CNET News - New Microsoft CEO tries to sell developers on Windows
CNET News - New Microsoft CEO tries to sell developers on Windows
you want to build for windows because we
are going to innovate with a challenge
of mindset we're not coming at this as
some incumbent trying to do the next
version of Windows we're going to come
at this by innovating in every dimension
dimension of hardware the software
experiences across the windows family
and go after this in such a way that you
see us make progress with rapid pace in
fact it was a massive milestone if you
look at what we've done on the phone the
update to the PC and tablet are the new
devices Stephan showed this is all the
what you can come to expect from us and
we'll keep pushing at it there will be a
couple of things that will be pretty
unique to what we do one is what I call
the sensibility we have of bringing end
users developers and IT professionals
together that's one thing that we've
always felt is what birds the magic of
platforms from sort of the first version
of Windows to what we think is Windows
in this era of mobile first cloud first
and then the second real attribute for
us is to be able to create a developer
opportunity which is broad so one of the
things that we are doing is making sure
that the opportunity for you as
developers across the Windows family is
expanding some of the changes that both
Joe described and Terry alluded to where
we are going which is to be able to make
your new applications built for in RT
and the Windows Store in fact the fact
that you can use them in the desktop
mode that completely opens up a huge
base of users for your applications that
your new targeting windows with so this
notion of creating the broadest windows
opportunity for your sockets for you is
a huge priority for us and you know we
have huge volumes still you have
hundreds of millions of pcs tablets and
phones still on a run rate basis and a
billion plus PCs that will all be
upgrading so therefore we
have a significant opportunity for any
application you target windows and then
the last thing is we are betting on this
platform ourselves you saw from Kirk
Owings Bauer how he's building the next
generation of office applications work
for this platform so we are going to
basically use the same platform that we
want you to target to build our own set
of applications so those will be the
three reasons because we're going to
innovate with the challenge of mindset
we're going to create the broadest
platform opportunity in terms of sockets
for you and we are going to bet on that
platform ourselves and that's the reason
why you should target our windows
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