hello and welcome to inside scoop I'm
Sumi das and joining me is Donna Tam a
staff writer for seen it thanks for
being with us Donna your problem so
changes are coming to Facebook and you
were at an event today where they were
announced we'll talk about those in just
a second but first I want to find out
about the atmosphere at the event what
was it like yeah well there was a whole
bunch reporters there they filled out
the room nicely and at facebook
headquarters mental partners right and i
think i heard from some folks who had
been at the other event for the search
announcement that graph search grass
search there actually was less people
there and maybe it's because we all kind
of like heard of enough rumors about
what was going on and like plus everyone
knows like you know the newsfeed what it
is right so but definitely before graph
search people were like it's gonna be a
phone it's gonna be like this time we
knew it was gonna be about this fee okay
so what were the announcements that were
made what are the changes that are
coming so basically newsfeed is now
going to have content specific feeds
which means that you can choose what
type of feed you want to browse so that
could be all photos or all like music
related posts which includes the music
your friends are listening to through
other apps or like musicians that you
follow or like on facebook or bands that
you like and then they'll have their
posts rise up in this music feed so you
could do that there's also stuff for
different feeds that have existed before
like the game's only feed and the close
friends feed but now it's all like in
one place and basically they've they've
done a lot to the design in terms of
making it less cluttered right so it's
very did mention that many times many
times less clutter less cluttered it's
gonna be prettier and simpler yeah and
basically what they did was they took a
lot of inspiration from her mobile apps
I noticed that they say that instead of
taking the desktop and trying to make
that the you know replicate that
experience on mobile they took the
mobile version and are trying to make
duplicate that desktop right because
they find it to be a version that has
like faster navigation a lot of ways
because there's a constraint of space
and so because there's that constraint
they they were able to like think of
ways to like make things function still
with the little amount of space they
have and so they felt like that was
appropriate for desktop because
makes it so that the images can be
bigger now the visual element is much
more emphasized in racing design right
so yeah let's talk about that because
they did talk about how it's going to be
visual they mentioned pinterest a couple
of times they mentioned photos a couple
of times what they didn't mention as
much was this little company that they
own code Instagram right I've been there
I'm not sure what happened there but
they definitely after the presentation
was over during the Q&A someone asked
him about that like what about Instagram
what about the treatment that they're
going to get and Mark Zuckerberg said
you know that it's Instagram is there is
gonna be treated like any other
third-party app that they have so
Pinterest like Pinterest you know
pintura is going to get the same amount
of play and big bright photos as an
Instagram photo would but I think that
was his emphasis was like they kept
repeating over and over again how all
the content is treated the same all the
content will get this like new burst of
just just new burst of like visual and
like highlighting the elements that are
important to that kind of content right
and we it makes sense you know people
like formats that are cleaner and easier
to read and digest but why are they
really making these changes well I think
when you ask the people at Facebook
they'll say you know this is about go
bring a better experience to the users
and making it easier for them to find
the content they want to find I think in
the end they also talked about how they
know they realize it's also going to
bring more people have people this will
also have people spending more time on
Facebook right so because they're gonna
be looking to me a deeper dive at things
and spending times on different time on
different feeds and you know it would
result in them as many more time
advertisers probably love this because
it's going to be bigger ads as well so
Facebook is very big I'm making sure
that ads are a seamless part of the
whole newsfeed process and advertisers
have found that those that are put
inside the newsfeed definitely make more
money and attract more attention in the
one to the right hand side where they
kind of just plop them there right right
so in the end this will also mean that
advertisers will get the nice treatment
on their ads they'll get bigger pictures
they're get more emphasis on their links
you know and so people again can see
that within their newsfeed and you'll be
this as if they're you know looking
one of one of the content that may be
their friends provided or something that
does seem handy and could it be all so I
mean there has been some talk that
they're sort of going after Twitter's
business a little bit with this new
revamped is I think people have seen the
similarities and that you know in the
past when they've talked about like how
they do their newsfeed there's a filter
there's an algorithm there's a way of
filtering things out that are going to
be more relevant for you and people have
been upset about you know reacting and
people have reacted you know negatively
in that in some ways because they think
that they won't be able to control what
content they see and not have an
algorithm do it for them so when you
have something like Twitter which just
kind of throws everything out there from
all the feeds you follow yeah you know
this is a way for facebook to kind of
replicate that as well yep all right and
roll that's going to be slow so not
everybody's going to get it all at once
they're going to test it out get
feedback and then gradually Ryan get it
to all of their users correct yeah all
right Donna thank you so much for inside
scoop I'd see me does thanks for
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