I would like to have been an engineer
but my father was and he discouraged me
said they'd never hire all-woman 97 year
old olive Haru grew up in a time long
before computers we had no electricity
no radio Olive had one wish to visit
Google to me it's a epitome of all the
wonderful tech stuff that comes out
olives wish was granted by her assisted
living community Brookdale and the
organization wish of a lifetime from a
driverless car to virtual reality olive
wasn't just searching Google she was
touring it this is fabulous oh my god
yes I'm seeing something oh my gosh can
you possibly tell me what up there
that's so fake it to me you call a cloud
the cloud is basically a computer that I
don't have to hold in my hands but I
have access to just like that push a
button and you have history right and
further oh my god
to the right you can look around you
meet all the way around I'm absolutely
terrified don't miss you see who when I
was growing up if you ran outside the
curve you would be scolded yeah you have
to draw it by the last part of a job oh
isn't that amazing I like a little kid
where are these coming from even though
all it was wowed by all this new
technology she thinks people these days
spend too much time living through their
smartphones I think they're missing a
lot I think we're missing a great deal
look at life
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