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CNET News - Dos and don'ts of Internet safety

with a recent hacking attacks of target neiman marcus michles and yahoo consumers are concerned with their digital habits but they could be doing more to protect their online safety a third of the people seem to be exercising good judgment when they text a third of the people seem to be limiting who can see them on social networks a third of the people seem to be limiting the general information that's available online that means the majority of people are vulnerable to online dangers in crime according to the results of an Internet safety survey for Microsoft 15% of them said that they had become a victim of a phishing scam thirteen percent said someone tried to actually be them online and impersonate them online and nine percent said that they had fallen victim to identity theft protect your online privacy by browsing with HTTPS in the address bar S stands for secure update your security settings on social media never shop online or make financial transactions over public Wi-Fi and always use unique passwords for different accounts but don't feel like you have to rely on your memory to store all of these new passwords lastpass is a browser extension and mobile app that allows you to store all of your passwords behind one very secure gate to further protect your private information mask me is a browser extension and app that acts as the middleman between you and an online retailer keeping all of your information private when it comes time to put in your credit card information masks me because it's a browser add-on will pop up and say would you like to create a masked credit card you put in the credit card number that they generate for you you put in the billing address that they generate for you finally always use a passcode for your phone and lock your computer when you walk away in San Francisco I'm Kara Tsuboi for CBS News you
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