CNET News - Check out how Apple Pay works on the Watch
CNET News - Check out how Apple Pay works on the Watch
now if you go to lunch or want to pick
up dinner on the way home you might go
to Whole Foods well you can use Apple
watch to actually pay for things while
you're checking out I've got my credit
cards right inside my watch
to bring one up all I have to do is
double tap the side button and it brings
up my credit card and then I just put my
watch near the merchant terminal and
I've paid that's it I'm done super
simple to pay with Apple watch now since
we're not actually at Whole Foods right
now I have a rigid terminal right here
this is a little handheld one so when
you put your watch next to the scanner
it'll do this that's it you're done
super easy to use Apple watch and you
don't have to
it's a lot of fun to use and you don't
have to bring the watch face and touch
the merchants Ermel so you should get
close to it you'll get the audible noise
that you heard and you also get haptic
feedback on your wrist so you know the
transaction was done super super easy to
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