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CNET News - Get your body into VR games

one of the biggest problems with virtual reality right now is here you're immersed in this world and you're there you're in full 3d you feel like you're there but then you look down and you don't have hands you don't have a body it's something where you actually can't interact with it and so having a mile in this environment really helps because you can actually put the hands in the game so this is chris here he's inside of our oculus rift demo this is a very early preview of what can be done by combining these two technologies you'll notice that when Chris moves his arms in real life his arms will move in the game and that's exactly what he sees on the oculus rift headset so this is something that provides that extra layer of immersive pneus to the game or to the content that he's looking on he's able to actually have his hands in there an average video game you're sitting on your couch and you're you're kind of taking outside of the game like you do kind of get into it after maybe three hours of gameplay but you know this one it takes like five seconds for you to be like deep inside of the game and almost forget where you are so that's that's totally different compared to other video games the oculus rift allows me to enter this world where you know I look around and I'm in an environment that you know I'm not actually in and I looked down and thanks to the Myo I you know I have my arms in here as well you know I can make a fist and it makes a fist same with the other side and now it allows me to do some like pretty wild things like for example I can hang on to this lightning bolt and I can shoot it off to the distance you know same on the other hand I can go like that i can go crazy and shoot even more it just like it brings me into this world that I you know never been in and it's it's pretty wild you
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