CNET News - High-tech rifle lets shooters hit a target 1000 yards away
CNET News - High-tech rifle lets shooters hit a target 1000 yards away
what makes it different oh so we
essentially make a smart rifle okay we
take a normal rifle and normal
ammunition and we put a we integrated
with technology that allows someone to
be able to make more accurate shots
allows them to stream video of those
shots and collaborate with them and
allows them to actually download and
share recorded videos of them tell us
how that works with your gun so because
we're able to basically we're able to
integrate several technologies right one
is we have a networks tracking scope
that has a series of sensors in it it
has laser rangefinders which give you an
exact range it has temperature and
pressure sensors it has a inertial
measurement unit in it when what that
does is it's a collection of gyroscopes
magnetometers and accelerometers that
allow the scope to know its orientation
in space because angular orientation is
important from ballistics perspective
and the scope actually also tracks the
target so you can place a lock on your
target it will persistently track that
target as it moves and it will give you
the velocity of that target up to 10
miles an hour and allow you to make that
shot on that target while it's moving in
addition to the network tracking scope
we also also have the guided trigger so
the way a shooter shoots is he
designates a target in and places a
persistent red dot on the place where
that shooter wants to shoot if he
doesn't like it he presses his tag
button again to clear it and he
continues to tag until he gets the dot
he wants yeah when's that dot is placed
he immediately sees a blue X that blue X
represents the immediate ballistic
calculation when he wants to arm the
system he squeezes and holds the trigger
that turns the X red so when the system
will only fire when the red X and the
red dot are perfectly aligned so if he
ever wants to abandon the shot he just
releases the trigger it goes back to
blue X red dot won't fire what
precautions are you taking sure that
these don't get into the wrong hands
especially as your community community
grows well we have an application
process for every gun and every gun goes
through the federal state and local
level background checks that are
supposed to happen you know state by
state they differ but every sale is made
through a federally licensed firearm
dealer in addition we give the owner a
option to passcode his scope what that
allows him to do is when he is storing
he can put a passcode in just like he
has on his phone that allows him to lock
out the advanced functionality that's Co
so it gives him the ability to put an
extra check in for when you know in case
it gets stolen or in case he feels they
don't somehow be out of his control I
mean these are concern you know that
obviously that this could get into the
wrong hands you know and the technology
being so accurate as it is that it could
do some damage more damage than perhaps
what it was intended for obviously well
it's the firearms like we are
integrating our technology with exist in
the marketplace today they exist in
people's hands today so it's a
bolt-action firearm and it is no
different than any of the other firearms
already out there we're just allowing a
person to maximize the potential of what
that firearm can do outside of your
target audience the hunting community
what type of reception have you received
you know for example coming here to the
Bay Area you know which is not probably
as maybe gun friendly as Austin Texas
how are people receiving so we find that
people who don't like guns are not
necessarily gonna like our type have
gone any more than they don't like all
the other guns so you know I that's
understandable viewpoint it is what it
is we find the people who do like guns
and have all of admitted hey that's
pretty amazing technology some of them
have said this is not for me
outside of the shooting community from
people who are not necessarily you know
happy about guns they have to accept the
fact that this is not I didn't do
anything with different with the gun
what we've done is use technology to
make that gun more effective to make the
experience of those shooters who they
already don't agree with a better
experience you know when it comes to a
music player you do want things to be
easy but is there a danger that it might
be too easy for something like a
powerful weapon well it's not a danger
that can be too easy from a perspective
of the people with every experience
people want it to be something that's
easy and it's intuitive to them right so
whether it's snowboarding or basketball
or any any outdoor experience everybody
wants to have the information that they
need at the right time to make the right
decision to be successful at that
endeavor we were very careful to be you
know to be sensitive to the political
environment but at the same time to
emphasize the technology like a Consumer
Electronic Show to be able to say hey
look I understand whatever your beliefs
may be and whatever
your politics are with respect to
firearms we were here to showcase the
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