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CNET News - Can a Nest smoke detector be as exciting as the iPod?

my smoke detectors why not smoke detectors that's really the case why hasn't there been any innovation since the 70s and smoke detectors as far as I can tell they look basically the same they do basically the same thing and they annoy you the same as they did in the 70s when I was growing up you know they beep at night they'll beep when they and go off when you're cooking or maybe when you're taking a shower when you look at these things and a product that's mandated by in every single state in the Union and you have to have three or four of these per home at least minimally why hasn't there been more innovation in this area why hasn't there been something that doesn't wake you up in the middle of the night when the battery is low it just seemed totally obvious to us can you talk about your demographics or where the customers are you have now well it's one where we have now so our customers today are in all 50 states they're in Canada every province they're actually in 90 countries where we don't even sell they're less Nest Learning Thermostat so people either come to the US and take them somewhere into their home country or they actually go on eBay and find some gray marketer does that so it reminds me a lot of like the iPod days and the iPhone days the early days when they weren't available in those countries people came and sought out the technology and brought them to their home country you brought up the comparison to the iPod is it really I mean it's just still a little bit unimaginable to me to compare such a device is it that is it that exciting to you absolutely look we're talking about revolutionising yet another category that you interact with at some point in your life or as part of your life and so for me we are passionate we are passionate about crazy enough to be said thermostats and we're passionate about smoke and CO detectors why that's what it takes to reinvent categories you need to have the passion this isn't just about business this is about changing our lives and changing your lives to make it better or there other again without divulging your roadmap when you look around your house or are there other things that frustrate you that you think I mean what do you where do you see this connected world going well I don't think everything that could be connected should be connected so you know we have to look at key needs in inside the home and where key touch points are a lot of people are creating new like oh we're going to put a tablet on a refrigerator to me that makes absolutely no sense you have a great interface with you at all times in your phone or your tablet you take with you why put another one on a refrigerator that you have to maintain and software update doesn't make much sense to me so I think that you're going to see other products get this connectivity for energy data for convenience data but it was not going to all have displays in your face they're just like nest protect there's not a display there it's about ambient information and bringing that information and combining it into an app like the nest nest app I think you're going to see many more products inside the home get embedded technologies not necessarily in your face heads up there's smoke in the dining room here's a weird one how did you pick the voice we didn't just pick one voice we picked five different voices we picked American English American Spanish we picked French Canadian we picked Canadian English and we picked British English smoke alarm hushed what was really important was to make sure we had a mother tongue version of the language if there is an emergency studies have shown that kids are more likely to wake up through a mother's voice instead of a horn sound of a smoke alarm so what we want to do is bring that mother's voice on that local dial in that local tonality to the product emergency there's smoke are there things from Apple that you've carried over to nest or things like culturally or ways you come up with ideas or things that you could that you've taken from iPad iPod times that you can show me well I you know Apple was an amazing experience and many of the people here are from there and and and the biggest thing lessons that we learned is about experience right it's all about creating experience not just a product experience but a sales experience a how do you learn about the brand experience about how people communicate the experience they have to their friends and family at Apple how you sell it how you package it how you unbox and all of those things were all key to the experience and what we believe we're doing here at nest we want our customers not to just look at our product singularly but we want them if they buy multiple products multiple categories of product so we want them to work even better together and so in the case of the the CEO detector and the thermostat what happens is the number one cause of CEO leaks in a home are due to faulty furnaces something is broken in the furnace and CEO is leaking into the home so what nest protect does is if it detects a co leak it tells a nest thermostat in the same home to turn off so hopefully we get the number one leak source of the leak in the home shut off right away so these are the kind of things that we can do better when when they're all engineered and designed under one roof you
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