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CNET News - Google voice search talks circles around Siri - Inside Scoop

hey everyone welcome to the inside scoop I'm cnet's cars you boy joined by senior writer Casey Newton and Casey everyone is talking about the google app with the newly added voice search that's right so yesterday Google dropped an update on its main google app for iOS and the big new feature is voice search so but it's not any ordinary voice search this is voice search that understands natural language so whereas in the past we've always been able to hit the little microphone and say golden gate bridge and get google results now you can ask it a question and say how long is the Golden Gate Bridge Google understands and will tell you the answer and feet and will even use a voice to say it out loud well how long is the Golden Gate Bridge let's look it up let's do it right now so I'll just open up the app here hit the microphone how long is the Golden Gate Bridge there you go that came up instantaneously it does and it's really interesting when you ask it the question as you're talking out loud Google will show you your words so you can kind of watch Google understanding you in real time I love it I feel like it builds confidence in the app I love seeing my words show up right on the screen yeah that it understands you don't have to you know stop it start it all over again which of course just takes up valuable time all right let's ask another question okay let's see what is 9 times 50 that's pretty good if you need a split a check with a friend in a restaurant or whatever absolutely very cool so obviously we can't talk about this without bringing up ms siri who already lives in your iphone what do you think this is going to do to siri in her voice skills well it definitely gives other people an alternative and i think that most people who run the same sorts of searches on Cirie and google voice search will find that google voice search is faster and more accurate so if nothing else it's going to put more pressure on Apple to get Siri right Syria's been out for more than a year now there have been promises that it's going to get a lot better frankly it hasn't really yet still of those Syria does have a lot of advantages over an applet google voice search right it's baked right into the system software it's able to do things that the google voice app will never be able to do for example make a restaurant reservation right through Siri and a bunch of other cool tricks like that yeah like integrating with your calendar or by creating reminders for yourself the google app is just very standalone for search that's right and it's cool that it goes to show that you can't have both on one device so both have their purposes maybe yeah absolutely and there's nothing to stop you from putting the google app right on your home screen and using it whenever you want to ask my question very nice thank you so much casey newton and for more reviews on the google app with the voice search you can check out cnet com I'm karsey boy thanks for watching the inside scoop
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