CNET News - Chromecast now works with Google Photos
CNET News - Chromecast now works with Google Photos
say you're at home hanging out with the
family talking about that epic day you
had at the scary skate park you quickly
pull up the photos and videos but then
what your phone gets passed around and
where everyone Huddle's around your
small screen but no one can actually see
or hear meanwhile your TV is sitting 10
feet away turned off almost as if it's
mocking you well no more we're bringing
chromecast to photos let's take a look
here again we have my phone and on this
side we have a TV connected to cast the
photos app is detected that a cast
device is nearby so we'll just tap the
button select the device and you'll see
we're ready to go when I tap into a
photo it immediately shows up on the TV
I can swipe through my photos and videos
and they will automatically update on
the big screen I can even cast an
animated gif let's say I want to find a
different photo to cast on my phone I
can leave the fullscreen view scrub
through my library zoom out I can look
at my albums I can even do a search
notice this whole time the last photo I
casted is still up on the big screen for
everyone to look at even though I'm
navigating my library
unlike mirroring this lets me control
which photos and videos I cast so you
don't have to worry about sharing your
screen while you're searching your
library for that next photo what if your
photos and videos haven't yet been
backed up no problem if we go to the top
of my library you'll see a few photos I
took this morning and if you notice the
cloud with the slash through them this
is designating that these photos haven't
yet been backed up to my Google Photos
account they're purely local to the
device but I can still cast them
chromecast and photos is rolling out
this week on Android and very soon to
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