Colin Kennedy was working as a freelance
audio and video technician when he
decided to look for a full-time job his
job seeking tool of choice his cell
phone that's what's great about the
mobile app as you can do it anywhere so
you have no excuse not to be looking you
know if you're walking the dog you know
you you can be job hunting at the same
time Kennedy tried a handful of new apps
at aggregate listings and let you search
based on keywords and zip code but found
success with one called indeed I got a
number of interviews from it as well
both phone and in person at a variety of
places I was hired within four days at
Glassdoor we just did a studying we
actually found that sixty-eight percent
of job seekers are now using their
mobile devices at least once a week or
more perhaps more interesting
eighty-five percent say they believe
that mobile devices are going to be the
number one job search device the best
way to find a job in the next five years
it's statistics like those that fuel CEO
Pablo Fuentes in the team behind proven
another mobile app for job seekers
people are most of the time not more
than ten feet from their mobile device
so that enables them to react
immediately to opportunities that may
show up and to have all their documents
that really matter to them for their job
applications for resumes and cover
letters locked and loaded and ready to
go and in today's competitive job market
timeliness can be the key factor to
landing that position in San Francisco
I'm Kara Tsuboi for CBS News
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