CNET News - Microsoft reveals latest uses of HoloLens at Build 2015
CNET News - Microsoft reveals latest uses of HoloLens at Build 2015
now mark is part of a team from Case
Western in the Cleveland Clinic we
invited them to use Windows holographic
to advance medical education beyond what
is possible with today's
state-of-the-art take it away thanks
today we use a combination of cadavers
and medical illustrations to teach
students anatomy this is a curriculum
that hasn't drastically changed in over
a hundred years because there simply
hasn't been another way the mixed
reality of the hololens has the
potential to revolutionize this
education by bringing 3d content into
the real world now one of the biggest
challenges for students learning Anatomy
is understanding the body in three
dimensions and of all the different
systems fit together using Holograms we
can easily separate and focus in on
individual systems for example we can
focus in on the femur and students can
immediately see some of the types of
fractures they may one day encounter in
the clinic now I can leverage all of
these new capabilities while maintaining
the important connection with my
students when we're both wearing a
hololens I can see what they're looking
at what they're interacting with I can
assess their progress and they can
communicate with me
and each other naturally for example I
can see if Michelle has a question in
class or whether Gwen has a question
while learning remotely now obviously a
cadaver doesn't move this makes it
difficult to see the way a living body
actually works hololens doesn't have
this limitation systems can be animated
to easily see how things function let's
take a look at the center of the
cardiovascular system the heart it's an
amazing organ in reality it's about the
size of your fist with hololens we can
easily scale up the heart to let
students see my new details we can even
see inside the heart to see the valves
in action this is a new way of seeing
things and it has the potential to help
students understand the structure and
physiology of the body in a way that's
just not possible today
now what you've just seen is a vision of
how hololens could enhance one single
subject but as an educator it's easy for
me to see that it's not just Anatomy
that could benefit from this technology
this could change how everyone learns
imagine for a moment some of the other
fields that could be changed for example
chemistry and genetics art engineering
in paleontology and the best part is we
get to help define that future together
I can't wait to see what your future
holographic developers are gonna do with
this amazing technology
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