to do is click the pause button you can now speak freely to your phone without having to worry about recordings being saved to Google servers for more tips and tricks like this one be sure to check out how to t-nut calm you can also reach out to me on twitter with any questions or comments i'm dan grozny unforseen it thanks for watching
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