
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

CNET Labscast Ep. 18: Dell's XPS 13, new PlayStation Vita apps, and the Galaxy Note

alright we are going to successfully do a scene at labs can show now I know Julie I know I'm even put my headphones on that means it's real official okay and we have our special guest to hear today a Scully hello Scully now you know it's actually real name people actually name's Kelly so it's not as funny mr. Mick skull that would be five miles last names going that's right that's right or or or the guys companion in uncharted is his name Scully yes yes though so mr. Mick skull Vin Scully gully captain skulls a lot is he have his own camera uh nobody got a theme in the overhead shot really well okay we could cut to him for reaction shots that we only imagine he shot his shot is the overhead she always okay that's his reaction that's his camera it's kind of a lifeless gave where I am something we feel doesn't succeed we'll cut to you Scully cut the Scully like product fail alright so we got we have three big things to talk about today because we're also hardware and product focused here on the scene at last cast number one is and and this is a no particular order they've taken the sony playstation vita which we played around with the other week yep and added a whole bunch of new apps to it a new functionality well that's kind of cool make some more than just the uncharted game playing device number two i got the samsung galaxy note here it's the only hot phone of the year so far or is it a tablet you tell me i want the big pants pocket discussion about that i'm sure and then julie has got what Scott has deemed the the dell book air Dell's version of a macbook air that is avail XPS 13 which of these topics would you like to discuss first Scott why don't we dive into the Vita the Vita I love it so we've been talking about it in and yeah those new updates came in we talked about this last week and we were thinking about what the Vita you know is good for addition to gaming and I keep dreaming of personally it's my Moby Dick the idea of a playstation phone just because and i wrote a piece about how I think the viet next video should be a phone a lot of people criticize it what I mean to say is that I credit Sony to that degree that they're capable of making a phone and the xperia play as much as you may not like it it's actually somewhat capable as a concept if they only had analog sticks and if the device only played next gen games and now that the Vita is all downloadable and also those cards are so tiny and that screen resolution is what 960 x 540 it's like iphone 4s like there's no reason you can't shrink that down to four inches or three and a half and if you get those graphics down to a smaller device I don't know the thing is yeah those apps launch you know there's netflix there's facebook there's flickr there's a twitter capable app all this stuff is trying to make it like a smart device like a smartphone everything looks like apps but it's just not a phone there's not a phone and it's so big that it's not I mean here doesn't mean it's it's a very nice device is just not very pocketable at all well that's what they said about the samsung note which they actually made into a phone they're actually probably almost the same so they are danette hold them up they're uh they're very similar ones obviously thinner here well you hold vote yeah so here we go yeah your magnets way from there yes right one is a was 5.4 inch yeah 5.3 5.3 is a 5 inch but it's significantly deeper yeah you can see the thickness is the big deal here but they're very similar sized devices all told if you think about it and you know you could use that screen that that oled screen and use these apps and it's touch compatible it works like a smartphone I mean it's awesome for videos and yeah that's it and those of them those the types of functions I want to see more on the Vita Netflix works it's a little slow to start once it gets going it is great on the screen the more I want to see other video apps that the live tweet app which is their version of a twitter app which is okay it's not any better than you could get from Twitter I'd almost rather go to Twitter on the web browser that's built in yeah and I played around with facebook on it oh that's right facebook coming on here but you know you bring it up facebook was very slow loading and then i noticed i got pulled from the store i'll really along there that was that was not that impressive the twitter ones okay um filter about you know whether you should have an email client or not I don't know but I think the more that you put in those any streaming music services like Pandora and others and obviously like HBO Go Hulu Plus I'm sure they'll be on the Vita at some point do you really think so hulu plus i could see Sonya will want its competitors on its device now here you go well the relay station 3 so I feel like it's but I can't get the actual signal here so all right is the interface there are no tweets there are no tweets you know yeah what I'm Alex can we launch that let's see uh Matt as long as disconnection is going on yeah we get it working the works around of the same way yeah the netflix doesn't anything else so that's all cool but it took them a while to get those apps and games available first obviously right and uh you know i'm not sure i just like they have twitter and facebook built into xbox live right nobody ever uses that the only way it would work well is you want it for social connectivity in games I don't feel like I feel like outside of its like an iPhone I like the idea of facebook connect because it's a more even more than Game Center obviously it's a more direct way of playing games like words with friends now they could if they I don't know if they want to put facebook connect in because PSN is their network but that would be how I'd like to use Facebook as I agree and I don't really care for tweeting in games because this point annoying right these like racing games i do want to tweet your achievement no i don't ever want to do that personally but you know yeah it's not working here right now but every video and audio app i mean again the playstation 3 does have MLB it's got NHL NFL game you know sunday game ticket whatever they've got the name of it but the you know game ticket service it's an interval sunday ticket and they also have Hulu Plus and they have voodoo on the PlayStation 3 they were the first to get voodoo and so you'd think like you said would they want that well they've done it so with it with i'm thinking more of their music apps like pandora they don't have that on music they might not know because they have their own so using a living yep you're texting music unlimited oddly spelled yeah but also the owl so that music inhibited service how are those differently the same thing is a type thing i think is really see umbrella brand okay and then a music has media art of it again because i provide around with i was on the ps3 I tried it was like oh this is kind of an interesting function but most people haven't played around with it I don't know but it's for radio like a tune in radio app they used to have a PSP radio app that wasn't that great but they should they should have a radio app on the Vita I think that's kind of go to poen over-the-air signals not a poem like like tunein radio all of the other web radio yeah okay okay sure and I'll see I mean basically it's as functional as anyone those devices you're dealing with a you know the ARM architecture and everything else you just it's it's just Sony's operating system so I mean I think you brought up a good point Scott when you talk about the sony ericsson playstation phone yeah that was okay as a phone but did not satisfy if a gaming device right so yeah the xperia play you know if you get the game me right in this what happens when you had a half-hearted phone if you even do maybe some sort of VoIP calling well they'll be skype on it and that I thing is in this you get there make sense yeah that could be interesting and I still say shrink this down like the PSP Go which I actually bought yes yeah I it's obviously it's it's not perfect but it was really nice and small I took it out the other day I was like wow this really compact and if they put two analog sticks in and you put me the next-gen Vita get to that size there's no reason there's no UMD in here there's no reason why you couldn't eventually shrink this down that's true it is pretty huge it's big you shrink it down make it really pocketable then you make it sort of an Xperia Play type foaming it like this look at this same size screen maybe ads I mean give me the two analog sticks on it sure but it doesn't have to have the giant wings on it or the you know it doesn't really need that I'd but the touch screen on the back we didn't really need that do not got that's the number yo things were not good what is that for I mean so they could say they have a stably use it for David's work they sure weren't it into things it is like to me it's like six axis on the ps3 when I first launch certain games use that thing and you're like I don't want to use this uh-huh yeah the the main feature that you love the whole point of the Vita is the dual analog sticks it's got ident it's got a console like control that's awesome so you want to use that and and like you said Dan about complexity I agree it has one as maybe one two maybe three too many interactivity functions that you'll never go back to like I feel like when I play the video right now one hundred percent of the time I'm pretty much using the analog sticks and controls that's great yeah uncharted anything else touch I would use if I if there wasn't if I had to get an iphone type game that was ported to it you're like oh it's makes sense to port those things the back touch yeah the back side it's used for weird like it has an itch on its buying like little babies because you PSP are you using for things like other claims uncharted used to zoom in the in the sniper rifle or extra steering functions be there isn't anything I found that you couldn't already do with the other buttons all right it's not it's not in the Senate all big redundancy x 2 x 3 just amazing through it it seems like yeah like why seems like a lot of investment in like a really weird little exit lectures put more stuff more confusing well that's the it did look like it's a marketing you have the list just solidify the prices like you know okay yes its cost this much because that you do all this stuff now here's the question if you were considering getting a PlayStation Vita for the games and maybe you have convinced yourself yet are these extra apps uh Twitter and Netflix and the one or two other apps they really have is any that gonna push over the edge not me no no I designed for the games um I I would only for its sweet like I said a video and and music apps because i don't want to pay sony does have a store for renting like itunes like renting TV shows and movies I don't want to keep paying for that stuff so if i can get netflix hulu plus or whatever else i want youtube is YouTube app on there and i can watch videos on I'm on the go I do like that as a selling point I don't think but only if you don't have an iPhone or an Android smartphone yeah which do those exact things exactly right but the thing is I think that's what people expect and I think that's what you expect now via slaughter tainment that's a good point so you're saying that's the baseline no matter what the device is meant for if it doesn't do Twitter and Netflix and few other things then you just kind of have to have them to just be in the game some people will disagree and I think there's a lot of people say no just dedicated games but I just think that it's already on its way there it's clearly the Vita is designed to be a smart device it is it is in that territory and so I feel like to not have it feels weird okay that's all I feel like it's not even a song I don't need but that's all good yeah oh no I was just gonna say yeah it's pretty much um out of the box at this point those those apps just out of the box for everything exactly you know the fire SS oh yeah you got the me even laptops have some of you know some of those apps on like skype is already there and like right now the facebook app is stuff they're they're making the witches for the laptops was like you did that that's already gotten as part of other out-of-the-box experience already XP that no offense to 3ds you know it's yeah 3 DSS like yeah but uh but yeah for so for the PSP to have that now is just late in the game is like a lot of their stuff that they're featuring as this huge price point is just like dude that's already been done to death at this point like what is new about your product that you know justifies the back touch panel that's know exactly I can scratch my PSP when i get when it is that's a haha does the best extent no you know what say that now that's gonna be a game mechanic in six months yes the Itchy console yeah i think they have to keep it happy like a pokemon i think it's on to something if they can get the battery life better and they can make my portable and just make it smaller oh I got a I got a territory cool little caveat about the playstation vita if you're i went into best buy this week just to see like how they had it set up and they had a big rack of the first party accessories which i don't think we got any of here i take cases and stuff so I said oh they have the power adapter cuz you know maybe want one at home when at work you lose what's the first thing you loses the AC chord yeah um and I saw AC adapter fifteen dollars that's actually pretty good if you lose your AC adapter for anything is usually like pretty expensive to replace it right so so sorry Apple equation nah but it's not here's what it is the box that says AC adapter in it has the the converter block and the plug that goes into the wall it does not have the cable that connects that to the Vita itself oh no that cable it sold separately under the name USB cable in a separate $15 five well it is what Apple does it's the same thing where they sell you the one cable separately and the power brick is another option exactly so so if you lose your cable if you lose your power cord and you probably those connected just go don't go to the store and just buy the AC adapter because you'll get home you'll open it up and there won't be the cable to connect this is another proprietary party not a micro USB oh no it's a fun it's a little I think it might be the same one that the PSP Go has i call it son of a track it's a little uh looks like a mini version of a 30-pin yeah yeah kind of it does it does all right so that those are the latest updates for the Vita maybe next time we'll actually get our act together ahead of time and get some ad hoc Wi-Fi go in and play against each other where we'll do a little round robin tournament which i think would be kind of fun to say so I gotta say like oh and a final known that you're right like totally confusing about the Vita that it's great as a social elements between Twitter and Facebook and then their myriad of social apps they have aa know that idea have names like party and near and like whatever else it's so confusing when you look at it I just want like I agree with you I just want one thing that connects me Sony social right Sony social nicely have all those features my friend know why geolocation stuff its messaging rights make it all one connections whatever you want just a too many way too many socially things going on I got scared may I like the features but I'm just like wait just show me what is going on well this cool you can't see your ps3 network friends on there and get updates and stuff yes okay but i only have like you and david karna i think my only friends on playstation network and as you said like there are ways you can get your vita games that's another small note the game library of evil downloadable PSP games download them on your ps3 and connect them over with that system transfer complicated oh my god and all right speaking of secret stuff things that are not complicated it's not complicated when you wanna make a really cool new laptop you just take the most popular laptop out there and your copy it hey that's what dell did hi Julie what if you got right there i have the dell XPS 13 upside down it doesn't matter but if you do if you took that dell circular logo off the back of the lid replace it with an apple logo with the lid closed you would not be able to tell the difference uh no actually not because i'm just in terms of the black bottom right yeah and it's not as tapered in the front but if you just looked at the lid like from the top down well i think if you look at that from the side view right here mm-hmm you probably you probably would think this is a macbook air um the average person might think yes exactly where and that's clearly what they're going for our eyes are I don't mean to sound like that guy it's just like we're not usually easily perceived that way it's that soldier yeah the top bottom silver but yeah i mean what's you open at this kind of generic though except that has grown glass for the screen that's pretty good yeah and the air does not have that and i like that all over that's a bigger trackpad that most of the dells normally have but back today's i'm presuming yeah back your keys which is nice yes and the glass of the screen is nice but the screen itself i didn't think that was really that great it's only 1366 x 768 law 13 h ere is 1440 x 900 and it's an end and it's a tweener size-wise well it's it's I'll get to the point in a second it's gonna say the screen one lower resolution than you'd expect from a premium 13 inch and a lot of the ultra books have that same resolution but some of them have like 16 x 600 x 900 would be great but it's also it just looks terrible off access it's not a great looking screen you just move your head a little bit and it really washes out they really cheap desktop two screens yeah the one saying it has good you know coming from TV back and you want something has got good uniformity across the screen you don't have to move your head to get something in focus right and that's that's and that was a problem with the original version of the s that you buy OS yeah the you looked at reviewing the 13-inch for this week but yet it's got a noticeably better screen this time than the first iteration and it had that type of screen where you had to move your head a little bit to to not get that sort of gray-green wash and so this so this has got a bad screen is that we're just saying yeah i mean one it's a low resolution screen that you really want in the kind of a premium product lower than the macbook air and it's got terrible off-axis viewing uh Walt Mossberg of the wall street journal's said largely the same thing about it but he said that that della told him they're going to make a higher resolution screen available soon which will hopefully be better probably 1600 x 900 which is which is great i I've seen 13-inch 13 inch laptops with 1920 x 1080 only like one or two but that's just too small yeah anything 1600 x 900 i think it's perfect for something like this it is i've come around at of iOS 13-inch done reviewing the essay has a 900 x 900 you yeah yeah and it is great it's um it's just right yeah you can pack a little more on the screen here here like it a lot ok i like it but you see what about the the the the audio faxes yeah it's it's terror hold up to the camera let's see if you can see that grey green yeah I can totally see where flips for the black something like girls- yeah but the thing is about a laptop he doesn't need to have great off axis because it is a singular default so often you're using in kind of a collaborative way yeah or you're just watching it we're like you're looking around a different thing if you're on a train or something you go to jam it in under a seat like they're just a great yes not cool yeah uh yeah I know I've but I like it too that's the thing um it feels huge ya feel so heavier than you think it will because I think because as Scott pointed out it's a 13 inch screen in something that's more like an 11 or 12 inch body it's actually a very small body for 13 inch I measured it it is slightly larger than the 11 inch air and slightly smaller than the 13 inch air liquor yeah the footprint feels really nice it's it's just crosses over and feels dense and heavy does feel dance the bottom is a little thicker but the material feels nice like a rubberized that's like it's like it's like aluminum on the back magnesium alloy and then carbon fiber I believe on the bottom and I like I like the use of the real estate up here I do wish that the Ayers has when a vessel yeah well they do it partially to save weight they do and then on the 11 inch air I think it's really because you get a full keyboard that's uncompromised I thought the keyboard is really good on this to have nice soft touch they don't colac a lot the quiet which I appreciate yes a night it's a nice look it is nice now it's got these weird ridges on the bottoms guy can you see that yeah the dough has yeah really you're gonna bumpy bumpy under Scott's a little lever yeah they're seized at the carbon fiber so much doing that or actually imprinted in now that that's imprinted but I mean it's got the ridges for I guess probably heat um yeah cuz the fence right there at the body is yeah so so the air obviously it's flat on the bottom and that and that makes it a little little thinner overall what price are we looking at that's 999 with a 128 gig SSD and a core i5 it's pretty good that is Grace is good you can get the same thing in a cheaper feeling thing for like a hundred or two hundred dollars less like the folio 13 from HP epsilon which is 100 less but that's for 999 I'm happy with that you can spend and I think another 200 bucks or 150 and get a core i7 and a 256 gig SSD but no higher screen resolution just yet oh yeah I like a lot i call it the first quote very important laptop of 2012 I just want to know battery life I know that word that's still at dry ending battery life that's the magic number for this is that it almost got four hours I mean four hours five hours of the right four hours 57 yeah but does not a slice Petry open up now 11 in chair territory right not 13 inch air territory now and then and and dared to go back to again Walt Mossberg who got this a few days before us is the only one who did I said that the battery life was kind of disappointing to him I don't know if you ran an actual benchmark on it like we did but so he did it just five I don't behind for would bother me but I overall I think it's actually quite nice I wish was a hair lighter and I wish I had a better screen yeah there you go are most of the the res is 13 by 7 yeah yeah yeah but this is an XPS as they're high in line you want more yeah I kind of expected that for me it was a lot better than their previous big high-profile launch which was the I think the XPS 14 Z which was just a big bulky oh yeah um boat of a laptop that they launched right when everyone else was launching their ultrabooks oh look it's so thin we compared to what our other products yeah it's then compared to other down to our desktops crisis it's a good sense I like the design nobody liked better Scott just move quick quick got check that or folio 13 um I like the size of this better okay I like to feel two side by side maybe later we'll grab like the sizes better but again it while I fully 13 was the number of ports this huh I've got our compromise no ethernet obviously yes I USB ports no SD card and displays for instead of hdmi right nothing and the fully 13s battery life was awesome um in the six our territory thing so that's why I like it using it but sighs why is this design and desires yeah sorry sign in design is awesome she says it's kinda sighs again I'm very cool so our third big gadget of the week is the samsung galaxy see note I saw this ad at CES sounds like wow that's actually something cool because I wasn't expecting to see anything randomly cool it's a big big phone / small tablet I'll turn it on briefly here because the battery's about to die but it's a phablet it's a phablet the phone it's a phone 'let I don't know here a phone yeah that's take a week that's vomit sounds makes like a plastic on the back yeah yes it certainly feels like a pushes in like it's another it's cheap plastic on the back that's the real that's the biggest problem is very lightweight though ooh-wee you're holed up to the camera you doing yes pressed another so to turn it on and then do like a finger swipe to actually get to the menu yeah then just watch your finger there you go and then you're calling someone else got you've had your turn on the phone somehow okay I don't want to do that yeah you broke talk to them on air yeah go there and then we have a stylist or now you know that I think that'll does okay it does ever see the other ryan brian has yeah that's the well advertised feature I guess see the ads for this are not bad no no they're actually pretty enticing and that's all point the concept of the phone or tablet or phablet is very enticing and and they do a good job advertising it's a question of practicality when you actually get it in your hands you know is it too big to use as a as a phone is it too small to use the tablet we were doing a pants check before that's our I I manage that now i am wearing pants eject murray feiss lifted in the front pocket of my jeans it fit but i wouldn't go running around with it you were wearing but i guess more casual slacks it fit in there if your cargo pants that'd be fine skinny jeans not so much it's my bad boy bearings but then so fragile you be afraid to to really run around that just naked in your pocket that much either just feels really plasticky to me any wide wide flat like that curvature of any robot legs would uh it's it's almost cami it's approaching the six inch kindle sighs i wish i have one here but i feel like this is not far off that's a sensation screen this is 5.3 uh it's like the same thing i can pocket the kindle if i want to in a jacket pocket oh yeah and you can put that new jacket by it I put my blazer box green yeah that's a great screen that in my bucket that would be digging into my skin right now while I'm sitting down can hold up the Vita and the right medicine calls the 5-inch screen club and you hear me that's why but you know what I downloaded like Angry Birds on there and it looks really nice on the big screen obviously movies look really great on it but when use a web browser it defaults to the mobile route because it's an android device and then really no matter what anyone says it's one-size-fits-all and whether it's a 3 inch phone or a 5 inch phone or a 7 inch tablet or nine inch tablet it's the same thing so it default to the mobile version of the website and let you go in and manually change it on whatever site you're on so you see those you know like basic boring text links that used to get on your blackberry or your whatever else so it must be a way to hack it I'm sure someone's rig things no way are you talking about on so as so that your browser appears as a full browser rather than a mobile browser right oh it's not so much a hack is literally in the settings like you can change it to to have to not go to the mobile version yes I it doesn't ipod ipad version and blah it's just like it's literally like a ticker-tape okay you can choose the fault is it goes to the mobile version that I have to manually on every cycle go to the full version so that was annoying the finger responsiveness it's good for an android phone uh it's still not the same as you know what I mean it's just not and there are proprietary you know trade secret reasons for that and if you did not use an iPhone or an iPad a lot you probably wouldn't notice but if you do you notice that's that we good oh that's just gonna say that has anyone seen the film top secret the old movie yeah this is seen whether the commit commandant comes up and and there's a big telephone in the foreground it ends I'm Baker because you've got in the foreground of you your shot they're nicer oh my god let me know if you've condition improves I remember they is dead that's a good reference oh yeah yeah that the we're not showing it now obviously but the stylist I'm interested that it I guess it uses wacom technology yes it's yes an active stylus they can't use like your 3ds stylist or anything right and it allows some extra functionality and serve like I'm sketching this fun it's a little sketch pad but how do people walk around sketching skating comment and it's healed over day I do we have it I'm gonna go to the park a new character too i'm going to edit a PDF today kapiti artists practicing their art as he got up on the wall its residue leaving a electronic paper trail then that the police can follow meet put on the battery this is trying to make is trying to appeal the David Hockney to try to steal him away from the iphone is near the edge device of choice so if you just need a phone I'm not sure this is the right device for you if you just need tablet again I'm not sure it's sort of a jack of all trades master of none but it's cool and I appreciate people doing different things and playing around with stuff you know so so that's my take on it I'm not sure I'd find it that useful but I prenatal ugh analog sticks ah that's the final step but you know the more different types of phones we have in terrible things the better oh yeah oh no but a magnet on it I can destroy you have right tell tell us about these things here we delay my face for the head of the whole podcast which way i feel like i'm d magnet magnetized the entire studio with the S yeah I wasn't able to talk about twenty fair last week as I was away and the week before and then we didn't have a show last week but when I looked at Toy Fair came back one of things I enjoy playing with nanodots who make these little tiny magnets have finally made mega dots which are the larger marble sized version and you can get them in a pack of 30 and you mix them together and that looks like some strange infectious disease of magnets and you can make them into bracelets or whatever else and interestingly myth-busting thing apparently the Nano dot guys had reminded me that as far as demagnetization or concerns really only need to worry about magnetic hard drives and credit cards they're reminding me that for LCD screens or phones even you can bring these magnets right up to it and be fine now as is these two solid state stuff is fine right so we ramp to your smartphone etc of course most people are not comfortable with that I'm still not comfortable with it even knowing that it freaks me out but of course magnets are in devices like iPads so there you go um and uh yeah so there are these things so tell me what I tell me about the danger of accidentally swallowing these yeah yeah so these are not for kids in fact they have a clear warning for for the age and I think it's much higher than you expect they certainly don't look like something a kid would find fun at all no one of the dangers they warned about as if I'm being sarcastic but you think they look incredibly fun if you swallow these little dots they said the risk could potentially be that they would go into your intestines that your intestines could stick together across that these little dots go to ocean strong magnets in other parts of it's terrifying but that is a real risk to swallowing these they also said this is a grid point that the magnet strength on these larger ones was reduced is they they proudly said that if they had brought them up to the strength of the smaller dots these would break your fingers if you played with them when they snap together there was a racket they could snap they could break your back what's the bet that will come out with an extreme edition he's great thank you snapping power but they're there it also gas four point oh haha they're awesomely addictive little desk toys and there's a you know you can build stuff out of them but they are not for little kids or even be youngest kids they're they're a good thing good thing Joseph is not here this was off on his Chris well Scott thank you for showing us your balls I'll get it welcome agentic balls yeah I'm multicolored all right well we're gonna go finish up our testing of the dell XPS 13 and and it's gots working on a sony laptop review and tie you work in anything exciting these days a TCL 40 inch television that's like a cheapy brand right yeah it's like apparently it's the most popular TV on amazon those are the ones i think you want to bestbuy there's kind of stacked up by the cash dirty much candy party like an impulse buy it's it's not even there next to the crisps and the the soft drinks the TCL 40-inch the crisp scott crisps and crisps and the chips Natalie I wife yeah British Australian connection how much is this TV costs three hundred and eighty dollars and how big is our 40 inch sham wow so as you can imagine it's fairly basic but among the teachers yes oh wow but well my my uh let next time I TV blows up the he right I'm in the market still i'm window shopping but we just round your TV yes alright well thanks for joining us every monday allegedly if we get the stream working uh 2 p.m. eastern cnet labs cast or just pick up the episode later at at / labs caster on facebook at / cnet labs cast or on twitter little @ sign at guess what that's right peanut labs guest and that is all we will see you next week where I think we have some very exciting things to talk about I can't even say what they are now but they are exciting how about that for mysterious and they don't get some music going otherwise i'm just going to feed into the yellow go there you go I goodbye see ya
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