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CNET How To - Undo sending those embarrassing emails

oops you just hit Send on an email you really didn't want to get out now there is an unsend option in gmail before it used to be a labs only feature so it was in beta but now it's available to everyone and I'll show you how you can activate it open up gmail on the web and then click the settings cog scroll down to the settings option and then make sure you're in the general tab then all you need to do is go down until you see a feature called undo send you need to click enable undo send then choose the timeout period between when you click send on the email and when the email is actually sent now simply scroll to the bottom of the page click Save Changes and you're ready to go so now to test it out i'm going to send an email complaining about things to my best friend but accidentally put my boss as a recipient subject line you will never believe what happened today and just for good measure i'm going to include a funny animated image and then click send and then all of a sudden when i see send i can suddenly hit undo at the top which i'm going to definitely want to do because otherwise it's going to my boss once I've hit undo you'll then see the email pop back up again and you can either edit it or probably on the safe side deleted that's a look at gmail undo send feature if you want to find out the full step-by-step tutorial go to how to cnet com
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