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CNET News - How to max out your Cyber Monday savings

there's nothing like a shopping frenzy to dampen your holiday spirit but why add undue stress this season here's how you can make the most of cyber monday first to save time set up accounts for the sites where you plan to shop beforehand then research the products you want to buy and prioritize your shopping list with hundreds of like-minded bargain hunters eyeing the same items cyber monday is no time to lollygag to avoid buyer's remorse and make sure you're getting the absolute rock bottom price use a price comparison site like Google products or install a browser extension like price blink or invisible hand whenever you're on a site that has a product on a price it will automatically pop up and see if there's any better price on that product that you can find across the web chances are you're buying at least an item or two from Amazon this year if you have a relative who has an amazon prime membership ask them to add you to their account membership perks can be shared with up to four people by adding your family members are being added as a family member you can get that free two-day shipping and not have to spend a dime on a prime account if you don't end up snagging any deals don't panic many will be available beyond Cyber Monday and if you're shopping for yourself come on we've all done it wait until after the holidays prices will be better and your blood pressure may have stabilized in San Francisco I'm Sumi das for CBS News
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