CNET News - Google Now voice search comes to desktop
CNET News - Google Now voice search comes to desktop
Thank You Alma I'm so excited to be here
to bring to life when Tom it was talking
about let's start with a scenario that
might happen in my family planning a day
trip to santa cruz with my husband and
kids i'm going to walk over to the
computer here and what you see here is a
chrome browser in full screen mode and
I'm it was talking about hot wording now
this is really hot we just took it off
the press this morning and I've actually
never tried hot wording in a room with
so much ambient noise so no hands ok
Google show me things to do in santa
cruz you are popular attractions in
santa cruz
what you see here is coming from our
knowledge graph the knowledge graph
knows that Santa Cruz is a place and
that this list of places are related to
Santa Cruz I like the natural bridges
state beach it's a nice place to relax
with my family but I kind of like
something more active what about the
boardwalk ok Google show me pictures of
the santa cruz boardwalk here you go
some pictures related to the santa cruz
boardwalk nice i love a wooden roller
coaster so does my husband be nice to
see if our kids like it too the only
question is will it the dry be too long
ok Google how far is it from here the
drive from your location to santa cruz
beach boardwalk is 73.9 miles
that was my favorite search and you know
why it's because I barely said anything
it here well somehow Google knew that it
was the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk and
here is right here Nana Cruz Beach
Boardwalk and here is right here now the
final thing that I'm going to need to
prepare is where to eat my kids love
seafood my daughter actually loves
muscles and it's pretty funny to watch a
four-year-old eating mussels sonalee try
and find a seafood restaurant ok Google
show me seafood restaurants in Santa
Cruz here are addresses for seafood
restaurants near Santa Cruz now I've
heard of this one Johnny harborside I
can click look at the details and even
go ahead and make reservations right
here so there you have it this is the
latest voice experience coming to chrome
and Chrome OS
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