CNET News: Matterport develops tech to scan the physical world in 3D
CNET News: Matterport develops tech to scan the physical world in 3D
at silicon valley-based matter port Matt
Bell and his co-founders Dave Gauss back
and mike beebe are inventing new
technology that captures the physical
world in 3d to make it work they're
using this patent-pending 3d scanner and
software you wave around a handheld
scanner and the handheld scanner
captures 3d snapshots of the world and
then our software automatically stitches
those snapshots together for example say
you wanted to scan a small sized room
hold the device and start capturing
objects in the physical space Florence
Schaffer is an associate with the
company as he's taking these scans a
real time model actually comes up and
the point of this is that you want to be
able to see where the holes are where
you haven't scanned so that you can go
back and just paint those areas if you
want to think of it as spray painting
and making sure that you get every
object that you really want the software
allows you to scan any part of the room
in any order Bell likens it to a giant
3d jigsaw puzzle with a thousand pieces
as you do a scan you can look at the
display and see the 3d model of the
space around you coming together when
the model starts appearing on the screen
it's still a work in progress the next
step is to take the pre model send it up
to the company's private cloud for
processing then voila a high-res 3d
image of a physical space Bell believes
the technology could be a game-changer
in a variety of fields anywhere people
need to document a 3d space so that's
architects construction companies
remodelers there are millions of people
in the US who work with 3d spaces and
objects on a daily basis the system is
definitely high tech but it also has
limitations want to capture a model of
the outside world not yet or how about a
really small object difficult to scan
still Bell says these are temporary bugs
the technology will get better over time
ultimately matter port wants the device
to be as easy to use as a point and
camera today 3d capturing systems cost
in the hundreds of thousands of dollars
and it's a challenge for businesses to
get access but Belle hopes to make it
cheap fast and consumer friendly the
sensors are going to get smaller and
more integrated so sometime in the next
two to five years I expect to see 3d
capture devices in tablets so then
everyone with their iPad 5 or whatever
else could just pull that out do a quick
3d scan and then share it with the world
for cnet news I'm Sumi das
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