CNET News: Is demanding an applicant's Facebook password illegal?
CNET News: Is demanding an applicant's Facebook password illegal?
inherently coercive there's nothing
voluntary about an employer asking a job
applicant for login credentials or
passwords it is coercive and
unnecessarily invasive unreasonably
intrusive into personal privacy so there
needs to be an effort to strengthen and
clarify existing law but in the meantime
the Department of Justice and the EEOC
should be investigating these demands
we're calling for immediate
investigation by both federal agencies
the EEOC and the coroner justice using
existing law just think about this for a
minute by granting a prospective
employer access to your facebook
password someone interviewing you could
get access to information that's not
otherwise public your religion whether
you're married or pregnant how old you
are all the kinds of things that are
illegal to ask in an interview process
so this goes above and beyond
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