CNET News - Google makes Internet of Things platform 'Brillo' official
CNET News - Google makes Internet of Things platform 'Brillo' official
brillo is derived from Android but we
have taken Android and polished it down
hence the name brillo be this is
basically the lower layers of Android
the colonel the hardware abstraction
layer the real core essentials so that
it can run on devices with a minimal
footprint things like door locks because
it's derived from Android you get full
operating system support things like
connectivity you have Wi-Fi Bluetooth
Low Energy built in and working with
nest we are adding support for
alternative connectivity like like
thread so that there are low-power
wireless solutions as well we have
thought about security from the ground
up and given it's based on Android you
get immediate scale many many device
manufacturers can use it in addition we
provide device manufacturers can manage
it from a centralized management console
they can provision these devices they
can update them and so on set it's an
end-to-end functioning operating system
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